Steak for dinner

Steak for dinner.

im bbq tomorrow and steak is on the menu

fucking ruined


Cooked it wrong faggot

looks overcooked as fuck but tasty
I'm gonna smoke a salmon fillet

Oh so you don't know how to cook steak. Cool.

looks good, user. where's the catsup?

Home made lasagna, made with a century old sauce recipe right here. Your steak is a far inferior specimen of a meal.

Kys pleb

Needs ketchup

Pay attention niggers, you might learn something







it's overcooked, fag


Boom, Detroit style pizza

probably chews like rubber

im sitting here high as fuck like

"oh my god this dude is making pizza pie"

In what universe is this fucking thing a steak?

Fuck OP's shitty cooked steak.


Are you god

Op can't cook a steak. That opened thread to interpretive dinner thread. Know the rules motherfucker.


Did OP cum on the left side of the steak? Gross!

Why waste your money on steak if you're just going to ruin it like that? An insult to good steaks everywhere.

Next time skip the grill, sear that shit in a cast iron skillet with salt and pepper and throw that bitch in the oven to finish cooking (to just under medium rare not fucking gray and burnt you retard). Toss it on your cutting board to rest for ten minutes with a little herb butter on to while it comes up to medium rare. Weep at the beauty of your perfect steak.

Faggots who don't eat steak and claim it's "cooked wrong." Go back to the prehistoric world if you want a perfect fucking steak.

Obviously a shit tear cook. Can't make a fucking steak so he tries to turn it into a crap pizza thread.

Blow me summer fag

Try again, OP, burnt steak is for faggots but I give you another chance, with this beef ribs
25cm wide, 6xm thick

Spoiler alert, it's from last week, ended up grilling it on the stone (very rare), served with grilled zucchinis nd sweet potatoes
Fuck I love meat

Are you me? I'm stoned as shit and said the same thing! lol

Best thread on Sup Forums right now

Lmfao, you guys are fucking mind readers man!

Steaks are best cooked for short times. Needs to be dripping before a cut. And that pizza is horrid looking

You're the summer fag who fell for the bait. This fuckin' steak has been on Sup Forums for years.

I'd trade you guys some pizza pie for a good buzz - and maybe a shot at your sister

In this thread:
>Americans buying giant cuts of terrible meat and cooking it grey

Go to South America to see how it's done you plebs

I don't want parasitic worms crawling through my intestines. No thanks.

I grilled all this tonight




>thinking you'll get a parasite from rare beef



That pic makes it look rarer than it was

>n-no thanks, waiter, I might get a parasite. R-r-ight mom??

Good grill marks, wtg
But it's too thin which is why it's overdone.
Next time get a 1-1/2" cut.

charcoal pleb

Charcoal is superior, moron. Only stupid Americans use propane. Go anywhere good in the world like Europe or Argentina, they all use charcoal. Wood at nice places. Only poor and lazy people cook with gas for grilling.

Loser! You're a loser! Are you feeling sorry for yourself? Well, you should be, cause you're dirt! You make me sick! You big baby! Baby want a bottle? A big dirt bottle?


Steak??? When there are ribs!!

my man

>can't handle the truth

Winner! You're a winner! Are you feeling saucy for yourself? Well, you should be, cause you're gold! You big John Cena! John Cena want a belt? A big Gold Belt?

That looks like shit, is the food store bankrupt just like the city?

Taste the meat not the heat

Teeniest bit overdone, but still within the tasty range.

i dont understand this... why do you think the prehistoric world has perfect steak?

overrated steaks everywhere Boston Cut is best cut T-bone and Ribeye are over hyped/overprice in my opinion meat flavor is low and super fatty with good tenderness vs Boston cut High meat flavor fat almost non existant almost same tenderness as the other high price cuts