the holocaust, if it happen

What's the from? And whites should be proud of their heritage and higher intellect above other races (besides the white americans, kike media brainwashes em. I escaped tho)

commiting crimes at a rate that is proportional to the size of their population

The victims were white, should they be proud of it, or stop moaning about it as if it's the defining point of their heritage?

The fact that we invented modern society

Before we moved on to a post modern society?
I have a nostaligic tear in my eye when I remember modern society.

Sorry. Guess I should've just said society. Kys faggot

Their women.


Sorry, we are not as racist and dumb as you Jammal. When people think of their heritage, they normally consider Sweden's, Italy's, Germany's or Russia's history their heritage...not 'white people history'. Which is a retarded af term coined by libshits and vine posting hoodrats


Raising their kids lol

jews dont even consider themselves white
and neither do I, they are hybrid arabs

Stop drinking the coolaid...they are reptiloids.

everything mankind ever accomplished

Not being niggers

Boss? Boss?!?! Bosssss!!!

White people should be proud of nothing as a collective.

Each individual should be proud of his personal achievements and what he has overcome, but being part of any group is not hard, it's not an achievement so you have no reason to be proud.

Same with black people, yellow people, woman, gays.

Being part of these groups is not an achievement in itself. You have not actually done anything that is aspirational or with merit.

Being able to say, "Thanks for the warning officer"


Your rationality hurts my queer, black women feelings, so I'll just come up with a sassy comment referring to your collective guilt concerning evil, horific, atrocious slavery.

This is actually true I have never gotten a ticket before. Even one time where I just straight up cut a cop off on the highway.

Knowing who my father is

Being the only relevant actors in history for the latest few eras of human existence.

It is a achievement.
If your part of the white race.
You belong to the most sucsessfull race on the planet.
Its the same reason you can be proud of humanity for landing on the moon.
No one could have landed on the moon on its own.
Were sucsessfull as a group.
And that is something to be damn proud off.

western values of liberty, equality and solidarity maybe?
How about early industrialization, leading to modern technology, allowing for historically unprecedented awesome living conditions for everyone who's willing to participate in the worlds best jobmarket in terms of working-conditions?
Maybe the setup of a social security net that cares for everyone in dire need?
Or what about our vast cultural goods like music, art, movies, games, clothing and basically every tidbit of lifestyle goods?
Should we maybe be proud about the western / european educational system being one of the best there is?
I know, maybe we should celebrate the dawn of the space-age and our achievements in sending probes successful to the surfaces of other planets.
On the other hand, maybe our most awesome accomplishment was to prepare the stage to unite and uplift the best people from other ethnicities to work together on the advancement of all of humanity...

You tell me.

bs european art, and monuments and cultures stands the a display that when we come together we can bring order and industry to man to produce wealth for masses

there are bad parts of the culture that we must fix as a collective (poverty , addiction, corruption), problems that are side effects of the great institutions we have created together and currently maintain

oh you clapping little funny man ... thats one thing you did today, maybe youll use your hands for something useful. Your culture as a collective or in the individual level has added nothing to the world

Only see the victory of yourself is

list of things whites can be proud of!
* Were not fucking BLACK.
* We have the hottest people.. guys and girls.
* We are not criminals from birth
* We can walk straight through airport security
* We rule the world.

Jews rule the world

you are not wrong, when it comes to the individual level.
But feeling proud about collective efforts (like the space programm, which is impossible to continue without tax-dollars, earned by every single citizen), is healthy for national solidarity, and sets us a bar to strife towards and compete against.
No achievement exists in a vacuum.
Even your personal achievements, could only be accomplished because you have proven success against expectations levered on you either by the situation, or even by other human beings.
You exceeded their expectations.
Without them, you could have never done so.

Everything arround you is a achievement of someone else.
And if your not proud of that.
Then get the fuck of your computer faggot.

Do not confuse us with you sophistry! This Sup Forums not your humanities class.



How rude

how so?

OCcasional profanity aside, we should be proud of the conflict of ideas, the personal hunger for a better society, the cultural achievements yes, but most of all the ability to communicate, negotiate and our ability to put aside our differences when it most matters.

Even that only applies to achievements happening during your lifetime and within the societies you are actually a part of. So being proud of the discovery of America or mu stronk Zulu uprising on an individual level is still retarded. Identity politics are cancer.


there are plenty to be proud of.


sure man , cool meme

you really think you could have made it to the moon without peanut butter?

well this guy doesnt live in a hut:
Alexander Animalu

i mean theres more to africans than 1 image. you dont improve the race acting like a monkey. dont stoop to their level

Being the best at war. All the culture and art in the world doesn't matter if someone kills you. Cultural advancement is how defended against ALL forms of destruction, internal and external.

Pride for something you personally accomplished is acceptable. Still gay because reasons, but understandable. Pride for things other people accomplished is retarded. "White People" probably have many things to be proud of, but not for things other white people did.

>I invented something, I'm proud of this.
>White people invented lots of stuff, I'm proud to be white.
Not okay.

You can be happy about your ethnicity without being prideful.

Literally most people have nothing to be proud of. The accomplishments of people the same color as you are not yours, you are just some dude living a normal life who won't be remembered. Maybe actually accomplish something before even insinuating that any other race is inferior.

Inventing 99% of technology, colonizing the world, advancing science, philosophy, art, fiction, comedy, music, and everything else.

The Negro race is vastly inferior in morals, self-control, and intelligence. They should be exterminated.

No one misses the Neanderthals. No one will miss the Negroes.

Inventing everything of value...including civilization.

HOLD ON there, Sparky. White people have Neanderthal DNA and those colored folk do NOT. We can than the Neanderthal line for our excellent white lives.