Why are you still a virgin?

why are you still a virgin?

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2D>3D girls any day.

Because I didn't take my chances in school when I had a good chance because 3 girls who were friends liked me at the same time.

Today I feel cursed because at 27 I still get flirts from 14 year olds on a regular basis or impossible women to get with because they're married, have kids etc.

TL;DR: I don't meet girls with the possibility of fucking them, nor am I really looking for a relationship.

>t 27 I still get flirts from 14 year olds on a regular basis
maybey because they know you want do anything

focused on school so i could get great job(high paying not fun) and ignored everything else basically
2 friends and a kissless virgin but on upside i have 165k salary job at 25

you put yourself in a bracket of one of the more likely to commit suicide.

my job itself is fun but people i work with are what ruin it.

cool beans
but it is well documented that people at the income level tend to commit suicide at higher levels

I guess that's what it is yeah.

well i have the money to see a shrink if i need to

Because i dont really talk to anyone or do anything

why not?

because im 27 and i only have 3 more years to go to see if the rumors are true!

I'm insecure about my small dick.

You tell me

I'm not. Unfortunately I'm quite the opposite. I'm still in college and I've no joke had sex with 13 seperate women and it kind of kills me inside when people ask about my body count. Some men think it's respectable, and ask me how to "finesse," others are disgusted. But only I know how truly lonely and sad I am. I scream as loud as I can, but only I hear the echos of my sadness. For some people, sex is a coping mechanism.

I just never feel like going anywhere

I think 90% are virgin because there anime fans

You look fine, you probably just don't have a personality

If i were offered to switch from KV to You i wouldn't do it.

eat a dick

>look fine

Get your eyes checked.

>769979.gif (466 KB, 550x550)

I ain't :D
Just pretend to be confident and drink small amounts of alcohol. Also don't be a psychiatrist just listen and be normal.

What is a loners guide into getting a date after college. Is it a lost cause then? Currently in college 2.5 years left..

Because my dick is tiny.

If you're a fucking loser, and you manage to find somebody with low enough self esteem to fuck you, don't for a second think that this is some magic bullet that is going to fix your shitty life.

At best all you will do is manage mark some other human-like entity with the foul taste of your own pathetic suffering.

Do not sit around having faggoty discussions over why you are or are not a virgin, because newsflash only virgins and feckless children do this. Get a handle on your life, sort your shit out make something worth while out of yourself and if you can demonstrate a tangible average level of human worth, then normy shit like relationships with humans will come to you in time.

If you're a virgin: fuck ugly chicks. It's le epic life hack. And the experience you get from it might help you fuck hotter/qt chicks later on.

thanks, Ron

>0 social skills
>tendency to offend people
>ed even tho I am only 25
>women are cunts
>I use and abuse people for personal gain
>I would rather not have some one with me that I don't know because one night stands are for niggers and people who have stds
>0 self confidence


Lose fat and transform yourself from a fat useless virgin into normal functioning sad virgin.


I'm ugly, poor, have no personality, and low self esteem.


I've been fat my entire life and recently lost a lot of weight, i still have no self confidence and my loose skin makes me feel like shit. just turned 22

because my genitalia disgusts me and i cannot conceive of any reason why anyone else would find any enjoyment from it

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted..


i've been a virgin for 22 years, and then had sex with 6 girls in one year. it was mostly to compensate and didn't fulfill me at all. but it beats being a fucking virgin.

now i'm in a relationship, suits me much better.