Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums

I had cockroaches in my old place. Not I moved in a brand new appartment, but it looks like some fuckers followed me...
They're less than at my old place ( saw like 4 of them in my new place in two month, meanwhile it was one a day at my old place ), but I have NO idea where they're hiding, I searched the whole place, and I clean up everyday, the whole place is clean as fuck
Any experience with them ? Where they are hiding ? Best way to get rid of them ?


Place bits of food literally everywhere. You'll see them soon enough.

ha, but they will probably reproduce faster or bring friends no ? The idea is to find them and eliminate them, but now that you say that some traps are like that, it smells like food, they come, eat it, and kill them

4 of them in two months? That tells me they have a food source somewhere. Do you keep a clean place and have all of your food sealed up? If not, get a shit ton of tupperware and bag clips and secure your food against any possibility of them getting into it. Pet food as well.

Another option is to remove everything, and I do mean everything from your cupboards/pantry etc. and that includes dishes and silverware, because you don't want to be eating off of shit that got hit with roach spray, but just fuckin' thoroughly spray and then clean all of that.

They're never far from a source of food.

Is your name Joe?

Lol I guess you have like zero experience with roaches? You don't realize they live in your walls and shit? They can flatten themselves and crawl through small cracks. Call an exterminator if you want to get rid of them. Otherwise there are chemicals that work to varying extent.

All of my food is pretty much sealed and I clean up everyday.. That's the strange things. But who knows, there fuckers are smart, they may have found something I haven't found yet, but I try to clean up the best I can.

Thanks for the tips, looks like I have some serious stuff to do.

You can try to drown them with sugary water all over our kitchen like how you get rid of fruit flies

They're pretty resilient and can go a while without eating, so it's possible they're just living in your walls or something, somewhere. It's also possible that you didn't bring them along and they lived in your new place before you got there.

If you're gonna hit your entire pantry with roach spray, make sure you clean everything afterward. That shit isn't good for roaches and it's not good for you either.

I got rid of a small roach infestation that way at a trailer I rented. They lived there long before I did and of course the landlord didn't say shit. Also had to deal with ants and drainflies. Fuck pest insects.


Yeah, I thought they may lived here before me, but the fact I had them in my old place makes me t hing some of them followed me, like maybe an egg or two in my stuff or something like that.

Thanks for the many advices, I'll get rid of them soon enough !

Sorry for my broken english too

1. they hate light and movement, so they're hiding when you're around
2. they shit everywhere
3. they breed like rabbits

buy some traps, and tell your landlord you want them gone. you can file a complaint with the city if the landlord doesn't take care of it.

i had them before but I just didn't really give a shit, also mice in the walls. Having cats helps, they're good for vermin. Caught 3 mice and killed dozens of roaches.

Use boric, and glue traps. Sprinkle the boric acid under the fridge, under the stove, and other place that there is no chance you'll step on, or touch. Then bait the glue traps with something that stinks when it does. Something like... Fruit. Thell go for the food, and never make it. They'll get stuck in the glue and starve to death. The boric acid will stick to their feet, and when they clean themselves, they'll invest it, and die. Those 2 things in combination are very effective. When I moved in with my girlfriend, there were A LOT. I couldn't live like that, so I used those two products, and they are still here, because we live in an apartment complex, but there are very few of them now. I still fight them with glue traps, and it works well.

>followed me
Well, if you got tons of shit in your couch, it's possible. But they live literally everywhere... and they don't just eat "human food".


>roach spray in cabinets/pantry
What was it like living in hell and are you doing better these days?

OP here

lot of good advices, thanks Sup Forumsros !

Put up a sign that says:

There's roach poison you can use that kills their eggs. That's important, because roaches can bear offspring that somehow are already impregnated.

Get sticky traps and put them along the walls next to doors and along the doorways themselves. Don't bother to throw them away until your roach problem is gone (or the trap literally can't hold anymore roaches). Every time you see a roach roaming free, get more traps.

Just stop eating at home until your problem is gone.

If you have a pet, that's a problem because they'll eat the pet food. I think cats catch and eat bugs sometimes, though. Might want to leave pet at a friend's until problem is done.

Diatomaceous earth. Buy it online. They scrape against it and it cuts their carapaces, then they dry out.

Americans and drywalls Kek
Use bricks, then you wouldn't have to rebuild your city's every time it gets a bit stormy and your walls would also be tight and you would need less climatisation

Bengal Spray
>low odor
>nerve gas

Give this man a job. Genious!!!