ITT Post a unique super power that is useful

ITT Post a unique super power that is useful.

> Ability to convert into a gas and back into solid.

Ability to always just barely survive any accident

ability to watch anime and understand it without reading the subtitles

Look it's a turd, no it's a fart... It's GAS MAN

So being Asian or not lazy?

Ability to scratch your balls from the inside

>Ability to control the feels.

Swap genders at any moment

Wasn't this fucking Samuel L Jackson in that shitty movie with Bruce Willus

> Ability to see the future of objects, but not people

That's not unique or a superpower, you can already do that, genders are a social construct after all

Be gay, have sex with other guy, wait till he is about to cum, switch to female and say stop. Blackmail for money or claim he raped you.

ability to fuck your mother. (:))))) >Pd__--++)))


>turn into gas

Pick one OP


Not really, Bruce got stronger and more invincible while Sam Jackson got weeker and shitter. And Bruce didnt barely survive anything, he straight up walked that shit off.

This is bait.

>ability to change how light refract on things

True Invisibility (personal and projected) blinding people, painting without paint... put a nice mustache on mona lisa and make kim jong un a black person.

Anyone sold?

Ability to control anything and everything at will

>Ability to convert into a gas and back into solid.
That's called "sharting".

>be in accident
>barely survive, arm amputated
>be in another accident
>barely survive, leg amputated
>yet another accident
>paralyzed from the neck down
>feeding tube accident causes choking
>found just in time
>barely sublibe with tribial bray dablage

Kek nice.

> see cutie, 10/10
> attempt to talk to her
> fuckoff.jpg
> fine then bitch
> go in to restroom and turn into gas
> float over to her and slowly enter her
> wait there
> dbag chad tries to pick her up
> shewantsthedick.Gif
> wait till the get to apartment
> naked
> he enters
> you begin to form into a solid
> holy fuck dbag chad you are so big
> she starts to scream in pain
> dbag user flips out
> you, a full grown man begin to vagina burts out
> fucking ancients shit out of her cooch
> she rips open, blood everywhere
> scream, Johnny's home
> dbag chad runs out, blood all over him
> return to gas form and leave
> Chad on news as Psycho killer

Wtf am I reading. I think I get it, and wtf it is fucked up... But God damn that is mangled.


I would like the power to not feel pain.

> you, a full grown man begin to vagina burts out
> fucking ancients shit out of her cooch


Ability to make anyone believe they're wrong about something after they say it
