Hey guys, im Cassie and im really wet and horny rn <333...

Hey guys, im Cassie and im really wet and horny rn

fuck it, im really horny , text/call me at 5 16 382 7811


we in this


holy shit she is actually a girl LOL, i just called up

Nice, posting our university camwhore. Know her and she never posted nudes, but OP enlighten us

i might of well post random pics of girls

Yeah, seems totally legit...


thats not actually me babe, actually text me and ill send you a nude :))

Send bob and vagene

>current year


send dick pics to me guys, im really horny

>5 16 382 7811
text me boys at 516 382 781 1

Sent, I still didn't get anything from you.
If I see you next week, I will be angry at you

did you text the right number? I didnt get anything babe 5 16 382 7811

It's bait
But bumping just in case

Can I see your brown eye?

so you finally figured out a way to trick newfags into being your PERSONAL ARMY and harassing some random slut you don't like?
...I guess I should clap, but faggots like you get discovered pretty quick for your faggotry.
you're a faggot scammer begging for a personal army and deserve to die

lol what? the girl actually sent me nudes thou

>posting b8 images

>the girl actually sent me nudes thou
OP, you're a lying piece of shit who STOLE THIS PICTURE OFF OTHER SITES,
you have no proof other than proof you're a MASSIVE FAGGOT
so we laugh at you and your scam,
Sup Forums is not your personal army
eat a bag oif dicks

like every other girl i text:(