Took Russian Sup Forums:

Took Russian Sup Forums:
10 posts to find the "x" on a picture and circle it in paint.
55 posts to find the answer using drawing software.
78 posts to find the answer using trigonometry.
Is American Sup Forums more retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, 269 posts to summon the Satan,

Yes, Americans are dumb. Home schooling and religious indoctrination is rampant. I was a victim of religion, and my education level is comparable to the 4th grade. I couldn't find X if I fucking gave a damn.

Implying America is more religious then Russia?

I can't speak for Russia. I really don't know how their society works. I can only speak for Murica!

O shit fucking triggered

26 degree

russians did not find the answer, ukrainian find it

хiбa мocкaль мoжe щocь пopaхyвaти?

partial calculations

Кaклы и вaтa вeчнo cpyтcя, a нaхyя?


add em all up and you get x = 164. then because of pemdas, you have to subtract. so since we know 180 degrees is in a degree set, you subtract that from x. 180 - 160 = 20 or -20 if you do 160 - 180 u can pick whichever one

What is this meme of adding shapes and angle

aaaand you just admited to being underaged


Hipparchus started it

Sometimes it makes solving problems easier, sometimes it is necessary. You will learn about it in 7nd grade, no worries.

not getting it

It's a trick there are 4

Almost solved it, but you missed the biggest one on top.

There it is

It seems you can not solve it that way.
Nice try, though.

Russians found it twice faster though :(

Can't for the life of me figure it out using just trig ...

x is 18 degrees.


Quite straightforward
Take any line and assign any value to it, use to calculate other line lengths near x, use the ratio of lengths to calculate the angle.

X = 10 you fucking mongoloids

Troll post. Can't be solved by algebra

That is why you use Trig.

psh nothig personel kid

X is whatever you want it to be, baby

stop cheating

What's Russian b these days? I heard the pay wall fucked it

That's what I was thinking but I never took trig in HS and brushing up for this seems too time consuming..
I was only self taught trig for programming 2d games.

God damn you're stupid. Do you even know what algebra is? If you're using trigonometry to solve it, you are using algebra


The drawing is not fully accurate. Try measuring 46 and 38 degrees.
Nothing personal, kid.
