How does it feel knowing I could crush your head like a grape?

How does it feel knowing I could crush your head like a grape?

I've never realized i've so appreciated having a neck.

Time stamp your shit post photo and I'll tell you faggot.


show ass

No leg day?

come at me

one kick to the legs...

Your torso is all kinda of disproportionate to your shoulders, dude.
Do something with your lats and legs ffs

ok but does anyone have this guy's nudes

Man what a time to be alive, when that guy.. for reals.
Is dead.. cause he got his head squished

Between two cars

How's it feel knowing I could just shoot you?


>No lats, teeny tiny legs.
How does it feel to be so disproportionate you look like 2 people sewn together? Youre lifting all wrong, brah.

I feel like you'd be doing me a favor.

why are people taking this bait
be less dumb?

I'm fucking bored shut up.

q pls

Slightly intimidating that you have a gun, funny that you're too much of a pussy to use it, and pretty frickin' good knowing that I'm more manly than you'll ever be
p.s. ur ugly

your proportions are all fucked some fucking legs, less traps more lats tough guy.

what are you made of? latex?

wtf is wrong with your neck?

Funny, you don't look bulletproof.

Pretty good, how doea it feel knowing that your dick is prob shriveled up by now

How does it feel to skip leg day and be 5'2"?