What fucking conservative, Christian, white male cucked Patton Oswalt, till his wife actually died?

What fucking conservative, Christian, white male cucked Patton Oswalt, till his wife actually died?

Not gonna lie, I was excited to watch the new Patton Oswalt special, due to him being one of my favorite comedians.

>be me
>get home from work and rip my scrotum off my body
>"well user, what else could we possibly do?"
>enter Patton Oswalts Annihilation special
>turn on Netflix and start the special
>have to sit there and be bashed for my political views by a funny fat man without a wife who openly knows that he is smoldering shit for at least 20 minutes
>end the comedy special
>jerk off
>complain to Sup Forums

I honestly have no hope left in the world of comedy. Louis CK is gonna become a belligerent liberal, and ear fuck me with hate for an hour and a half the next time I get excited for a comedy stand up. What do user?

try watching real comedians. real comedians don't buy into that liberal cuck shit. they laugh and joke at all those faggots. also comedians don't shit on other comedians so you'll never hear a real comedian shit on a liberal cuck comedian.

You fucking try and get your head back in the stand-up game after the love of your life, mother of your child/children dies, you nigger-donut.

>people that disagree with me can't be real comedians because nothing is funny unless it represents my point of view

I would've killed myself if I was his wife, tbh.

If he loved her why did he let her be a junky?

If you think his left leaning views started recently you were not paying attention....at all.

Go enjoy Larry the Cable Guy or some dumb fuck stuff like that

Lol bud get a fucking grip.

Watch me fuckin make fun of my lame ass family and a nigga that actually killed herself, and probably because she was with me.

She fuckin OD'd which is pretty great.

>get home from work and rip my scrotum off my body

I'm choosing to take this literally

You're very correct to think this.

Maybe that's because your political views suck

that's badass bro
I ditched my bag three years ago and never looked back

There's tiers of comedy my dude. Patton and Louis are on the same tier, but Larry The Cable Guy is a festering shit infection. I'm not dumb enough to deal with his shit,

Whoa whoa whoa.

OP demands some god damn proof.

Sorry friend, I'm a Nigerian Mennonite and cameras are strictly forbidden under the traditional values of my village

Patton is secretly a hardcore neo nazi

This guy hangs out with guys like Nick Bougas aka A. Wyatt Mann

every creatively weak comedian and late night show host right now

>hurr durr Trump is stupid
>durr muh vagena
>daaa did i mention trump is dumb?

we get it no one likes Trump and he sucks as a president. now go write a real fucking joke!

I buttsniffed blow with the 'Oz Man Patton a few years back in NY back when his wife wasn't kill. She wasn't there but it was me, Ozman, Tom Cruise and G.G. Allin's ghost and we were straight fucked for days mate. Shit all over the floor of his hotel room. Gave eachother tantric handjobs and smoked dmt

>What fucking conservative, Christian, white male cucked Patton Oswalt, till his wife actually died?

I feel like this sentence is missing something important. Like a Verb.

oh yea can confirm he is a hardcore neonatzi to butt he's a chill guy. He has a swastika tat on his head but his hair covers it

Watch Bill Burr. Hates liberals and democrats slightly more than republicans.

The Patton special got lame as soon as he started bashing on Trump. Low hanging fruit, he's not even trying.

>is a verb
>you retarded
>fucking nigger


Atari Shaver is great too.

Sorry "cucked" gets thrown around so much I tend to tune it out as so much gibbering noise from you fucking baboons.

Bill Burr is fuckin amazing.

inb4 dindu