Salute, shitlords

Salute, shitlords.

lmao imagine being such hustlin' ass niggas you scam an arab wigger out of a million

>1mil to BLM

>1m to blm
>50k to meals on wheels
lmao what a nagger

He also supports Fidel Castro but I guess that doesn't matter.

And -$300 million to the NFL which is why he has no job now

>implying there is anything wrong with supporting Fidel


so what's that like a $20 donation in proportion to his wage?

>1 million to BLM
What a scumbag


so $0

Well that officially settles it, I am now a #CruzMissile

If I was a literal who like him I'd feel guilty about having that much money too

It's a bit hypocritical when he is protesting "systematic racial oppression" and supporting Fidel Castro who systematically oppressed homos and murdered them with literal left wing death squads.
Really gets the neurons firing

What a waste of money

That food to Somalia will never reach the people who actually need it.

You'd understand if Norway actually had black people.

>$1m to #BLM

Does this fund purple drank and Newports?

If you don't stand with Kaepernick, your racist.

What exactly does BLM use all that money for?

>1 mil to blm


>1 million to a racial hate group


Castro is actually a big fan of racial oppression too.

>Castro and the other whites who run the country: "Racism is over!"
>Black Cubans: "No it's not"
>Castro: "Traitors, off to prison you go!"

>1 Million to BLM
Loving Every Laugh

And even if it did, giving food and money to poor countries makes them dependant. When you cut that support, like zoo animals they don't know what to do and die off in a week.

wtf i love trudeau sr now

so what? this is just like people saying they can use the word "nigger" just because they voted for obama.

creating city, college-educated (((jobs))) like "content creator", "operations manager" and whatnot
the big shots of any (((protest group))) are handsomely paid by their masters

>niggers in charge of knowing charitable donations are tax deductible

To spread their cancer worldwide

lol you are fucking awful

>1 Million to BLM

It's like he doesn't want to play in the NFL anymore

i never understood people who say this. It's still money out of pocket, and a deduction isn't a credit, so its at best a discount of his marginal tax rate

When do you think Kaep going to accept the fact that he isn't going to get signed because he's a mediocre player who brings a media circus along with him?


just donating them stuff accomplishes nothing in the long-term. just makes them have more kids

He's not wrong. In fact, it's a very serious problem for economic progress in pre-developing areas.

>1 million dollars to a group that has absolutely no charitable efforts and without any definite leadership, corporate structure, or even goals
>1/20th of that to Meals on Wheels

Top zozzle

>1 mill to BLM
>50k to food on wheels
not even hiding his priorities, eh

>le walk away from $17m and find out no one will sign you man

How's the BLM refund policy?


>wears castro shirt in press conference before game in miami
>the city filled with anti castro cubans
>game ends in defeat by getting sacked by the son of a cuban exile
its like pottery

Give away maybe 3% of yearly income to charity with multiple millions on his bank account

The fact that Kaepernick claimed to be a Miami fan and love Miami but simultaneously supported Castro is what made me realize that he was a moron.

wait, THAT is what tipped the scale for you?



My dad went back there to visit family, and they arrested him going back to his hotel because they refused to believe a black guy could be staying somewhere that nice lol

use it to fabricate acts of racism against them.

>donating money to a racial hate group.

really gets my almonds activated.

>starts dating some activist
>he fucks his career
>he gives away all his money

That dumbass might want that money back considering he'll never make another dime in the NFL.

>$1m to BLM

Yeah, because BLM holding the city of Charlotte hostage was a terrific cause, wasn't it?

He's a good guy but a shit qb

>donating money to NGOs somehow makes him a decent human being


Why are mulattoes in America so obsessed with being "black"? They always adopt African American hairstyles, names, and always speak their "accent". It's like they're ashamed of their other side(the white part). Why do they want to be seen as a full 'black' and not mixed

aint no nigga finna wanna be a racist ass cracka

One of the dumbest decision of all-time to opt out. His agent didn't understand how pissed owners were at him.

Are you just perpetuating fault on the part of black Americans or are you unironically ignorant of how fucked up white America's perception of race is? Did you not pay attention in elementary school when they taught about the one drop rule? Do you have some kind of social disability? Not mad I'm just amazed you actually believe this.

Kaep ain't even black though

t. booty blasted mulatto cornball

So he not only is going to be unemployed because of his politics, he's also going to lose all his money to charity because otherwise he'll be seen as a hypocrite... Damn if this isn't the football version of that Chris Mccandless guy.

Why would you throw away money like that?

Cuba is the most racist country in the world kek

Race realism is government there

Wouldn't that make them the least racist country then?

Imagine being a farmer in Somalia when people are given food for free, it pretty much keeps the nation from being self dependant, as shitty as it sounds places like that need to completely change which will lead to a ton of people dying or we can keep them afloat until we aren't able to anymore and then they end up fucked with no solution. The plug is inevitably going to have to be pulled.


isn't kaep just a pawn of his SJW girlfriend?

>implying there's anything wrong with that


>Donating $1M to a domestic terrorist group
Why hasn't no one gone after this guy"?

Motherfucker have you never been to India?

Back to Facebook with you, faggot

They are so insecure about their identity that they act as black as possible to compensate.
Hence why mixed race mongrels act more niggerish than full blooded nogs

>sending food to Somalia
Worse than throwing it away. He's probably feeding some paramilitary group knowing how that country is run.

>60 tons of food to murderous pirates
>1 million dollars to a racial hate group
And here I was thinking he was just a high profile memer. He's literally a bootleg Lex Luthor now.

Who cares?

It's like urinating in the ocean expecting a change in salinity.

I'm sure Bill Gates has donated more for charities, that doesn't mean he deserves a roster spot on an NFL team.

Why don't people ever say anything about these donations just being a reason to not having to pay the amount donated in taxes?

Because it is well known?

They need to ban people from donating food to poor nations. It just further ruins the country. There are much better ways of throwing your money at poorer nations.

Dude on the left literally looks like a fucking gorilla in a football uniform.

came to post this

you cant buy your way into a starting QB spot

>Saudi Arabian flag
Wtf, I thought you guys were banned from posting here? Anyway, what's life in Saudi Arabia like(are you a Muslim)

it's alright, relaxed and slow as hell. But, for me, it's nice living because I know in my head i won't be here long and not really. just play it off like I am so I get the sweet sweet benefits

Cause white people will always see them as black. Even light skins like steph curry and Devin Booker who don't act thuggish are called niggers

Maybe their parents should have thought about that beforehand.

wow, I'm impressed

how many possessions has he donated to opposing teams?

Lol no they don't. Show me proof, people call them mixed and with booker some people fuccking think he's white


m8 he's a quadroon at most


Somebody well off enough to literally give away $1M+.

Must be nice.


>1m to blm

what a fuckin nig lmao

>shitty activist group more important than food.

what a nig lmao