Who is she? can someone post more pics of her

who is she? can someone post more pics of her

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some attention whore who killed herself

she's dead op let it go




Wait, shes dead?

Super sad story with this one.

Her name was Ciara, she was a beautiful young girl inside and out. She was one of the fastest growing youtubers, in just 5 months she had 10 million subscribers.

People loved her unique jokes and wit, some even pegged her as the next Amy Schumer. I personally did not believe her to be that talented, but nevertheless.

Things took a turn for the worse, and it was all because of an addiction Ciara could not cure. Her addiction to chocolate, chocolate dick that is. Yes, Ciara was in fact what some call a coal burner, a snicker licker. She met a boy named T'Von-nigra. They fell madly in love and planned to get married, and after only dating for 6 days T'Von-nigra impregnated the beautiful Ciara.

A fairy tale story it was meant to be, but Ciara came from a barbaric home, one who despises African Americans. Ciara could not tell them the truth, so she went to have an abortion. The clinics all turned her away, because you see Ciara came from a very religious and orthodox city known as New York.

Exhausting all other options, the beautiful princess Ciara researched how to do a self-abortion. After hours of grueling research, she was about to abort thy fetus.

However T'Von-nigra had disclosed a super major secret, and before Ciara could abort her fetus, she perished. Ciara died from Aids, and her family dedicates all their time to spread awareness to teen girls not to fuck blacks.

for the one millionth fucking time
>house party 7 weeks ago
>she did a line of heroin that was laced w/ fent
>she was found in the bathroom ems showed up but it was too late
such a waste of 17 year old titties

>line of heroin

ok buddy.

Have you seen her tits? I mean actually seen those bastards bare?

Amazing. Absolutely great tits on her. She could have used those tits for world domination, but instead used them to free drugs.


ik that reads as dumb but you can/people do sniff and smoke heroin

i thought summer was over
ever heard of ecp?
yeah faggot get a clue

Can't believe she's gone

Too soon?

They are artworks

doing lines of dope is pretty common, buddy

she had damn fine set of milk bags
i'd post em but i don't feel like resetting my router after my ban for posting underage pics

No, just another troll. According to Sup Forums she's been killing herself, OD'ing since 2016.

she not ded



I'll never forgive you assholes for making that adorable girl use illegal drugs. you are all horrible, disgusting people and i hope there's a god and he makes you suffer in hell.