How do you talk to girls but not make it obvious that you want to fuck them?

How do you talk to girls but not make it obvious that you want to fuck them?

You should make it obvious, because then she will make it obvious whether or not she wants to fuck you, and you can stop wasting your time with her if she doesn't

Literally the only reason guys talk to random girls is because they want to fuck them. The girls know this.

check out alabaster girl.

Just by you standing there she knows you would not say no to sex. I think it is more about demonstating some degree of self control. If you say I love you you are basically asking her to oblige you by saying the same, whereas you dont seem to need it as much if you are able to interact more casually.

pretend you're gay like Jack Tripper.

Short talk to her and then a long talk to her best friend

>I know it sounds really weird but if you think of women as actual human beings it really helps. Instead of putting them on a pedestal because they have a pussy, just talk to them like a normal human being and just try to get to know them instead of trying to be cool so they will have sex with you. Just keep in mind that nothing you say or do is going to change her mind about if she wants to have sex with you. A woman makes up her mind about that within 5 seconds of meeting you. So don't stress about closing the deal. If she wants you to close the deal you will, unless you try too hard to be smooth and wind up making an ass out of yourself.

will i get into crazy misunderstandings and shenanigans?

I can see it all now
user: uhh hi
Girl: hey
user: uhh let’s do sex

I want to make something VERY clear. If you are asking about shit like this on Sup Forums then you obviously are socially retarded. Get your ass into a therapist’s office and learn how to act like a person instead of a horny Gollum.

don't listen to this faggot, this is how you become that "really nice and funny guy, but I only see you as a friend"

Talk to them like they are unavailable and you know it. If they're into you then they'll make it obvious if they are available.

>not make it obvious that you want to fuck them?
are you fucking retarded?
of course you want to fuck them
they know you want to fuck them
even if you dont, every girl will assume you are only talking to them because you want to fuck them, any reason you might have will be secondary to fucking them
human speek was invented because bashing girls over the head with a club and pulling them to the cave by their hair to fuck them was bothersome

Don't listen to this faggot, that's how you become an MRA, redpilled permavirgin

nice advice everyone, but what do i actually say? as in sentences. not pick up lines, per se, but just general topics of discussions that won't make me look pathetic.

Don't listen to this clown. Women don't put men in the friendzone. Men put themselves in the friendzone. If you don't rate high enough to land the kind of girls you want then you hanging around and being pathetic isn't going to change anything. Hit the gym and focus on your career and they will come to you.

Well if you want to find a girl who isn’t complete trash then you should listen to that guy. The type of girls that will fuck you because you can say some slick shit are either sluts or have 0 self esteem. The same bitches that you will be crying about because they spent all your money and fucked all your friends. The only thing he is wrong about is the first 5 seconds shit. If you aren’t a total retard and know how to act like a person then most decent bitches will give you a chance.

Basically don't talk to a girl unless you have an actual reason to talk to her, and don't try to flirt or hit on her. Control your body language so you don't appear stiff or thrown off when she's around. You'd be surprised at the girls you wind up fucking by not caring if you fuck them or not. Girls are so used to being hounded that they get all wounded when you don't make any effort to fuck them/appear indifferent to them. They'll fuck you just to prove to themselves that you wanted to fuck them in the first place; it's magical.

Don't have an obvious boner, don't stare at thier tits constantly, don't dribble.
stuff like that

Trick question. There is no reason to talk to girls unless you want to fuck them.

a fucking rock has better game then this dense fuck

so think of it like this.

Women are Guys Without a dick easy to talk to. just shoot the shit with them they are as horny as you are and sometimes even more.

if you want to bang her make it known dont make it vulgar, let her know quickly so you can move on if she doesnt , are you 12?

>ou'd be surprised at the girls you wind up fucking by not caring if you fuck them or not. Girls are so used to being hounded that they get all wounded when you don't make any effort to fuck them/appear indifferent to them

is that why quiet guys get all the girls? nah, man, snubbing doesn't work unless you're very attractive.

> hit the gym and focus on your career
Yeah, you will get some bitches that way, but you are gonna get some gold diggers and scandalous hoes. A confident smart man with integrity turns a lot of girls on.

This. If you just be cool and don't show any interest they will fall all over themselves to get with you. Unless you are fat and ugly of course.

That's why you never get married. You can date or even have a long term relationship but there is no upside for a guy to marry or even move in with a woman.

My dumbass is realizing at 35 you are suppose to make it obvious you want to fuck them.

I can agree with the marry thing but why the hell wouldn’t you want them to move in? She’s either working and paying half the rent or she is cooking and cleaning the place up all while draining your balls. Not seeing the downside here.

are you a wizard?

Being quiet is neutral, being awkward/looking uncomfortable is not. You don't have to babble about inane bullshit constantly to appear confident. If you can nail down the "strong, silent type" angle and you aren't a hideous/obese chud, you'll do just fine. Girls go nuts for guys that know how to shut the fuck up while still appearing confident and comfortable, mostly because girls are awful at that. It makes you seem deep and thoughtful to them even if you're dumb as hell, because chances are they're way dumber anyway.

Girls know that you want to fuck them. If it is all tat you talk about then it turns them off unless they are complete sluts. Be nice to them and make them feel good about themselves just make sure you don’t act like a buddy or you will get friendzoned. You have to bring it up in a way to where the girl knows you are turned on by her but you aren’t just looking to fuck anything. Girls actually get turned on knowing that they turn you on.

Because when a woman moves in with you she gets comfortable. Maybe not as bad she does when you get married but the relationship will quickly get stale. Then you also deal with always having her in your space.

And don't kid yourself, having her move in isn't going to help you financially. Whatever she brings in she will spend a lot more.

All good advise.
Keep them the centre of your attention.
If they think you are focused entirely on them.
Putty in your hands

Okay so it's pretty simple, first, debate on what kind of girl it is, via clothing or hairstyle. If she has that fucking undercut that is now synonymous with radfems, you can test your luck with bullshitting about feminism and shit, I guess the easiest way to talk to them is ask them some simple shit like "Hey, you seem to know your shit here, can you help me with _____" I'd suggest asking for directions or if you're at a bar or a cafe for a helpful decision on what to drink or eat and shit, if you're too socially awkward to even talk to a girl, this advice is void.

Now moving on to the typical nerd chick. I'd suggest staying far away from them, yeah yeah, easy target and shit, but really think about it, do you want a girl that probably lives like you, or if you're some weird immaculate cleanfag, then lives like some of the people that browse this board? No, unless you're into gross shit, like a disgusting room or even worse, a person who doesn't know how to take care of them self, personal hygiene y'know? But if you wanna take the dive, I'd suggest doing the same as you would for the radfem, ask questions, get them talking. Start up smalltalk. if she's a nerd girl, she'll probably have some kind of Fandom shit, or buttons on her fucking giant bag, you know what I mean, you've all seen it. Just ask about them or her fucking shirt, if you're ballsy enough and are SURE that she isn't completely creeped out by you, ask for her number or if she games ask for her- steam, psn, Xbox, so on and so fucking forth info. OH important side note, make sure you know what you're talking about. If you see something she's wearing and only know a little bit about it, don't go talking about it like some know it all. When she starts gabbing on and on and you eventually get lost, you'll look like an idiot, make sure you know what you're getting into.

Part 2
If she's buff as shit, I'd suggest asking her how she got so swoll, then ask her about her routine and shit, they'd probably love to talk about it, most likely brag y'know, talk about how you wanna get in shape, or if you're a muscle bro, talk about your own routine, but not to much, let her do the talking, let her think she's in charge.

If she's some generic chick you see about at every Starbucks, you don't gotta chance unless you're a muscle bro, if you reach the requirements there, you probably already know what to do or say, like for gods sake. If you're some skinny lanky mouth breathing jackass, for gods sake you better be wearing something nice, not last week's cum shirt and some fucking fedora, make sure you're wearing something she's used to seeing, Polo shirt, skinny jeans and really any brand of sneaker or running shoes. Start talking by complaining about something obvious that can Segway into you talking, cause if you're talking to someone outta the blue, I'm going to guess you're at a bar or a cafe or even at a fucking bus stop, just complain, not too bitchy, just something you know she'd probably relate to, or wait for her to complain aswell and join in, easy as pie.

Goth girls. Be goth. Easy. Compliment them on how fucking metal they look but be chill about it. Not too much attention, they'd probably hate the extra peering eyes.

Emo girls, be emo and attractive.

Weird girls. These are those obviously out of touch with reality types you see in school, be it high school or college, probably. The ones that talk to themselves and seem kinda fucking nuts. I'd say steer away as they are more problems then their worth, but they could lead to some fun, just talk to them timidly, act shy and shit, but open, just stutter a little and never actually look them dead in the eye, either they'll act like you'll steal their soul, or they'll literally steal yours. Save looking at their face for key moments, like complimenting or something.

pretty good game actually
it weans you off of your betamax state
girls smell the beta who wants to fuck them but doesnt know how to act upon it
that brutal dumb game user is talking about takes you out of that zone and it is a huge improvement
suddenly you are a sexual being in girls' radar, probably an unfuckable one, but still worlds better than the beta thundercuck who cant even admit he wants to fuck em
you are putting yourself on their radar and on the sexual market and from there you can grow
but as a self castrated idiot you can fester and die a virgin
while serving m'lady of course

This is true, this guy fucks

Part 3

Colored girls, know the culture, act pc, since no girl is gunna be dumb enough to fall for some jackass who generalizes her and her race, Learned this with some girls when some guy said she was so hot and exotic, she just cold shouldered his ass.

If you're colored and are going after white chick's, easy, be interesting if she asks about your heritage, tell her some cool shit about your people. I talk about fuckin feather heads and the cool ones in the past and it makes them go wide eyed and zone in.

'The intellectual' these are the girls that aren't radfems but can be keyed in with them. They're just kinda. and can see through your bullshit easy if you fuck up. I'd say ask about what their doing if they are doing shit. Either reading or something. They tend to have a book that isn't trash fiction /twilight or romance novels are trash fiction./ they're reading something that's probably either historical or just interesting looking by cover alone, just ask about the book and what it's about. If she's in a bar, do not engage, they're most likely with friends and you will get eaten alive.

Anyway, that's all I can think of rn at 7 am, anyone got questions, I'll answer to the best of my cognitive abilities

Anyway, this is coming from a guy who's been around girls his entire life and has a decent catch when it comes to girls, I don't care of you use this advice, I'd just say use it if you can or go off script.

>an MRA, redpilled permavirgin
you can become a mgtow or a pua, but MRA have to do with changing the law not with dealing with women sexually so you're showing your vaginism there

you need first to get rid of porn addiction and fap addiction.

then, maybe, you will succeed in talking to girls without making obious etc

>typical nerd chick
you have never had sex with a woman that was conscious or not getting paid for it

Girls know you want to fuck BECAUSE THEY WANT TO FUCK TOO (unless you're ugly, awkward, overweight, etc).

Then again I'm a 22 year old virgin cuz I have low self esteem, girls check me out all the time but I'm too scared to even make eye contact.

no it will be a tease
women are never straightforward
they're scared and unfamiliar in straightforwardness, they know it always hides a curve
that's why they go "he said that, but what does it REALLY mean?" on and on and on
that's a huge part of game and i'm not into game
but i've learned a few things

can i still buy hookers?

Pretty much this, OP.
Don't waste your time with a tease.

>even if you dont, every girl will assume you are only talking to them because you want to fuck them, any reason you might have will be secondary to fucking them
but if you show that you're not interested in fucking them, they will take it as a challenge
you may need to believe it yourself in order to be convincing about it though

>was bothersome
to whom?
certainly not to the guys

Many seem to forget that they're human beings just like you. Talk to them just like you would your friends.

It's all about the gift of the gab.

you give them attention just long enough to see if they're interested in giving you sex
as soon as they show that they arent, you stop giving them attention and treat them like the dumb flowerpots that they are

Eh, I just use stereotypes to generalize a type of person I know everyone will have an easy image of instead of actually going into details. If I were to go into detail, gross chick, greasy hair, probably their natural hair color, greasy face, either insanely skinny or fat, no real inbetween. They're usually poorly unkempt and don't really care about personal hygiene. People tend to fetishize them, even though In real life it's just nasty.

That is the game man, how you pick up the game it's your choice

Retarded/10 post

Guess what? Most girls are fucking sluts. Welcome to reality you PUA fucktard. Regardless of the public face they put on, most have some extreme fetish they want to act on.

Treating girls special because they have a warm hole between their thighs is why you get 0 pussy.

Real advice right here...

if your goal is really for them not to be aware of you feel like you're being obvious, then don't approach with a pick-up line... Talk about things that are relevant to the situation at hand where ever you are... ask their opinion on something or ask whether or not they like something etc...

this makes it so that the Girl is not the topic of the conversation but your'e talking about something else with the girl... maybe you're interested in her opinion but you're not asking her about her



>Women don't put men in the friendzone. Men put themselves in the friendzone.
and women do all they can to keep them there because the men turn themselves into slaves for a whiff of never attained pussy
women are appallingly ruthless about using men even if it destroys them, that doesnt even register on the cunts' radar

>then most decent bitches will give you a chance
IF IF IF IF you fulfill one or several of their core needs

this, all my this!
some women might find you, yes YOU!, hot.
i'm awkward as fuck and was a virgin until i was 26
when some girl in my circle of friends staith op said:
user if you are not intrastate in me just say so
>lol wat?
she had been hitting on me all night and i was to dense to notice. and then we banged

truth right there

girls rely on their vaginas for sheer survival, so they need you to be placed somewhere on the sexual market totem pole
if you show you're not below them by not thirsting after them, then it implies you must be above them
so they'll fuck you just to beat you into submission through their magical hole their whole sense of identity and survival revolve around

Keep it short and physically distance yourself until you completely leave

the first feminist fucks

This is how you get laid, if you don't make it obvious from the start she's going to think about you as a friend and you're gonna end up bitching about being a beta orbiter on r9k.

Virgin detected. This never worked out for you because you're ugly as fuck. You were doomed from the start, no amount of PUA bullshit will work for you.

see I'm the opposite:

I'm smooth as fuck and can make anyone laugh easily but I have such shit self esteem/anxiety that I'm terrified of asking a girl out.

I just be myself all the time... Im casual as fuck with guys and chicks... and if i see a chick im interested in, i'm not concerned about hiding the fact that im interested in her... it's not just that i want to bang her but im actually interested in her


Relationships only go stale if you are with the wrong girl. If you have a girl that has similar interests then you are fucking golden. I had an ex that would stay up all night watching stupid shit on YouTube an playing video games with me all night. Once she moved in we both had more money and spent it on our hobbies. I came home from work the apartment was clean and dinner was cooking. We would probably still be together if I didn’t fuck her cousin.

this is very true... but you have to seem available and interested in a general sense but not to them particularly necessarily... if you come off as completely closed off they'll perceive you as unavailable... you want to appear available and looking, but not necessarily looking for them

>How do you talk to girls but not make it obvious that you want to fuck them?

There's your problem. You are not going to get to fuck her unless you make it known to her that that's what you want.

Yes, don't say to her "me - you - bangbang" and make rude hand gestures. That's a given. But you also need to make it clear from the get go that you're not in it to become her best friend.

It does involve a fair bit of skill to mask your desire to fuck her, while letting it show just enough so that she will know that that's where you want things to go. I guess the whole frame of mind you have to be in is that you don't come off like a horny schoolboy, but also present yourself as a possible sexual mate. A kind of "This could all be yours" without being desperate.

I know that's not exactly operational and actionable advice right there, but here's some pointers as to how you can initiate contact:


(you and her at a bar or a club)

>"H-hello... erm, excuse me, hello? (tapping her shoulder from behind) D-do you come here often?"


(ideally, after a few moments of successful eye contact that gives you reason to believe you've got a shot, you walk over to her with an air of casual upbeat confidence while not seeming like a dick)

>"Boy, this place is rocking tonight. So what's your name?"

And then just carry a casual conversation. While presenting yourself as a desirable person without looking like a conceited dick.

Also, forget every cheesy pick up line and every damn retarded pun as your opener that there ever was. Skilled wordplay and wit will definitely be a plus as she will get to know you, but as your pick up line, there is no way on Earth it will not sound like something a 14-year-old rehearsed in front of the mirror for three hours after reading about it in an off topic thread on a roleplay forum.

Who the fuck does she think she is putting her stank ass pussy on that pool table? GTFO BITCH

Getting to the 30 mark, kinda worried over here, you fuckers still play games at 35? Between work and my own shit I'm at a loss as to where to meet non-sluts and around here it seems 95% of 20+s have 4 kids..... Did that shit once never again, i think I'm fucked

I know you're a virgin because you're trying to create a system of categorization for human beings, doing it poorly, and then laying out procedures for those categories in order to not feel lost when interacting with them. That's not game, it's a clinical symptom that points to autism.

Not worth it bro. Quality hookers is all you need. Easily affordable without a women spending all your shit. Stay single, save money, go to Asia or Amsterdam each year.

You had that..... and you fucked her cousin...... Jesus Christ man.

Kekelek kekeekkekeleekelkel

A lot of good posts on this thread

If you want a girlfriend:
>Don't act like a fucking hoverhand
>Don't act like an alpha-cringe (like Tobey Maguire on Spiderman 3)

just don't be an insecure fag, is easy

if she's wet, she's going to ruin that felt on the table.
then you have to take the bumpers off and put new felt down.
should anal rape her stupid slut

change your mentality... you're not even 30 and you think it's over wtf lol... im 27 and just started going back to community college... the quality of females there is absolutely off the charts... beautiful smart chicks in their early 20's and a bunch of gamer nerds and asians who aren't smashing any of them... seriously i might become a fucking doctor or a lawyer just cuz of all this college pussy...

it's way worse for a chick in her 30's than it is for a man in his 30's... dudes get with chicks 10 years younger all the time

ahh god old anxiety how many lives have you fucked op?
i would honesty try talking with your doctor and see if he/she can refer you to a psychiatrist, and maybe try some anti-anxiety meds (i have had lot of success with oxeprax for exams) or just talking with your doctor.
people underestimate how much training doctors have with psychiatry

This is the most scumbag thing ever that a guy can do, a lot of the time girls are just looking for a friend. Don't waste our time

Simply don't care if they wanna fuck your or not.

News flash. NO guy. and I mean NO guy has any interest in just being friends

Unless they're gay of course

Her cousin was fucking HOT. We were having some fights and her cousin came over to get some shit for something she was doing. She asked me what was wrong and I told her. One thing led to another and we started fucking. She caught me at the right moment and she was literally the hottest girl I ever had the chance to fuck so I just did it. Girlfriend came home early from work and caught us naked in bed after the second time and that was it.

top zoz

Well that's a shame, I'll just stick to female friends. Does this apply for guys that know you're taken?

Every guy thinks he is, or wants to be a player

This does not fit every guys personality

some guys (most guys) should seriously be seeking life partners instead of pussy

there are a number of reasons for this but just trust me... are you the type to be a player or would you be happier with a true relationship? it's a lot of work being a player and you can't get attached... if you are the type who gets attached then you fall into the category of 'guy who should seek life partner'

You got 3 years mang...
Not even 30 my ass its 2.5 months away literally Jan Fag Here.

But you're right, and I'm actually taking classes at a community college since...
Apparently you need an associates to get a job....and a bachelors degree is the new highschool diploma. Unfortunately i came out with too much debt in undergrad to even wonder about a masters or higher, i want to figure out finances first.

Glad to head of another 27+ yo with MD on their heads, seems like an impossibility but i guess it is possible. I just cant imagine padding the loans anymore

Question is....did you keep fucking the cousin?

Or did she give you the.....oh its wrong we should really stop now after its too late.

Like omg you had a twinkie and a cosmic brownie shows up so the twinkie says fuck you and the cosmic brownie says.....i shkuldnt have done thst its wrong and she fucks off too.....a niggs just wants ONE of the sweets mang wtf

also if you don't have that much money meck sure your doctor knows, their might be a program you can join, don't know ever you live and how the health care is

Of course
You have your own criteria too don't you?

>and around here it seems 95% of 20+s have 4 kids

I can relate to that, I'm from a small town an hour outside Jackson, Miss. We had a dropout rate of around 20 percent at my high school due to teen pregnancy. Most people went on to menial white trash jobs and didn't go to college, and were married by age 22 or 23 with the second or third child on the way.

I'm 32 now as well, single and no kids (that I know of), and everytime I go back there (I now live in Atlanta), people ask me when I'm going to get married. One of my friends from junior high who is 34 now is actually going to become a granddad early next year. A fucking granddad at 34. He had his first kid at 16, and his daughter got knocked up this summer by some hillbilly farmboy at age 17.

I guess what I am saying is, early parenthood and marriage are not necessarily a sign of your success as a human being. I, for one, don't think I am doing all that badly with a college degree in mechanical engineering and a $90K salary.

Jan fag myself lol

yeah i get what you're saying but 30 really isnt that old for a guy... you have another 30 solid years of being able to fuck lol

yeah college isn't cheap and I wish I would've done it sooner... been working shit jobs for a long time and decided to go back

i truly think that i could meet a wife at school... it's a million times better than a bar or a club... you can take your shots with tinder and all that but idk... best places to meet chicks are school, work, and church... idgaf if you're not religious it's never too late to find jesus and meet a virgin in the process lol... if you're lookin for wife material

it does unless they have some form of mental illness or defects . most guys however have the common curtesy of not showing it in public to avoid conflict

although ths only applies to reasonably attractive women ( both physically and personality wise) there is a certain treshold where a guy usually loses all sexual interest in the opposite sex but it differs depending on how horny he is , how much alcohol he drank or various other factors.

>early parenthood and marriage are not necessarily a sign of your success as a human being
that should be obvious, just look at africa.

No. I was too busy trying to see if I could get the girlfriend back to keep fucking the cousin. She never called again either so I’m sure that even if I would have tried she would have given me the “oh it’s wrong” shit.


If anyone gets any advice from this thread at all, let it be to never do or say any of these things to a woman ever.

>News flash. NO guy. and I mean NO guy has any interest in just being friends
>Unless they're gay of course

I beg to differ. I have very good female friends that I would never even consider fucking. Their female-perspective input is invaluable to me in dating women and keeping up on the best ways of approaching them.

It's just a sign of immaturity if you can't be friends with a few women without thinking they need to be there for you to get your rocks off.

Ah bless you its better starting late than on time even early and fucking it up bad like i did so see the md route for you is even clearer! Just. Dont. Fuck. Up.

Procrastination is mediocrity and mediocrity is no MD for you.

Go getem user.

And for GODS SAKE do it for the people, healthcare here is shit and the docs fail to see they are too a part of it

yeah, they will contact you if they don't dare to go for you in the public where you made your moves but it's 100 proof better way to see if girl wants your D than beta orbit and do nothing and after weeks/months/years you see her go with some chad

Did you even actually read and comprehend my post, fucktard?

I think it's immature to see sex and close friendship as mutually exclusive. I have a bunch of female friends, and there's only a couple I haven't boned down with at some point. If you're cool and attractive enough that they believe eventually transitioning back to a platonic arrangement won't be an issue, you'll fuck most of your female friends at some point. It's 2017, dude.