I finaly went outside today..i took a ride with my scooter today.after six months of not leaving my house..it was nice...

i finaly went outside today..i took a ride with my scooter today.after six months of not leaving my house..it was nice, you wanna see pics i took?



Happy for you user. You should leave the house more often, it's good for your mental and physical health. Let's see those pictures!

I think perhaps we should first discuss the underlying issues as to why you spent 6 months inside your house.

>only 6 months
At least you can go outside.

i stay indoor on average 360 days a year

i used to be so bad that i would throw up and pass out after about a block away from my house its been like that since i was 12 ,,now 49..but i do try and ive been to several specialists

Yuuuhh! Good shit, homie. Glad someone having a good day. But I'm day drunk at work so its aught.


it takes me days of just thinking about ,,
before i do,,what about you user>
ive stayed indoors for 3 years ,,it was my longest ever


Awesome pics op.

Throw up and pass out due to what? Morbid obesity? Severe chronic anxiety? XP perhaps?

had some of this too

and this

my parents were killed in a car crash when i was 12 i was also in the car..a couple of weeks later i did not want to go outside its like that since then ,,but im working hard at it

Nice CGIs, try harder.


cgi? they are real sir

chiaramente sei italiano, anche se quelle due birre sono una merda poco italiota

confirmed Italy.


Nice pics.
Congrats on getting out.
Sorry for such a tragedy so young.
Where do you live? It looks lovely.

nope..not italy gentelmen

Mai boi :)

thanks ..Rodos Greece


Chronic anxiety it is.

That is tragic event, especially for a child, but as an adult, especially someone who lurks here, I'm sure you've come to realise that death can strike anywhere any time regardless of who you are or what you are doing. The point I'm trying to make is every single thing you do in day to day life could be the cause of your death so what's the point in hiding from it? Its an inevitability. Go forth and live what's left of your life to its fullest, you might find that the world isn't such a scary place after all.

That's dope, bro, drinkin amd scootin thru town, haha. Unfortunately, I try nor liking tequila cause I'm pretty hispanis. Def a good day for you, man.

youre partly right ..as farv as death goes..in my case im not afraid of it ,,i think it stems from seeing my parents dead and then realizing i will be alone for the rest of my life..so i chose to be alone as i wanted to..does that make sense?


well than you enjoy your day as much as you can user..


hell yea.i love that stuff

At least you have a beautiful place to live in.
Take care Sup Forumsro...

hasta la vista sir

my second guess is Germany, but whatever.


Great thread OP. I've always wanted to see Greece. Wish I could join you.

25 shots = 20 bucks

you buy a bottle for 14 bucks and get 28 shots.

its a greek island ,,Rodos

not my bar,,just a place where blonde scandinavian tourists go


Omg lmao. 25 shots for 20€ , anyways. The good vibes help, bro. have a good one, I gotta go do things now lol


do ACDC and Metallica laywers know that a puny penor bar uses their trademarked names to extract money from faggots?



OP are you planning for something? Is there something unusual on your mind?
Btw, great pictures, great places.

of course mate. where are your from?

that bar and a million others all over the world

The place where you live looks beautiful.

planning what?



very, very nice

not op, read ffs

Rodos Greece

wherever you live looks beautiful my man, enjoy it as much as you can... we only get one life :)

Sorry that happened, user. Glad you got out a bit.


heres a pic of some of the local girls

he doesn't believe anywhere so old and beautiful exists.. he lives in america after all, so anywhere that looks this good must be from games.

i like these..where is they?

Muslim migrant brothel?

it looks stunning my man, i hope to visit next year :)

looks like you are in Rhodes

muslim migrant yacht

i kek'd

yes sir that i am


just makes me sad when i see migrants destroying the beautiful places of Europe


op we are neighbors. your country is awesome, hoping to actually go there one day

ah, nothing like a visit to the cemetry on a beautiful sunny day, especially if it's your first time outside in 6 months

i go there every time i do go out .to visit my parents..

this is the family grave

thats dark homie. love you tho


almost the same size as my apartment



is that an island or is it connected?


but there's more life there

its one piece

this is a nice one too

Were you left an inheritance? How do you get by? Also how can you stay inside that long and not get groceries? Do you work? Have you ever had sex with a human being?

yes,i have money.
irestore old artwork as my main means of income and also i paint byzantine icons,,
i have friends and family that shop for me ..
ive been married,now divorced and i have an 18 year old daughter,,,i never said my life was over,,just that i dont go outside


is this your artwork?

18 you say? Post the nudes.


hmmm...lemme see..post my daughter on 4 chan...nope ...belive it or not i dont have nudes ..im pretty normal

Were you raised by donkeys in the Greek wilderness after 12?

now you idiot..cows,,it was cows


I know that bike. Modenas gt128, exported version maybe different name.

gt 135 the new one

I see. Didn't know they have 135.