Evening Sup Forums. Where my /rx/bros at? I wanted to discuss some pharmacology whoever wants to shoot the shit...

Evening Sup Forums. Where my /rx/bros at? I wanted to discuss some pharmacology whoever wants to shoot the shit. I'm currently on a decent amount of drugs for depression and insomnia. I have a pretty sweet hookup at this awesome doctor's office. I don't pay a single dollar for dr. visits or any of these pills. It's kind of a hidden secret, and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only people who are able to get narcotic/schedule drugs there.

I'm currently on:

Wellbutrin XR 450mg
Prozac 20mg (just started it a week ago, more on that later)
Adderall salts (non-XR) 20mg


Belsomra 10mg (this is new and I'm guessing pretty $$$)
Amitryptyline 50mg
Doxepin 50 mg


Vivitrol injection (costs over $1000 apparently if insurance doesn't cover it)

I feel like they are working well. The Wellbutrin made me quit smoking cold turkey immediately and haven't had a cigarette since last November (wow almost a year). Adderall is the shit; I goddamn love the stuff. I decided to give Prozac a try just for shits and my desire to fap has dropped to zero.. I'm going to have to keep my eye on this because if the sexual side effects are too severe, I'm getting off of it. This Belsomra stuff is new to me as well (narcotic schedule IV) and I know diddly about it. Anyways, I'm droning.. I'm curious to see what pills Sup Forums is popping. Let's hear it. (I even marked out my bottles for your viewing pleasure)

You get free Adderall? That's pretty badass. I wish I had better insurance so I could afford it.

Yeah dude, I know its pretty awesome. It took some battling with insurance I played phone tag between the doctor's office and insurance company after having to see another doc because the one that initially saw me was a newfag who didn't have his DEA license yet and couldn't get me the good shit. I don't know if you've heard of "prior authorization" before but its kind of a pain in the ass. Luckily I qualified and they coughed it up finally.

The same thing happened with me and Prozac. It made me completely uninterested in sex. I just went off it.

fuck I hear this is pretty common

Why the vivitrol?

Ex-heroin addict?


Doesnt the amytryptyline kill your libido?

I couldnt even jerk off when I was on it.

I'm prescribed 40mg adderall a day (20am 20pm), shits addictive and makes me smoke too much.

Well it seems to me that you're not really looking to be sober and just switching to pharmaceuticals, if im speaking honestly.

I dont know why a doctor is prescribing a known alcoholic narcotics. And if you're serious about being sober, which i know you're not, you're doing it wrong.

Also, yes, stay away from the SSRI's if you ever want to jerk off or enjoy sex again

I've been sober since November, not a single drink or smoke.. the only reason I was able to get prescribed this is because I felt comfortable enough in my sobriety and so did my doctor. This clinic is attached to the inpatient rehab I went through, and most people are bad off and relapse and are never seen again. I got piss tested every now and again and see my doctor regularly and they know that I'm doing well. I was just commenting on how much Adderrall really does benefit me, I'm just more focused and productive on it.

Whats the best way to taper off Prozac? I haven't been on it too long.

Shit I thought it was the prozac.. I'm OP. Is this a boner killer too?

Wellbutrin is highly effective and the best psych drug currently on the planet IMHO

When I was on prozac only, I could still have sex & j.o., although it was a light dose.
But the Amyt... man I remember trying to just get hard for an hour and not getting anywhere.

and hey fuck you assuming I'm not serious about being sober, guy.

Alright dude, Im not sure Id call myself sober in your situation. But hey who am I to judge. If you're not sticking to your negative behaviors and living a productive life so be it.

Just watch yourself, Im recovering from a horrible 10yr pharmaceutical habit and 3 months snorting heroin use, 16 months clean. clean clean...
And those pharmicies were harder to quit that any heroin or cigarette I smoked, i dont know if your doc is taking the proper route in general.

Just quit the prozac, no need to taper or ween. You wont have any withdraw with the other drugs your on, but seriously get off that shit if you enjoy a sex life

Yea no shit capt obvious, Fuck you nigger. Ill see you here in 10 years crying how bad it hurts, sorry for the advice you stupid fuck

Doc didn't mention this as a possible side effect for this when he prescribed it.. would've been nice to know. The previous doc gave me full disclosure about potential sexual side effects of Prozac. I suffer from severe insomnia and the only thing that has ever worked consistently was triazolam back in the day. Im sober now and don't want to mess with benzos again however. So I'm giving this Belsomra and amytryptiline a shot.

NEED BELSOMRA. I heard that stuff is the SHIT

hurrrr duurrrrr Im puking my guts out pooping my pants hurrrr duurrrrr that user did warn me though hurrrr duurrrr and i was a shit fuck to him hurrrr duuurrrr later moron

careful with that amitryptiline or whatever tho dude (elavil). I took it.. too much of it mixed with other things can kill you and it's a very funny drug on its own. just be careful is all I'm saying

The doctor who prescribed it was in the program herself, happened to be working the ER the night I went to the hospital, and reunited at the clinic at this inpatient rehab center and was proud of me for checking myself in to a 30-day program as a result of that hospitalization. We exhausted all other routes and we went to Adderrall with fantastic results. Speed was never my DOC and I'm taking them as prescribed and I've completely changed my lifestyle since I finished the program.. I am sober, dude. There's always one.. anyway. If you read you'll see I'm avoiding benzos. That would be a different story.

They gave me 3 packs of the stuff.

shut up and stop acting like a child that got its toy taken away

What have you heard about it? I'm truly curious as to what it's reputation is.

that it's like ambien on ambien

Am I the only under 25 year old who isn't on adderall/Ritalin/ (insert pharmaceutical meth)/SSRI's/a million other poisons the doctors give out like candy?

>Look at me guys, look how unique and interesting I am because of my mental disorders
>I'm actually proud of my brain malfunctioning

well.. I'll tell you, I've always had a pretty strong resistance to drugs in general, especially insomnia meds. I took ambien over a decade ago and went amnesiac loopy and went driving. I was wearing shorts pulled over pajama pants and this dumb red polo. I looked ridiculous.. anyway, I was driving like an asshole, running up on the median and weaving. Cop pulls me over and knows something is up but I'm not drunk. He's cool enough to call my parents to pick me up. No memory of this. So, that was the last time I messed with Ambien and can tell you so far at least that I'm not feeling that same vibe from it.

if you're on Sup Forums, you have some type of mental disorder, faggot.

how many Adderall pills do you get every 100 days? I got my doctor to prescribe me 200 20mg RX pills every 100 days.

do you live in NC?

I've figured that if I don't use them during the week and use 3 a day during the weekends I can save a shit load.


1/day. I would get 3 rx's written in advance. I'm OP, this is someone else.

No but I used to.


lol sorry man that was me adding a thought to my previous comment

get some decent drugs for gods sake

that is some pleb shit-tier

I didn't think you were trying to impersonate me, but i wasn't 100% sure. What do you prefer, XR or amphetamine salts? It was a moderate slog of phone calls just to get insurance to cover the bump from 10mg to 20. Pretty sure they won't cover XR at all.I got prescribed Belsomra and after phone tag the nurse calls me and was like Belsomra is a no go, they want to put you on Lunesta. I told the doc I had taken it before several yrs ago and the results were not great (which is true) so she called the insurance company and they were like "ok, that counts as prior authorization. That's all wee needed, we will approve Belsomra." Weird how insurance works, I don't really understand it.

Personally I preferred XR. Amphetamine salts like dexedrine started getting me paranoid after a fee months of abuse but XR would have done the same. I had a bad experience with adderall and prefer downers now. Also


Remind me why it's a good idea to get addicted to a substance that's 100% guaranteed to shorten my life span and turn me into a degenerate?

fuck I accidentally replied to the log

god dammit

part of me wants to try dexedrine

It's not as strong, but it got the job done. The problem is it would only last a few hours and after the bliss that is XR you just want more, and more.

The paranoia is not a good feeling. You know it's because of the drug, but that doesn't make a difference, you still feel it.

I'd really recommend staying away from uppers man. It's a slippery slope, it's never gonna feel as good as the first time you tried it, and the only way to go with them is down. I can't smoke weed but if you absolutely need a drug of choice, stick to that.

I'm treating with respect and taking it as prescribed. Thank you though. I used to smoke a lot more but ever since I started vaping oil cartridges its almost ruined bud for me. Supplier got busted so its been months since I've been able to find it.

Dubs logged

Yeah I understand. Just be careful. Not to sound like a sob story or cliche, I love drugs, but speed really fucked my life up for a bit, same with a best friend of mine who got hooked on it several years ago, after quitting it cold turkey he had a mental breakdown where he thought the government was after him. He was committed for a week, and though he was off it for years he killed himself last year and I directly blame that experience he had on it since he's never been the same since. Just be careful and listen to your body and mind. Stay safe

Because drugs are fun you moron. Everyone knows it, even animals.

So seek out the best buzz and ride it for as long as possible.

Maybe you want to be a 90 year geezer. I'm not interested in that.

damn.. sounds like he burnt out his serontonin.

Who knows what is going to be around when you're 90? And besides, most of my friends who OD'd were in their twenties. No thanks.

Was on Belsomra 30mg but never worked for me. Ambien was the only thing but stops after about 2 weeks was on 10mg. Also on adderall 50mg a day. Going to get my medical card soon for sleep.

Speed is shit-tier. Good coke is god-tier, but only of you have an Al Pacino-level supply.

MMDA, LSD, most all synthetics are shit-tier. Shrooms are basically LSD-lite and only OK for a change up.

Benzos excellent to have around in quantity.

Opioids are god-tier. Opium is the best, but hard to find unless you know some cool Afghani veterans or chinks. Smack is next best and not too hard to find. Mexican black tar is everywhere, cheap and recommended as a default drug of choice.

you guys are total pussies. I flew too close to the sun once, and I got back in the saddle. All hard drugs are fucking dangerous. You gotta watch your step. Also, if you think speed is a slippery slope, you've not really fucked with downers/opiates.

Oh trust me I was addicted to xanax after awhile. I'd prefer the shakes and weakness over paranoid delusions.

how much does black tar cost these days

Cheap until you get a serious iv or smoking habbit going I live close to the border so I get really good and cheap black tar in quantity and still couldn't maintain without resorting to desperate measures

Learn how to handle your buzz chippy. Not everyone is a weak faggot like you.

Roughly 10 bucks a point in the southwest or half grams for 40 full for 60-70 and all the way up to a full ounce will cost you 600-700 depending on if you know a paisa or not

$50 a gram if you're really connected, $100/G for most.

Get to know some mexican bikers, but don't buy their crank.

sup man, currently took some stuff and starting to feel it. man I feel good, how're you guys?

well yeah xanax is pretty softcore in comparison imo

Again, I'd rather not be able to walk DOWN a flight of stairs rather than think my boss is planning to kill me.

This isn't a pissing match about what's more hardcore. Drug withdrawal is terrible either way. You're not cool because you were addicted to whatever is stronger than xanax or the poppy seed tea I was making every few days.

75-100mg of diphenahydramine at bedtime.

I just did about .7g of coke. Last line I did was about 10-15 mins ago. I have a 2mg xan bar is like to use for the come down along with some mid grade bud. How long should I take the xanax, anons? Is it dangerous?Honest answers please.

Take the Xanax about 6 hours before you want to wake up.

Smoke the bud now.

But would it be safe to take the xanax right now? It's been 35 min since last line and I don't feel very high

yeah it's fine

>don't feel very high

Then take Xanax now. 2mg is almost a micro-dose and if you are not zipping around from the coke you're nowhere near a problem.

>pro-tip: if you're not high, take more drugs

Any pharma/med Sup Forumsros wanna help me with this query? I've been having fucking harsh neck pain and pressure in the right side of my head, I take xanax and it pretty much goes away. However, I've been addicted to the shit for a couple months now and tapering is fine, but I'm getting the same pains as rebound anxiety kicks in. Should I see a neurologist or could it just be another withdrawal symptom? I was having the same pain before I started taking xanax, but to a much lesser degree.

Forgot to mention, a few beers or glasses of wine can greatly enhance your benzo dollar. Get to know this chart. 20~40mg Valium equivalent and a bottle of wine make for a fine evening.

>brain aneurysm confirmed s

I honestly considered it could be a dormant one, but that's a stretch. Sometimes my eye bulges by like a mm, but that could just be my asymmetrical face. Just hope I live until monday to get checked out. I just hope it's some sort of nerve damage and the w/d exacerbating it.