Hey Sup Forumsros just bought a gram of weed and my dealer said he added a surprise in the bag with it, what is it?

Hey Sup Forumsros just bought a gram of weed and my dealer said he added a surprise in the bag with it, what is it?

molly in pill form?

your new addiction

would there be any distinct markings on it? cause this pill is blank

If you trust him take it, but be safe. If you don't, don't fuck with it or don't fuck with it at all because at that point anything can happen to you. Hopefully we get a pill expert in this thread

a pill to kill fleas on cats

Any writing or engraving on it?


Breath mint

Dried Nigger cum. Don't eat it user, you will become addicted to BBC

Looks like a 20mg oxy. Don't fuck with oxy.


i licked it to see if that was the case, and its not a mint

Ur a fag

>don't fuck with 20mg of oxy

oh nooo

he might have a pleasant evening.

The fresh part is inside just chew it. You afraid of a good time?

good one

Highly addictive, I've seen regular people become slaves to it. Be careful.

i dont fuck with pills

Don't fucking take it. It could be anything from Ritalin to Cocaine. Don't put that shit in your body, it'll fuck up your life. Weed is fine and harmless but don't go down that hole, it's hard to get out once you're in.

i fw oxy. its LIIIIIIIIT

lmao, eat it you won't.

Good choice mate. On the bright side it's worth 20 bucks if you sell it

nigga thats a fuckin ICEBREAKER MINT

snort it

a mentos

lol no, molly mostly comes in capsules.
oxy would have stamp.

it looks like it's homebrew from a press. I wouldn't fuck with it. Or ask him how much was pressed and what was used/cut with.


You dealer wants you to shoot your load in his pucci

>free surprise drug
> pill
> addictive
> given by a dealer drug

That's smart marketing

Could be Ritalin or Oxy. I've seen both look like these.

>implying he isn't already a nigger's sissy toy

Probably trying to get you hooked on something else

he's tryna get you hooked on something else so you buy more. Don't take it sell it to someone or give it away to a chick for pussy.

even dubbs and ill take it

It's a mint for your breath

If there aren't markings on it, toss it. If there are, look it up with pill identifier.

That's fucking 10mm apiprazole it's literally an antidepressant he thinks you're a sad motherfucker



it could be acid or E

>what is it?
A surprise, it probably wont kill you, so just take it.

It's "The Gay." Don't take it.

tripping ghetto shitskin megafag, gtfo of my thread normie

>tripping ghetto shitskin megafag

did you pay 40 for it

How the fuck would it be acid

That's a heckin' nice claritin you got there

>allergies, not even once

lets see here....

given by drug dealer, no stamp, suprise, free...

my bet is its a benzo chem or opioid thats been pressed into an unmarked pressy.

I oughtta assume its something addictive, but pressies are literally demonic. dont know how much is in it. no go, OP

or the dude was high as shit, and is laughing his balls off back at his house because he gave you a mint or allergy pill as an extra gift, which is honestly pretty damn funny.

Because dealers give pills, which are generally more valuable than a single gram of pot, for free. For purchasing a single gram of pot. Makes perfect sense.

Is there a serial number on it? If so, probably a hydro or oxy. If not, Molly or X.

>Implying stamps can't be easily removed by rubbing your finger on them

serial number, are you serious? how come you trust in those numbers anyways

Usually if you just google the number, you'll find out what it is. If nothing comes up, then it's probably some good shit.

dont trust in those serial numbies, dubs of truth, the real numbers of absolute honesty and trustworthyness

take it pussy you wont


it's one pill. i took one a day for 3 weeks after i had surgery. you get addicted when you abuse it.

nitro for your fat heart?

It's a condensed Big Mac for when you get the munchies.

This dude is a retard.
It could be really anything if it doesn't have serial numbers or a design. I've never actually done E because I've never got my hands on any but a friend told me that if you squeeze it and it's soft it's good shit.Take that with a grain of salt,no clue how true it is.
TL;DR : Just do it pussy

I'm high af.
but the answer is obvious
Ask him wtf it is.
lie and say you took it already if you must...

Im not quite sure what it is, but im willing to offer either revenge porn or a 10$ bill.

>implying opiates aren't the shittiest drug experience you could possibly have followed by feeling like shit and wanting more
found the pharma company shill



It's a smarty nigga damn chill

have fun slowly running out of money chasing a high, turning to heroin for the cheaper thrill, overdosing on shit laced with fentanyl you're dealers trying to hook you on, and decomposing for three days before someone gets worried and they end up finding your body

hope the overdose is sooner rather than later so you don't have as much time to steal shit trying to fund your kicks