Is an chess player a athlete?

Is an chess player a athlete?

spregwood is not a sport

I want Magnus inside me

get in line

>an sport

try again, famalamadingdong

Nice ruse. Chess is an sport

Consider an Horse and Bishop endgame. Since an horse in a athlete, so is chess.

Can an horse be a chess player?

*blocks your path*

>that chessfu whose first name is literally "nazi"

Did your Norwegian proxy get banned faggot?

Brady, Belichick, Knight, Carlsen

Why do all the GOATs support a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, white nationalist hitlerian bigot?

He's a player

I kek'd

Sup Forums BTFO



he did say he was a big fan of Trump last year. Not sure if he was playing with us again or not

Can a horse be a chess player?

It's a drag it's a bore it's really such a pity to be lookin at the board not lookin at the city

is he legit autistic?

>an chess hero
no, but he is an hero. so is your grammar


>being this new

More so than videogames

No your opponent doesn't even have to be on the same continent

no. only MMA under PRIDE rules was a sport.


t. Bachelor of Arts student

Magnus just lost him game in the pro chess league, causing tiebreaks

*a American

Can you place bets on chess games? If not, then it's not a sport.

If a computer can beat a human at it it's not a sport.


.... when? the dude has admitted he is left wing

>implying you can't be left wing and still like trump

One dimensional chess

>be left winger
>support someone who is anti-everything left wingers support


he also never said he supported him, and seeing as how he has always opened with odd openings, I don't think him using one that just so happens to sound like his name proves he fucking supports him, jesus


>anti-everything left wingers support

Zero dimensional chess

probably because athletes are some of the dumbest people around. I don't know what the deal with chess players is though

zero dimensional, like the level of thought you put into your responses

That is the laziest "NO U" I've seen in ages. Is repeating back what others say to you how they teach you socialization in autism school?

nah, they taught me how to talk to girls instead, you should try it, you virgin

wait, are u not a qt grill?

You shouldn't lead guys on like that with such feminine opinions. It's just not ethical.

you tried, and you failed
don't ever @ me again


This has to be the worst thing I've ever read

This "journalist" shouldn't be allowed to use metaphors when he is clearly intent on stretching them to well beyond the realm of any plausibility

It's chess. Autism is a pre-requisite.

>tfw almost 2000 elo

how do I actually get over the hump to try and reach GM by the time i'm 30?

>Privileged white male supports privileged white male
Gee I wonder.

god that was pathetic to read

t. left wing defense force

>damage control this hard

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. Carlsen is /withhim/

>decries left as not allowing free speech
>gets fired for thinking abortion should be legal

like pottery

>I feel I'm miles away from anyone with autism. I consider myself to have normal social skills and to be functioning normally.

Strawman levels that shouldn't even be posstible HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Anyone find it funny how the left has a dislike for the bourgeoisie, yet on the opposite of the political spectrum you find dumb hicks who wouldn't even be able to spell the word if asked? I find that hilarious.

They have a dislike for a spectral idea of the bourgeoisie, yet don't realize they are that exact idea of bourgeoisie.

Rednecks just want to be left alone and not be fucked with.

Of course these are both just smear tactic stereotypes that, despite existing in pockets, are used to smear the entire idea of the "opposition" with one wide brushstroke. One stereotype is far more dangerous than the other, however. Truth is, most people with political opinions should be shot in the head.

Trump is more pro LGBT than the left


>can't even properly