Would I be more presentable if I were to carefully remove the white puss heads or am I totally hopeless anyway?

Would I be more presentable if I were to carefully remove the white puss heads or am I totally hopeless anyway?

Touching the white head zits could potentially make them take longer to heal. But if it makes me look a bit better I can live with that. If it’s not going to make any appreciable difference I’ll just leave them alone.

These are trying times my friends

wash your face you greasy fuck

go to the fucking doctor

literally kys you are beyond any hope of redemption


doubt thats you but im sure you have acne, once you pop the zit make sure to wash face and apply face cream.

A smart man would go to the doctor

A dumbass would pop them all one by one

You choose what to do OP. I recommend the popping option and with pictures

guyzzzzzzzz is that me?????????????????????????

wash your face with soap every morning and night. Sleep with your face over a clean towel every night.

Hey look it's Agatha!

SEAL gets pussy. Burn ur face for those SEAL scars

Get rid of the puss heads and get a cotton pad with a little rubbing alcohol and dab it over them to dry them out, should look much better

Buy a pimple extractor (set) from Amazon.
Wash the fuck out of your face with warm water and soap
Gently remove the pus with the extractor. Use the pointy end to break the surface, the spoon side to extract.
Wash your face again with cold water.

Don't use too much pressure or you risk scarring.

Gah! What the fuck are you?!

What in the world... Whatever you do don't touch them, I had pimples when I was a teenager and I would scratch them a lot, it left me pores/dark spots on my forehead, mine weren't as severe as yours, go to the doc user

>A bunch of images found

Fuck off faggot. Stop posting this shit.

This is not me but it might as well be. My condition looks almost identical to that. I have just this sort of red raised by mod with some very noticeable white heads. The whiteness really makes them stand out against the red. People look at
Me like they’re worried they’re going to burst on them while we’re speaking. I know I’m a mess either way but would it be a little less disgusting ismwhat I’d like to hear

peopl touch their faces regularly without thinking about what they have touched. Lets say played computer (Keyboard and mouse is dirty) then you scratch your face or some shiit. Its disgusting. Thats why I was my hands and face every hour or two. I had terrible acne once, started doing this and it helped so much in less than 4months. Now its even better because I only drink water and eat healthy (most of the time)
So what Im trying to say is. Wash hands and face several times a day and eat and drink healthy

>Touching the white head zits could potentially make them take longer to heal.
i call that bullshit, did that for as long as i can remember at it didn't aggravated the situation.
But of course it mostly depends on everbody's skin tone, how sensitive it is.

Just make sure to have enough vitamin C in your system

Wash your face each night before bed and fresh pillow case every night should help some.

well it helps unless if you do it with your hands/nails. Wash them off with hot water

Apple Cider Vinegar. Bathe in the waters of eternity.

I took accutane as a teen and it helped tremendously. Also topical ointment helps.

Go to a dermatologist and they'll give you good shit. You'll have to pay a little bit but it's definitely worth it

You're not supposed to shower with chicken grease, user.

Just stay home.

Wear a bandana and go to a dermatologist.

Reverse image search, OP's pic appears in dozens of pages. Fail troll fails.

If it was OP, I would have recommended a belt sander.

talk with a dermatologist about a medication called Accutane

take a pic with timestamp


Neutrogena, user. Shit works

Mustafa is that u

> not a medfag but had two buds that looked like that.

Turns out they had cystic acne. Dermatologist prescribed accutane and it cleared up.

Go to the Dermatologist, you faggot. Don't pop shit don't soak in alcohol or anything else - get medically sound guidance and treatment.

Wash your face and change your pillow/pillowcase daily

Please don't pass these genes down , your offspring will be fucked as a teenager

>am I totally hopeless
no, you control the spice, you control the universe

Wash face with hot water, no medicine
Change pillow sheets daily (this is extreme acne, take no chances), cut sugar out your diet for like a week man.
Don't touch your fucking face!
I gave my brother this info and he never listened, now he looks like the surface of the moon, he pulls bitches though, but he could've looked better


In case you're serious, try to see a dermatologist. What helped me was using clearasil every morning/night, and at night use a tropical cream



pineapple or coconut?

go see a cosmetic surgeon or a dermatologist. Popping them will do nothing, just see a professional. They are knowledgable in the field and can probably help you.

In my experience , acne is all about what's inside you topical stuff doesn't work , genetics , stress and diet. Stress is horrible for acne prone individuals like me , only thing that can help you is medication. Not a doctor , personal experience

>Wash your face with antibacterial soap
>DO NOT squeeze these things
>You will be scared for life if you do

My acne cleared up when I ran away from home so I could stop being forced to drive my prostitute mother to johns

I see this a lot on Indian reservations where they have a lot of PCB contamination in their food/water supply, drink shit like lysol, huff paint, etc.

i always pop the white out of mine and force bleed them till its just pure red blood no other juices. Then i shower after. i think popping the puss out helps them heal faster and easier the only downside to this is you can cause scarring which i have some but my acnes almost all gone now. thats what i do to it everyday and its shown me the best results out of anything. i never use any creams or shit just makes it worse my man.

Whiteheads make you look more dirty and unkempt pop them and wash your face frequently, use charcoal blackhead wash and moisturize with specialised face moisturizer/cream

Dem doc here
1: no cheese no milk, none,
Alternatively soy almond coconut are ok
2 change pillow sheets every night
You can use clean T-shirt’s as pillow casings
3 never touch your face with dirty hands and clean it every day with hard hyper allergenic soup and use only clean towels to dry off
4.it will take 2 weeks to clear up or you will see significantly clear face.
>>ask a derm doc

Popping also can drive the infection back under your skin, ensuring that you get more and more severe breakouts in the future. If you have acne like the op's princess c related, then get thee to a motherfucking dermatologist, my broseph.

Popping, alcohol, creams, all that shit won't help if you're that far gone.

this is bullshit 101 your diet is a very large contributor to acne stress as well. If you cut out soda and junk food i can guarantee you it will get better. but who wants to only eat healthy and drink water fuck that but it does work 100% wont cure you but it will be very noticeable after a week shit will start leaving

yeah bullshit. I did all that when i had cystic acne in my late teens. OP's pic related needs meds. Antibiotics to start and, if that doesn't work, the nuclear option.

You must change your diet.

Yeah , stuff inside your body , food goes inside your body.


mines almost completely gone. im guessing since im 20 and have a beard now is helping but just passing on what helped me like i said popping isnt for everyone. You can make shit much worse and scar yourself i think everyones skin takes it differently. It has helped me tremendously iv ran my own test over the years to see what i can do to get bad spots to go away. popping them and bleeding them and a face wash legit made 60% of it go away in less than 4 days. try some shit out see what works and what dont for you

Isotretinoin could help you
but can fuck yout liver

I should've worded that better , I'm saying that those things are what are the big problems , and nothing topical will work. Sorry

my face is clear now im passing on what helped me get rid of this completely. popping diet change and exercise is what got rid of mine

oh ok gothca i was about to say that diet is a main thing people tend to overlook or think hell i can just do other shit and forget that and it will work. pro tip it fucking will not

soap on face makes it worse, it strips oil and makes your face over produce more

Cystic acne can be caused by staph aurious and then what I mentioned above probably would not work, but for 95% this works

Wash your face, actually shower once in a while, drink lots of water and use some medicated stuff


clean your face you dirty mongrel

seriously, clean your face and keep your hands off your face and it wouldnt look like that to begin with

Plain water is far better

Why do you post on b instead of going to a fucking doctor like a normal person

how about you just pop all of them, and when they show up again one by one just keep popping them.


>went to the doctor
>he said ''just pop em dumbo'' while looking at cellphone.

Just stop. This myth has been debunked for a long ass time.

Acne is related to diet and hormones.

Clearly suicide is the only option then

This is the correct answer for almost every case of severe acne. Isotretinoin is highly effective and shouldn't be considered a last-resort method. It will effectively cure acne and prevent scarring that can result from even mild cases. Just don't get pregnant while you're taking it.

I find works better than dish soap
But I'm not gay enough to buy once cream


I always found that popping was the way to go. Everyone always said "OH GOD, DON'T TOUCH THEM, IT'LL MAKE IT WORSE," but if I could get it emptied out, I found that by the next morning it would have disappeared almost completely to the point that you couldn't tell anything had ever been there at all.

Occasionally I'd have one that just wouldn't empty out, and then it did indeed get much worse as a result of messing with it. BUT, the worse it got, usually the easier it then became to pop. Only on a few occasions did I run into one that I just had to give up on and let go away naturally.

>you can't expect suicide to solve all your problems.
-Robbin Willians.

Not all problems just most of them

Use Dawn dishwashing soap on that shit.will clean it right up


just pop them ....
dermatologist will just pop them for you,
i have gone to dermatologist before all they do is put hot towels on my face for about 10 - 20 minutes , then swoop in with a metal tiny rod and pop em. i dont have bad acne but when a wild zit appears , i pop it , squeeze until blood comes out , never use your nails, just use the digits , anyway when blood starts oozing out i put a tiny piece of toilet paper on top and let it suck everything out.

go the the fucking docotr and get on acutane

This fucking makes my face itchy just looking at it
U need to see a skin specialist Op, you really need an expert opinion so that you dont permanently damage your face

> This is not me but...

Stop right there you fag and post a real picture you fake ass queer.

I can't eat sugary carbs unless I want to be haunted by acne.
I was on a keto diet for 1,5 years with silky smooth skin

Alcohol and moisturizer nigger. Holy shit you look like my brother. Also pic related, invest in that shit and you might be pretty at some point but bear in mind that scarring is gonna happen no matter what you do.

Buy a
"Comedome extractor"
You are welcome

>dem doc
>no cheese, no milk
>clear up in two weeks

Stop faking, dumbass. Real med user, here.
See a doctor as you need antibiotics combined with an exfoliant. Differin is OTC now but you need an antibiotic as well. Acuteness is an option, but hard on the liver. Wash twice daily with gentle non-abrasive cleanser, pat dry after. Try very hard to not touch your face. Differin and antibiotics will clear it up, but expect 8-12 weeks for real improvement.