Just ordered juice for the first time im fucking anxious as hell

Just ordered juice for the first time im fucking anxious as hell

Where do you order it?

What'd you get?

Orange Julius

do u mean real juice? wtf

Apple or orange

>it's actually aids
>it's actually estrogen
>it's actually test blocker
>there's air in the needle and your dumbass heart stops because of it
heh, you ready to die motherfucker?

8 bottles of test cyp, 10ml 250mg I dont plan on getting off Im gonna run trt 250 a week until i plateau and then up the dose/add in a new compound

Napgear brahs

Why? You competing?

I remember that chain back in the 70's in Cali.
the Orange Julius drink was like OJ, egg whites, and milk or something.

havent seen that name in decades, think they went away and Dairy Queen bought them>

ive ran a few peptides i know how to work a syringe -___- its a trusted source so im not worried

Sup Forumsro, do you even lift?

not competing, but after 6 years of training gains have basically maxed out im 211 lbs

Arent they in europe? i dont want to deal with customs

Have fun with your balls shrinking to the size of m&ms, and then having to take testosterone replacements for the rest of your life when you're off the gear.

How much was that if you don't mind?
And as far as nerves, don't sweat it. Took me days to get the nerve to finally do it, then like 30 minutes when I actually did. The shit is thick and will draw into the syringe slowly, so be ready for that and don't get nervous and bitch out. First one was rough for. Not painful, but mentally. It gets better after that. Now it's just routine.
Good luck, and be smart about it. Get bloodwork done.

Don't be I ran a test tren cycle, had great results

yes I cant wait!! ill be fucking jacked even at 60 while your frail ass will be at home dying cant even get your dick up

of all the illegal drugs you could buy, you chose the ones that make you look like a fucking meathead and cause your balls to shrivel up to the size of acorns. What that fuck?

>maxed out
doesn't happen.
train harder
get a better diet
it just takes more time and effort to get stronk at that point tbqh familam

An intramuscular injection of steroids carries so little a chance of oxygen making it's way to the heart and causing irregularity that you'd have better luck being struck by lightning, winning the powerball, and getting struck again on the same day.
Injection directly into a blood vessel is a different story, google the results as I won't explain them here.
Besides, injections of testosterone's compounds has always (100%) shown positive results in muscle mass gain and sexual activity, the only downside is, if used chronically, it can cause long term (decades of "abuse") natural testosterone production.
OP, I would suggest a very simple stack, if not only a single compound. Testosterone Enanthate, Propionate if you want immediate results, is a good start, but keep it slack to start until you find the side-effects
t. competition lifter

get on my level Op

jacked on steroids at 60 =/= healthy at 60, and it will definitely be you that can't get your dick up. You didn't seriously buy and plan to use anabolic steroids without researching what it does to your genitals with long term use, right?

Yeah you know, minus the guy I knew that died at 43 from a heart attack. You might be jacked but your body is completely fucked up otherwise.

yeah my friend works at a TRT clinic and tells me they use 28 gauge half inch needles for SubQ injections which i plan on doing so i think ill be good, as ive used 28 gauge for some peptides ive ran in the past and barely felt them.. the price all together with shipping was Tree-fiddy (srs)

>The shit is thick and will draw into the syringe slowly
you can hold it in your hand to heat it up a bit so its less viscous

you can use T subq?
I thought it had to be in the muscle

yeah doesnt happen OK so lets just all keep lifting weighting and we will all be able to gain muscle forever.. doesnt work like that.. im sure if i got super serious about gains i might be able to add another 2 or 3 lbs this year but thats wayyy too much time invested for barely anything

>you can hold it in your hand to heat it up a bit so its less viscous
Oh shit! Good looking out fam, thanks!

idk about other compounds but i know for SURE test can absolutely be subQ in fact alot of doctors reccomend it because it gives you more stable blood levels


how often do you do it?
I guess all I know is that my estrogen needs to go in the muscle, and the levels really aren't stable at all..it has a huge peak in the beginning then tapers off

I am g'musle man

Can it be used short term to get you boosted up then maintain the gains without it?

Fucking hell.
I'm finna spend $325 on three more bottles of 10ml 200mg. And I thought I was doing OK.

it is far healthier to be on TRT when youre over 40 then be natural

>noobies never fuck up

nope alot of guys think that, if you truly want to keep the gains you just get on TRT and then blast and cruise

thats not that bad, still cheaper than CVS or walgreens without insurance


Not OP but have been offered to get some but am worried about potential side effects like "roid rage" as I'm a tard wrangler I can't really afford for that to happen.

You need something to counter that retard strength or next thing you know they will be forcing your dick down their throat and you will be powerless to stop it.

That's why I was considering it,but I don't wanna stuff my cock down their throat if they sneeze too loud or some shit