WTF, I hate France now

WTF, I hate France now

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Thats what we get for letting Eur*peans into our country

what's going on ?
>some french faggot entered the metropolitan cathedral in mexico city and stabbed a priest a few hours ago

If the contrary had happened, a Mexican stabbing a priest in Notre-Dame, there would be a million threads about it already, all calling Mexicans subhumans that need to be exterminated, etc. But when a Frenchy faggot comes into Mexico and does just that to a Mexican priest, nobody says a damn thing. Not even a single report in the English-speaking media. Fuck you.

Reminds me of that Florence Cassez kidnapper that got away because the French government got her out of jail.

he looks mexican

American media doesn't give a shit about Mexicans outside America.

>stabbing priest
He's a muslim then
You think we don't have the same problems with them ? Obviously we do, i understand and i hope Mexico exterminates every muslim in the country

>"john rené rockschiil"
sounds like a made up name, who the fuck is named "john rené" ? lol
rockschiil doesn't sound very french either
and he does look a bit dark even if he was a southerner

we should make a tourist blavklist jjust like in china and fill it with every nigger/sandnigger in the country.

If the contrary had happened, a Mexican stabbing a priest in Notre-Dame, there would be a million threads about it already, all calling Mexicans subhumans that need to be exterminated, etc. But when a Frenchy faggot comes into Mexico and does just that to a Mexican priest, nobody says a damn thing. Not even a single report in the English-speaking media. Fuck you.
>Reminds me of that Florence Cassez kidnapper that got away because the French government got her out of jail.
Just stay firm, bro. At least we don't suck (((their))) media, hence lesser coverage in (((their))) place.

quick to point aren't you. muslim kabooms instead of pathetically stab people with sharp objects, which usually a preference by liberals faggots.

he is a brown looking "french citizen" with a weird name that stabbed a catholic priest, and i am quick to point ? come on

fuck off with that 3rd world solidarity against westerners bullshit, that is displaced since it was a muslim stabbing a catholic that's all

i mean it's ridiculous we are seeing brown people get killed by other brown people but for some reason they aren't like "wow fucking muslims fuck them" they are like "fucking ((white people)) not giving us enough attention about it ! that's the real tragedy here for sure" which is just making me dumbfounded honestly

(and no muslims definitely stabbed priests before here while atheists haven't killed anyone in a long time)


>that awkward moment when foreignerd aren't sure if it is a french or an arab
what a shithole
i blame southerners

"I want to talk with Enrique Peña Nieto"

It's probably a half arab named Jean René Rochill

if you knew haplotypes you'd see that there is nothing even remotly north african about that dude

>m-muh french are a-aryan, n-no one has black hair here move along


There is nothing wrong with killing priests.

i know that, i'm not exactly german-looking myself but white converts are rare enough to assume he is muslim in origin

however "john rené" is probably more like "jean, rené" so half arab is the most likely t b h, we'll see soon enough

>US National

>2 french names means he's half arab

where does that logic come from

So a MUH HERITAGE, American. I hate Americans even more now.
Build wall btw.

hold on, i thought john was in fact jean

So one anglo & one french name combine to make him of arab descent, that doesn't make any more sense

Who's this sandnigger?

It's a fucking berber muslim beta cuck

Well because of the family name

Other media report him as Rhochill which is an arab name

Mexican police is retarded and can't write his name properly i assume

If it was actually Rockschill he'd be jewish though ? Which would ask a lot of questions. Or a german which would be even weirder.

He is obviously arab face it

it is an American, Pablo just posted Spanish links to pretend he was """French"""

Yea, not even the worst Hollywoodboo would name his kiddo "John" and I don't think it was just a "translation"

There were no English links a few hours ago, all information we had back then was his name, picture, and that he was Fr*nch

I hate Mexicans even more now

Coming to stab a priest myself

>Our media are saying he's american.
Okay then he's ''''''french''''''.
Please make a visa ban for french and start purging muslims infiltrated in your country if you don't want to become a shithole like this place is

Do us a favour, Ahmed, and kys after that


>Rhochill which is an arab name

Tell me more

I would gladly take Cartel fags instead of muzz, that'a for say



it sounds like roschdy and roschdy is the name of an arab actor

that's good enough for me

This what you get for transferring André-Pierre Gignac. He brought all his '''friends''' with him

You don't know about what you are talking about desu.

>inb4 he asks to be transferred in a french prison since it's a 5 star hotel compared to what he's gonna get in Mexico.
>inb4 the French government accept his request


He's one of ours, lads

never trust french tourists lads

>burn animals
>stab a qt to death because tfw no gf
>bite police
>go missing and waste taxpayer money on finding them
>lie about getting pregnant for attention

We are living different nightmares dude. You don't want narcos.

We got both actually but they're not as brutal as yours, they just shot you with AK-47s here

Hope Mexico doesn't accept Eurocucks Human eights bullshit and let this kebab fuck get raped and tortured in their prison

nothing personal kiddo

Shit, he looks like me.

Sorry to the land of Zorro and Mayans.

that's a french name

see julien rochedy

No every muslim is ready to bomb himself to kill one guy, if he can just stab him and get away, he's better with it.
The same thing happened to us when an ISIS asshole killed a French priest in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray last year, it's not new and those guys aren't French

Fuck me if that guy's a native French

he's american

I like how the frogs scramble to save face so quickly. =)

t. priest stabber

yeah no french man has ever been swarthy in the history of france

maybe some roman rape baby leftover, but real french aren't swarthy


>real french aren't swarthy
you know nothing
this is our rugby team

>real French arent swarthy

Someone getting stabbed in Mexico is not news, its an everyday occurrence, just like here. That's not the case in Europe, though.

And why is it okay for Mexicans to kill one another but not for foreigners to do it?