New to weed, need all stoner tips! How to find a good dealer, how to tell good shit from bad, and how to smoke, etc

New to weed, need all stoner tips! How to find a good dealer, how to tell good shit from bad, and how to smoke, etc

Try Google for tips and.get a medical card

When did people forget how to use google?


if no one in your group of friends either sells themselves or knows a trustworthy person who does you're shit outta luck most likely

Some of us don't have that luxury.

My advice buy and smoke everything people offer to you. Its the best way to become more familiar with it.

This is the correct answer

Download Weedmaps on the app store/Google play

You're welcome.

Don't trust niggers, as bad as it sounds this is the best bet when dealing with weed.

>google's ass dumbfuck

Good shit has no seeds
Good shit has tiny crystals over it
Best dealer is your uncle
Avoid young dealers
Umm dont roll/blunt/bong all a waste, stick.with bowls
As a newbie purchase a 1 hitter ( pipe that looks like cigarette) and dugout (wooden box that holds the.pipe and weed)
The dugout doesnt smell much

Wtf is that weedmap shit,.its all over flavrx shit


>Good Dealer
Through friends is best, failing that head out to the local clubs and bars, spend some time in the smokers alleys, people who smoke cigs likely have some experience with weed and might be able to hook you up.
>Good shit from bad
S'all in the crystals my friend. The sparkly bits around the actual buds contain THC which is the chemical that gets you high. Seeing as you're asking about dealers though, I'm guessing you don't live in a place where its legal - meaning you won't have much choice as to what's good.
>How to smoke
Roll a small joint to start with (literally 1000's of videos online how to do this), and smoke a little. Put some music on, play a game and chill out. If you're wondering how to literally smoke, its all about inhalation - its not like sucking through a straw, its more like just breathing in. Anyways once you're more experienced and you know how to roll I'd recommend getting a small bong - filters out more of the crap.

Anything else you wanna know OP?

>1 hitter

Actually solid advice user.


oh shiet alicefag

a cedar dugout would probably help with any smell leaking


Bad advice. Smoke sausages, not drugs

Shove it up your asshole and light it on fire you disgusting degenerate.

Go to parks or music stores. Someone will have weed

Your on the wrong website m8 go to silk road

This isn't going to make sense to you, so I just advice you to follow until you've become familiar

When you get to that point... Look at the weed, if you want to get high, look for weed that has a lot of the white crystals on it, the more the better.

If you want to get stoned, look for weed that has a lot of those brown/orange little hairs. The darker the hairs are, the more CBD you will get since they've been allowed to grow longer.

CBD = stoned, THC = high.

Damn man you know whats good

care it's dangerous boi. pic very related.