Legitimate question...

Legitimate question, would you sacrifice one year of your natural life span for one night with Emma Watson as your submissive sex slave?

I would not want her to be all that submissive.

Only a year, sure, i'd do it ten times over.

one year for one night? lmao, no thanks.

I can't answer.

fuck no, she's hideous.

No she's a feminist. I doubt she would allow you to nut on her face.

Only if I still clear 100 anyways. Need that platinum life trophy.

yes. she's my queen.

>submissive sex slave
You don't read very carefully.

Not my type. she prefer getting fucked by people like weinstein to get some money.

she would do anything its legal to make pornography about in America for this one night

Tape the entire thing and either sell it back to her for millions or sell it on the internet for millions.
Yes I would trade one year of my lifespan for several million dollars.

By all means yes



>have exactly one year left to live
>say yes
>die and disapear

Literally NOTHING attractive about her.

Small ass. Small tits. Shit-cunt attitude. Feminist. Never worked a day in her life. Caught opening up fake corps to Jew herself out of paying taxes. Probably fucked Weinstein.

God damn fucking disgusting. Also, one of the most horrible actresses ever known. Beauty and the Cuck? Auto-tuned into a ear-shattering nightmare AND they CGI'd her tears because the bitch doesn't have enough soul to cry on queue.

I'd rather fuck a piece of plywood.



Then no you faggots

is paying more tax than you have to a good thing?

Yes. I live in Alaska and we have 67 days of darkness, so I'd get two months to fuck her in every position possible.

Only when it's done by illegal means to get out of paying your share while everyone else is paying theirs.

gotta love a loophole

>get to fuck a feminist celeb in the ass
>sell the video to be set for life

No. But instead of paying her taxes like a decent person, she bought clandestine, fake properties to avoid it. Illegally. She's named in the Panama papers scandal. Class-A Jew rat.

>gotta love a loophole

>Small ass.

Doesn't matter. My dick will still fit in it.

What better things would you do in that last year of your life? Shit your pants in a nursing home?

You are a very angry person

What, are you into scat or including children? Aight man, I guess you do you

Hell no; she;s just a girl. Moderately hot. Lots of ordinary girls that are hotter.

I mean, I guess it's big enough for someone with a little dick.

She is 5'2 after all.

Here you go fanboy. Make sure you let the "Emma Watson Jewbook group" know you're defending her honor.

No. She has no booty or tits.

Femnists cunt. gross no thanks.

Nope, plenty of entitled sjw girls out there who are submissive and have daddy isdues.

I'd actually have to know my natural lifespan first to make this decision. Other celebs yes with no hesitation. Feminist Emma is under review

Depends, does she decide that it's rape the day after cos she regrets it?

I'm not defending her honor. I actually agree with you. I was just pointing out that you seem angry, user.

Yes but it's your word vs hers

Only if she genuinely enjoyed it and my wife could join.