Is it possible to live a life where you truly do whatever you want?

is it possible to live a life where you truly do whatever you want?


Yes you just need to understand things with a greater meaning.

I would recommend LSD unless you're schizophrenic or anything like that. In that case no drugs for you.
Or do, I have no control over your life.

Not unless you're a millionaire or richer

How don't you already do whatever you want?

Well in order to answer this question we have to know one thing:

Are you an extentialist?

Because physical boundaries exist - no, but if you mean "do whatever you want" in a social sense then mostly yes. It just requires you to be a huge asshole. That doesn't mean that there are no consequences to your actions, but you may be able to avoid /ignore them for the most part.

i took mushrooms 10 times and a few years later was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

the thought process you experience on shrooms is imo virtually identical to my thought process when i'm psychotic. just some food for thought.

afraid of the consequences. And something tells me i wouldn't get it anyway

Money just puts you inside another kind of prison.
It's all self made.
Break free of your mental shackles, slave.

Sure. But it lasts very fast.

I hope you can survive by eating all of the edge you have there


That makes me think about why/how psychedelic experiences can be really healing for tons of people if it's virtually identical to being psychotic. Thoughts?

basically i mostly stay within the bounds of what society tells me is safe. I was just wondering if anyone here lives on the edge 24/7, and successfully goes and gets whatever they want when they want on the minute

Of course. The trick to it is not "wanting to do" a whole lot.

Most of your life you'll have to make judgement calls whether you want to do your thing or align with the flow.
Keep in mind that the people you're afraid to hurt probably want the best for you and MAY have some more life experience than you do which they're desperately trying to pass onto you.
They cannot know what's best for you because they can't look into the future either, but if they're between you and your life dream consider to put yourself first - it's your own life.

That's about as much of a vague suggestion as i can give you for your vague question.

You get my point though, no?

these dubs make my belly tingle

psychotic episodes some theorize are not quite illness' as they are coping mechanisms to deal with trauma people have experienced in there lives.
When one enters into an intense altered state or trip after they then return to their baseline with a new appreciation and perspective on their life as a whole.

The problem with mental illness is they exist in that state almost constantly.
you most likely already had an underlying problem. look at it as mushrooms gave you the ability to recognize and operate in those states not that they caused them.

I have not physically touched fiat money in 5 years. I have created my own moss currency that my secret community uses to trade for goods and services.

but when you plan things out, you take away the mystery and the spontaneity (if you're brave enough to wander right into the middle of that mystery and let it take you), which some would say is the whole point of living

all i ever want is sleep and videogames and that all i do, so i guess?

Only if you are rich or born into wealth

life a shit

The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right...The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns him, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.

blah blah blah what a bunch of edgy bullshit

Planning has gotten me everything i am today, maybe some people just stumble upon a successful life or happiness, but i don't.
I guess i should have invested more skill points in luck and charme.

In books, OP. In books.

Can you give some examples of "whatever you want"?

tl;dr. Ridiculous hairstyle.

>skill points

edgelords didnt exist back then dumbass

lets see, society tells you you need to have money to have a girl look your way. That you need to be financially stable before you even talk to a girl, so you can take her out on a date. I'm talking about the guy who says fuck that i dont want to put in the work and life decisions to get all that money. Lives homeless, sees the girl from a street corner, decides he wants her, goes up to her, and gets her anyway. There's an example/scenario. Society tells him that as a homeless guy thats not his place to do that, but he does it anyway because he wants to, he doesnt fit into any mold.

Psychedelics do make life worth living on a whole other level.

i can fap every time?