If you could murder one person and one person only and completely get away with it... who would it be and why?

If you could murder one person and one person only and completely get away with it... who would it be and why?

I'd love to kill the guy across the street who Is used to hang around with for ruining my life with drugs. (Long story).

Pic unrelated.

Who I used to*

Since you wanted to hang out with a drug dealer, your life was over before you even took them.

I would skin you alive you fucking degenerate junkie loser

I'd kill that one kid who stepped on the back of my shoes

Pic unrelated

Ugh, fuck that kid. I'd kill Al Sharpton.

I would go back in time and slay jesus.

I wouldnt want to murder anyone

Is this the part where Sup Forums bullies me

I would kill you for being such a pussy

Pls do

Chairman Mao
Because he's responsible for the starvation of millions

Kim jong eun
Because communism is shit


Those are normalfag jokes ya gay.

Youre a smart constructive member of the planet.

Your just a normal person

YOU are responsible for YOUR actions, not the dude across the street.

Elon Musk will bring this world to ruin. You shall see. You'll all see.

Those 2 fags that do sonic commercials

You're just an idiot.

How did you know?

what a waste of a kill

i'd kill hitler, just because of Sup Forums

what a great vocabulary, you're definitively smarter than the rest of the world

Can an entire group of people be considered one person? They all do look the same.


i would put up a online notice that shit music would be punished by death i would then use my wish to kill justin bieber to prove my point then we would be safe for shit music for atlest 10 years until they figured it out

Well that would be racist. But sure why not

Then the jews obviously!

Karl Marx


But if a person ruins this planet and life fore a lot of people, it is more responicble to kill him than let him continue

does it have to be a person?

Uh huh, that's the one alright.

It started as a joke last year, and then I realized it needs to happen. I quit drinking and doing drugs and started saving money for the trip to NY. When I do it, I promise to post it’s severed head here with face.

Send me the link when it's done. I'm a girl btw.

'Long story' Do you think anybody cares enough to ask? Just die already.