Shit normies like

shit normies like

Other urls found in this thread:

>behind the meme

They are soooooo outrageous! Just liek ME and my BFF!


sex with adults

>stop liking things i don't like

and we've got a guy who posted a link to an image. this thread is failure incarnate. OP, consider suicide immediately


>hey guy's I don't like things other people do, please think I'm cool

keep sucking the kike's dick faggot

game of thrones


Sup Forums used to be a place where people could enjoy niche and or weird shit. Now Sup Forums can't seem to enjoy anything.


YouTube gamers
Game Grumps
fucking cancer




Why is Sup Forums fill with cynical bitter faggots than complaint about everything popular?

you must be new here

I know it as always been like this but Now is 10 times worse and boring

No it's always been like this. We see you newfag

PewDiePie has won a lot of Sup Forums back after declaring war towards the SJWs and basically not giving a fuck in general anymore

Family gie



I've been here since 2006 and I'm still probably considered a "normie".
I don't give a shit what I am in truth, but I do laugh at the whole "NORMIES REEE" thing because it shows just how pathetic some people can be.
>Claims to hate normies... NEVER stops talking about them.

I don't think normal people like ecelebs, or even know who any of them are.


phone posting


Let's see....
>Sargon of Akkad
>Ben Sharpior (how ever you spell it)
>Civic nationalism
>Israel or jews in general
>Sup Forums
I could go on and on and on. Basically if you still believe in history the way the books say or still think Hitler was evil, you are a normie.




He is /ourguy/

Star Wars

This incredibly shitty show.
Also Rick & Morty, Steven Universe, How I met your mother, Adventure Time, Regular Show.

Not that user, but you're just wrong. So many fucking unfunny kids are posting in ylyl now, I blame pewdiepie and those stupid fucking compilations on YouTube. Atop of that, liberal shilling is way way higher. This is the worst it has ever, EVER been

>Star Wars
Most overrated movie of all time.
I couldn't even watched the whole movie because it bored me to death.

Sup Forumsfags are the biggest fucking babies on this site.

but you're voting for Ben Shapiro right? Otherwise i agree,

I think the correct term is "normalfag"

What DO you like user? What keeps YOU entertained?

Yeah, he's awesome.

People like things that you don't like. Get over it, and grow up.

Don't get me wrong, i also like normie series like Dexter and Breaking Bad.



As a true conservative, i wholeheartedly agree.
Sup Forumsacks are the biggest faggots on earth, the whole "alt-right" thing is absolute faggotry, and no different than liberals.
Their hero is Milo, an homosexual pedophile zionist jew who brags about getting fucked by niggers, i think that says it all.

People who talk about hating "normies" never talk about anything they like because it leaves them vulnerable. Contrarian faggots with no spine.

Normie detected.

>ITT hipster who dislike pop-culture

Anyone can like anything, normies can like whatever you like and vice versa.

Stop being hipster shits and just accept half of you are normie cunts


Trips dont lie

Sup Forums

>unironically sympathizing with Nazism.
Yes, user. You are so cool and edgy for liking something evil.

Don't be so dense. What's next, are you going to say flat earthers have a point? There is some merit to the whole winners write the history POV, but to think tyranny and fascism is the solution to the problems we are facing is just plain naive.

I like the fact that you're a faggot
Also checked

fat retard playing moral police


unable to think for yourself
>I.E. Negro

basically this, everything else so far is retarded

Pewdipie. Isn't normie shit after the sjw and racist stuff.

Thats what you believe. Nothing changed, he's still the normie infested cringe tier faggot he always was.

Have to agree with this.

He's a like any other Hollywood jew out there. He's turning his audience into apologetic cucks and pushing the white guilt narrative.
He fucked over Leafy, JonTron and Pewds, two of which were very good friends of his that helped boost his career. Such is the nature of the kike.

Sup Forums

Megas XLR

I can think of a few:
>getting paid from job
>going out with friends
>having sex with girlfriend

Enjoy your depression, neckbeard OP.

>h3h3 is weird and niche

I read a lot personally. Steven kings my favorite fiction, just finished capitalism and freedom by Milton Friedman, communist manifesto before that, and I drink constantly. Also, machanical shit. Last weekend I cut the back half of the frame off a bronco because it was rotted and welded in on that was in good shape. You?

"communist manifesto"
Please give me your thoughts on communism, fellow intellectual.

I remember when he had 10k suscribers. His content was much better. Now his channel is full of normies

I like adventure time because it feels cosy.All the characters,colorful landscapes and stuff,i like it.But others are really shit

The humour in HIMYM is cringey but it's a classic. Same thing with family guy

I'm a mechanic fuck nut. I read it because it's relevant to the current political atmosphere or so I thought. Seems super far removed from what current progressives are pushing. I'm not breaking the thing down for you, but basically capitalism is better imo

Or rather, makes more sense to me. Marx

Exactly.I hate this jewish fuck.Whenever he says something it feels like he tries to distract me and steal my wallet.

Not to mention that when you talk with a jew, one out of 5 sentences are "Muh holocaust"
However, as long as you mention the 60 million russians killed by jewish bolsheviek troops, they act like "it's not the same"
For real, jews are fucking annoying, they think they're the only race that suffered an holocaust.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Pol hates Milo for the exact reasons you listed. You dense fucking nigger

what is an imageboard?

If troll 10/10, if you're for real then i'm just gonna say i feel sorry for you.


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