You now command an army of 10,000 rats, what do you do?

You now command an army of 10,000 rats, what do you do?

>They attack, strip, rape and kill hot women
>Every believes rats are now sentient perverts
>Rat genocide ensues
>Throws off ecosystem
But it'd be hot

I keep them in a box a month until they consider it their home. I'll call them homing rates , homie.

I'll lend knit myself 10,000 little pouches and sew them to the rats.

I'll then teach them to return to to a location and come back home.

I'll use them to run my cocaine

You now command an army of 20,000 garlics, what do?

Find, find more warpstone!!! Need warpstone, yes yes!


Sadist, industrious and derailment

Sup Forums in 3 easy posts


Infest my work so i can have the rest of the week off to sleep

Also this

Buy 10000 hamster wheels and generate electricity

Reclaim the Electoral College! MAGA!


I don't know, watch the walking dead or something.


>make them breed for a few years, until i have a million
>arm them with automatic assault rifles
>start a revolution
>teach some of them shape shifting abilities
>let the shape shifters kill off and impersonate polititians
>have a pretend-fight between my rat government and rat revolutionaries
>make some shape shifters infiltrate academia
>control ideological belief of the whole nation
>repeat in the whole world
>become supreme ruler of the planet
>spread my reich in the whole galaxy
>throw all my opponents into Sagittarius A*
>be god emperor of the milky way
>be fearfully remembered in the minds of mortals forever

Steal a grocery cart and tear ass around town with my rat wagon.

Storm the Unseen University.


Tear it.


You now command an army of 5,000 miniaturized garlic workers, what do you do?

Do as always, shove them up my ass.

I love you monsters much!


Make a snuff porn?

100% this
The birth of the Underempire begins

>let them cut garlic for me
>roast the garlic in a pan just a little bit
>put them together with some onions, ground meat, an egg etc. to make delicious meatballs

Raid a cheese factory and start a rat utopia so other rats will join my army

>Breed more rats
>Wait until I have over a million
>Zerg rush the nearest burger king
>Free burgers

Alot some portion of them specially to bring to increase my control population, the rest divided between hijacking a few hundred dollars from any given corner store and posting recon on drug deals and criminal enterprises.

Zurger King

Spread the plague all over again.

eat them

>have them all fuck eachother
>now I have 50,000 rats

Or 10000 gay rats

wait 10 years and have a million rats then enslave the world

Don't you have a puppet regime to replace in Uganda, Bogdanoffs?

Sup Forums is starting to concern me

>at first, make them reproduce like rabbits
>I command all offspring too
>Soon have an army of millions, no, billions of rats
>Invade Poland
>Poland falls, there's just too many of them
>use Poland as main base and breeding farm
>soon have enough to expand my territory
>start spreading propaganda
>the rats are our saviour, here to cleanse our world of sin
>people start to follow the church of RAT
>countries willingly submit to the Ratten Empire
>in the meantime global conquest continues
>mfw ratlexander the great
>as we're conquering africa one rat contracts ebola
>highly contagious
>lose half my army
>the rats blame me
>bite me
>get ebola

Take care of the president problem.

it's thursday evening, puppet regime replacement time is never after 11am

I move into the new york sewers, and seek out a ginger-haired female reporter which to abduct and make my queen. Tonight, I shall sup upon turtle soup!!!

Oh, and I'd use the alias Professor Ratigan.

You. I like you.

Probably just teach them to snag me small bills no larger then 20$ then just wait

>TMNT reference

love it

Wait couple of months.

>You now command an army of 100,000 rats.

Wait couple of months more.

>You now command an army of 1,000,000 rats.

Rinse and repeat until you are ready to utilize your god given right for world conquer.

Rat circus is coming to town

I like rats and have a couple pet rats but the thought of 100,000 rats running at me gives me the heebee jeebees

use them to steal monies from people while they sleeps, duhh

i make a moba game

Make a battle royale
winner gets a hat

the best way to go out

Become a shit Flash villain who gets defeated after one episode of somehow using my ability to be faster than him, 100% proven formula for success.

Ive always wanted a motorcycle.
I guess as commander of these animals id have them blitzkrieg a shop, probably eat the owners or something. Take the coolest bike i can find..

Had two male rats. Lovely pets. One of them got addicted to sugar and got obese and aggressive. Both are gone now, but they lived over 3 years and almost 4 with a diet more consisting of protein and fat than the shitty pebble carb and sugar shit most sources recommend.

> you' d have to build a million tiny assault rifles
> they wouldn't work as you expect, or at all
> rats can't aim, shoot or even hold these tiny guns as they lack opposable thumbs

Be realistic please.


If you're going to do that, may as well raid a dealer who has a Thunderbird selection on hand. That's just my opinion, of course since I've always been impressed by the Thunderbird Commander.

i mean normal size assault rifles, operated by multiple rats
also THAT'S the part that's too unrealistic to you?

save emily

Feed Africa

send them to europe

Seeing rats with tiny rifles would be cute tho.

Say that they should go somewhere else

Buy some giant bats to carry them to battle.
I'd trade but I don't know the exchange rat.

Are you a grill?

re-domesticate rats but without the inbreeding causing recessive genes to fuck them up.

to the rats.

Good call.

have them eat my enemys

We're full.

Everyone knows there's no girls on the internet.


Replied to the wrong post,fuck.


Rule the world

get them to crawl into peoples toilets and bite them in the ass

Have them defeat a walking pickle to the death.

>train them to go into stores and steal cash, jewelry watches etc
>use the money to build a settlement for the rats
>more rats = even more cash
>buy a small island
>build a giant settlement there
>start training different simple professions to the rats
>train messenger rats that go around the world trying to get more rats to join
>rats are still going to the mainland to steal shot
>get enough to never work a day more in my life
>order all rats to the settlements town centre
>burn the place to the ground killing basically all rats in the world
>live happily ever after with almost unlimited cash

Do it like a pyramid scheme.

Take 10000 rats and recruit more rats.

After a couple of days, build an army of about 1b rats.