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Non porn webm

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Name of gun?

Good god. The fuck rifle is that?


Its a punt gun thats made to shoot a shitton of birdshot for killing flocks of geese and shit.
But some old fudd added a super shitty pistol grip
and chambered the thing to shoot .50


>shoot .50

>he thinks a fudd would do that

I'm pretty sure it's an M1918 Tankgewehr


this is correct

in 13.2 caliber

13.2 mm

That's not a guns name dumbass.

a fucking good webm without sound?? :v



why the fuck are those niggers eating grass?

grazing just like their ancestors...

Wow thats hard to see, im over losing my shit because the pizza i ordered came with very little pepperoni and these people havent even seen grass

Over here*

WTF? Context?

Where all the Webms at

bumping thread

african christians, their preacher told them to do it


Poor kid he's probably gay now

>flabby, weak arms
>obviously unfit

Like most gun nuts, she's an unhealthy piece of weak shit

Look at these fucking savages. Seriously one step up from cavemen.

that's scary as fuck

yes if they took one step up they would be cavemen

glock 9


No it's not a punt gun.
It's too small for a punt gun.
Also check the choke on the barrel, this has always been a rifle.

Also suspect the round she fired was rather light on powder

That's a fully semi-automatic bolt action AR (assault rifle) firing from a high capacity assault clipazine.

I t honk this is some religious group whose head shit - talker told them that the grass would sustain them.

user, I love you. Have been crying at this, good job


Your mum's a what?

Needs more webms



wo wo we wa

Its a mauser anti tank rifle from world war 1 i think. That vid is from c&rsenal on youtube.

Your a fucking faggot, and also your full of shit.

Fuck off. At least she has tge balls to shoot that. All you can do is shoot your cuck flavored gag sauce on your moms shower wall, you god damned neckbeard.

fidget spinner with a freakin laser beam on its head!




what is that?

Nerve Grass

is ket
go meow


Tank Mauser

a donkey

for videos like this, it is very good that they have enabled the sound now

I have questions




It is a world war 1 Panzergeweher. The german response to the British and French tanks. It is a scaled up Mauser basically.



Hahaha goot one


Looks like Houston Texas.



a so called Jaguarundi, closely related to the cougar, lives in the jungles of the americas


i love this webm


Pretty sure this is how the replicators from Stargate SG1 were started with.




Refugees that haven't had more than rocks and their own shit to eat for their whole lives. That grass probably tastes like drug covered heaven strands

I find squint eyed Hillary strangely hot

Did he did?


RIP tailbone




Da fuq?


Welcome to India, where safety is number 12 priority

>Brushes teeth, stabs anus
>opens fridge, gets hit in the balls
>wash face, drown
>open soda can, sever jugular vein
>drink glass of milk, accidentally all the cows



this is literally something you'd make as a depression meal




It makes me depressed, can't figure out where this is from. I think probably the Philippines.


that was a wild ride

