Anyone else on here from NH? Or northern Mass?

Anyone else on here from NH? Or northern Mass?

Liven and live in Nashua

Btw also live in Nashua

Southern nh

Also nashua

Trashuas all here


Anyone have any nudes of nh sluts?

Dover NH here

I lived in the Seacoast, Newmarket specifically. Now I live in Hanover.

Aaaayyy I'm in Laconia near Winni the Pooh lake.

Franklin checking in bitches!

Barrington ftw

Hello Franklin

from Rhode Island but spent a lot of time at UNH for a couple years cuz my ex girlfriend went there. that school was fun as fuck to party at. the nature is beautiful too. i love hiking and doing cabin weekends and shit up there. lots of amazing waterfalls in NH. but there are so many "nothing" towns up there that seem really depressing too.

I'm from a place with no name off Sandwich Rd. Sounds like a Beetles song.

Hell ya Nh is the shit. Its not depressing if you have weed lol

Southern Maine here

Any sissy sluts from NH?

Yo whatup from the capital


i'd be fine living just about anywhere if i had a good supply of weed lol

Getting harder to find in concord everyone is going medical and dont share

it always gets harder as you get older. i miss being like 20 years old and having legit 20 people i could call for weed. now i have basically 1 guy and then occasionally friends are nice enough to split a pickup with me.

Manchesterfag here

Yeah im 25 now and i only have 1 good plug whos only around once a week and 1 other guy who i can buy from anytime but its not always good stuff they need to just legalize this shit already

Nashua checking in

Manchester here.


seriously. i can't fucking wait until January 1st 2018 when i can just drive a half an hour to Mass and buy weed at the fucking store like we should all be able to do.

What's it like living in Manchester/Concord? I work in mass but is there much work around those parts?

A little work on main. More employment in Nashua I think. I'm job hunting now and suspect I'm going to have to commute to Boston.

Living here is fine. Some really fantastic places to eat. Kind of a city but really close to nature. Some areas of MHT are rough. Opiate addicts everywhere, especially the parks.

That's all I can think of.