Sup Forumsros, what’s the fastest way to lose weight? I’m 6’3 and 280 pounds...

Sup Forumsros, what’s the fastest way to lose weight? I’m 6’3 and 280 pounds. How do I lose my moobs and muffintop in the quickest way possible?

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Eat less

Eat dogshit.

Google "DNP" pretty dangerous tho.

or just eat less and try coffeine / yohimbine / ephedrine

also work the fuck out stop overthinking

run fatboy run

Only have one meal a day
Alternatively consume 2000 calories a day or less.
Basically just what said, stop eating like a fucking pig.

make caloric intake < caloric expenditure

stop meat


Look up the 16:8 diet.
You don't eat for 16 hours of the day and cram all of your daily calories in during the last 8.
You can eat like shit and still lose weight this way.

How would a water diet be? Does it work? Or will I have no energy throughout the day

Should I avoid eating right before I sleep?

It ain’t complicated, but it ain’t easy either.

Wanna do it fast? (disclaimer: this ain’t great healthwise...drink a shit load of water).

500 calories a day.

That’s it. You’re weight will drop like a motherfucker. Side effects: depression, irritability, and feeling faint. But, you get used to that. Hell, if 12 year old anorexic girl can deal, so can you.

Another way: faster (worse). Fast four days at a time. For four days, eat nothing. Only drink green tea, shit load of water, and vitamins. The other three days, eat whatevs (paradoxically, you won’t feel like eating a lot).

This last one, well, both really are hard: your lips will dry out, you’ll be a giant bitch, and it’ll be hard to think. If you can hang with all that (drink more water....don’t go so crazy that you wash out all your vitamin and mineral tabs), you’ll be good.

It’s fast. It’s effective. But it sux six kinds of balls.

(oh, and you have to modify your behaviour....after keep eating less or exercise more, otherwise you’ll just yoyo)

Just checking in to see how many people said meth.

doesn't matter, you'll fall asleep easier too as your body will be expending energy to digest.

speed is a pretty good way to loose weight, just take small doses of adderal. 10mg, 2 times a day should curve your apetite. drink some orange juice an hour before you go to bed, shouldnt have issues falling asleep.

i was 240lbs at one point and in the span of a month and not working out i went down to 185lbs by just eating normal sized protions. for example if i went out to eat i would split my meal in 2 and eat half now and the other half later since most restaurants serve more food than necessary. you may still be hungry after eating but over time that feeling will go away and you actually might find it difficult to eat as much as before.




The fastest way is objectively starving yourself.

Which the second method, how much weight do you think i’d lose in a month? Let’s just say I do little to no walking even though I do a bit

Easy. You just don't eat. After 3 months you'll be skinny as fuck.

Fasting and cardio (Running).

Look up DNP but be careful it kills people every year

Yeah. Don't do this. Your body will burn from inside out, and you'll likely die.

stop being fat

At 280? I’d say, conservatively 15-20.

But drink that shitload or water. (kidney stones are a bitch).

And, again....this isn’t easy. If you have a job or school where you have to won’t be able to do it. You’re thoughts will get hazy, you’ll get 8 kinds of bitchy, you’ll hate everything, and be depressed.

But, if you can hang with that, you’ll drop like a rock. If you add to that walking around a bit: you’ll melt like a candle under a blowtorch.

Again Again Again: ain’t easy, ain’t safe, be careful, but you’ll see results fast.

Don't, the speed aint worth the risk.

Take it slow and dial up the exercise, cutting out the shit.

Work your way up to running 5 miles each day.

If you're a fatass you'll need to work your way up to jogging in short intervals. Eventually you'll be jogging longer and longer periods.

Run every day you fat fucking faggot.

go on ketosis

Come on. You can kit the treadmill for an hour a day and obviate it with a single doughnut.

I’m with ya an the tata, but disagree on the hoho:

It’s not about carbs as much as it is about calories.

This, lost 15 lbs in two months myself. Left me toned as hell, did it for a cosplay convention. Just be careful coming off the diet, you can gain the weight back crazy fast if you're not careful

yep. once you reach goal weight i'd slowly add back carbs over a few weeks then transition to more of a paleo diet which is

If you want to be healthy and do it, then do alternate day fasting. This means eating nothing for one day, and then eating normally (2000 cal diet) the next. You'll lose weight fast, and you'll still be getting all your vitamins and nutrients to remain in good health.

Gluten free raw vegan diet is the fastest way. Only vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds to eat. Pure maple syrup, coconut sugar, and raw honey are your only sources of sugar, but it's best to avoid because if you're over weight your hormones are imbalanced from it. Take lots of vitamin c throughout the day too. You may have one cheat day a week to help your metabolism. Join a gym, it costs $2.50 a week, you have spent more then that on junk food each week, so its easy to justify. Download an app called rise and grind (it's free), it is the perfect app for newbies, and will help you lose the weight. A reminder. In order to actually maintain a diet, you have to like the process and not the immediate result.

I'm the same height and was recently 270 so we were close in body type. Dropped to 190 in a matter of months but doing a few simple things.

I drank only water. No soda (which was the most difficult for me), no coffee, no milk, no juices (that shit is filled with a fuckton of sugar).

Second thing I did was make sure I went to bed a little hungry, if I had a bit of a stomach rumble at night I was doing it right. Woke up and had a late breakfast. I guess this is called intermittent fasting but I didn't even know it was a thing at the time. I didn't have to really watch what I ate or what the calories were I just knew if I was a little hungry before bed I was A Ok. Sometimes I may over eat at dinner so I had to go do some simple cardio for an hour to try and burn it off.

That's it. I maybe exercised twice a week but those two things did the heavy lifting when it came to my drastic weight loss.

you'll have 0 energy, yes

lean protein like fish or chicken, but you only need 4-6oz per day which is a small amount

lots of vegetables, a few fruits

keep your eating within a scheduled 8 hour window, the rest of the time you body will be 'fasting' and you will enter a ketogenic metabolic situation

no alcohol, no soda

and exercise and plenty of sleep

you will feel hungry, you're supposed to feel hungry, that's something humans are supposed to feel

get a job where you have to move

so don't eat doughnuts or anything that awful for you

actually, just give up and be a whale, your life will be great

Build muscle. It's fairly simple to do (20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 squats a day) and you can stay home. Bigger muscles also burn fat more efficiently.

Also running is for faggots.

I got on a ketogenic diet which is high fat low carb. Main benefit of it is your food cravings go down, so it's easier to keep your calories down. Most important aspect of it is quitting sugar, I switched to coke zero, equal in coffee, stevia sweetened chocolate bars, etc, and I read all food labels carefully to make sure they have no sugar.


1 month in, went from 215 to 192, averaging about 2 or 3 pounds of weight loss per week now. I'm 6 feet, consuming about 1300 calories per day. Basically fast all day at work then have a huge dinner at night. You don't have to do keto, but it definitely reduces cravings, especially cutting out the sugar.

dude just read the sticky on /fit/

I've been losing 2lb a week for the last 3 months by walking about 4 miles a day and cutting down on carby shit like bread and potato.

you cant get rid of it.
youll probably get saggy skin

That sticky is bullshit. You don't have to work out to lose weight, in fact it is better if you DON'T work out if all you want is weight loss. Associating weight loss with exercising ends up discouraging most people. Working out is good for overall health, but the only thing that matters as far as losing fat is calories. Find clever ways to cut your calories way back and the fat melts off even if you just sit on your ass all day watching Maury.

Losing weight fast will lead to surgeries for extra skin. Lose weight slowly, and your body will correct itself.

I’d rather be fat than look like I need skin surgery.

I dropped my weight just doing intermittent fasting and I didn't really have any crazy excess skin.


I can attest to this. I'm a chainsmoker, sit on my ass all day at work, and shitpost on Sup Forums all night at home. Literally did nothing but count calories and lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks. Just get a shitload of cans of tuna, rice and beans, diet cokes, basically anything you can stuff yourself on that is low calorie. Your body is forced to use its fat supplies. Just stay above 1200 per day so you for sure won't burn your muscle

Which is considered losing weight slowly.

2000 won't lose you weight.

Wrestling practice's is one of the best ways to lose weight period. Look for surrounding clubs and join one lost 60 pounds in 4 months my sophmore year

rice and beans aren't low calorie and you can definitely get fat from them. compared to doritos? yeah maybe, but not compared to kale.

If they are over 200 pounds, 2000 calories per day would be a calorie deficit and they'd lose weight. It would just be so slow they'd probably get discouraged and quit after a few months. Also the deficit is so small that if they had a blowout cheat day they'd gain everything they lost right back probably. Took me about 2 months to lose 10 pounds at 2000 calories per day. When I got pissed and cut my calories back to 1300, my weight loss quadrupled.

Good point. It's a bad idea to tell fatasses to eat shit like kale though. You don't have to eat that sort of shit to keep your calories down. I'm staying below 1500 per day and am eating steak for dinner with melted cheese on top, sandwiches for lunch, etc. The key is just careful planning, you can consume all the junk food you want if you just take some time each night to plan the following day's meals and budget calories for junk food you want to eat.

Portion control. Buy a cheap food scale and follow portion size to the T. Water, black coffee or green tea. Start moving more. Walking on an incline to get your heart rate up but not kill you or make you to sore to quit. Basic body weight exercises. When you can hit 50 push ups then consider a gym membership.

wake up and have 1.5 cups of black coffee, drink only water other than that. After you have your coffee go for a 3-5 mile run/jog. stop eating bread and cheese, and greasy shit, grill meats if you can, and eat some veggies. Only eat 2k-2.5k calories per day do this for 1-2 months while on a normal sleep schedule. EZ.

should see results in ~3 weeks.

Example... Tuna sandwhich for lunch today at 500 calories, 3 cups of creamed coffee at 30 calories each. Cherry Coke Zero when I got home at 0 calories. Big plate of chicken parmesian for dinner at 850 calories, some squares of Lily's stevia sweetened chocolate and another coke zero for dessert. At around 1500 now and it was so god damn easy I don't understand how I ever let myself get fat.

Yesterday, sandwhich meat rolled in cheese with pickles for lunch, more coffee, fruit milkshake (half and half, stevia, raspberries) for dessert, porkchop and mushrooms for dinner, 1400 calories.

I'm not even exercising and am losing weight faster than I can count it.


I'm 350 and already lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I just eat less than 2000 calories. I stopped drinking soda months ago, so it's easy to keep it under 2000. I usually only eat around 1500 because I don't have much appetite.

Yeah, even my sister is losing weight doing 2000 calories per day, it's just very slow. Biggest boost for me was switching from regular soda to diet. Sugar fucks with your insulin and leptin so your brain doesn't get the signal to curb your appetite. If you consume sugar with your meal, you will literally just keep eating until you are too physically full to fit anymore food. Before quitting sugar I would literally snack all night, felt this uncontrollable compulsion to keep eating, after quitting sugar I'm usually good for the entire night after eating dinner.

diet soda still has sugar, just with different names

Cock sucking faggot SUKABLYAT

Aspartame has been studied more than almost any other substance. People are determined to find something wrong with it. Occasionally they do, then 50 years of research shows exactly where the study fucked up. They injected rats with 40,00 mgs of it for months and months and it had absolutely no impact. It literally just passes directly through your system and you piss it out.


3500 calories=1 pound of fat. burn 1000 more calories a day than you consume. eat organic and run a little and itll melt off in literally fucking no time. youll feel good too.

Your body reacts to it the same way it reacts to sugar

sure it doesn't store it as fat, but it increases things like insulin levels and doesn't help weight loss

2000 will when you weigh a lot. Your BMR will be pretty high.

ate less than 20 carbs a day with no excersize. fucking sucked but it worked great. ease back into carbs and start running

Hey guys I heard OPs a faggot and he wont do any of what we're telling him.

>but it increases things like insulin levels and doesn't help weight loss
Every single large scale study has shown the exact opposite of that, including the one they just did in Australia. It has no impact whatsoever on your insulin levels or anything else, it passes directly into your blood stream and you piss it out. You body doesn't know how to process it and just passes it out of your body.

You need to stop eating so much, biggest thing is calorie in vs out take, your putting way to much in right now that even with your excerise that you can manage you’ll loose 5 pounds tops.

Start using nicotine, smoking, patches, dip your preference, this will kill your hunger drive, use it til 4pm then start when you wake up, is it healthy? Of course not, is it healthier than being 280 pounds, fuck yeah.

You’ll have more energy to do simple tasks like walking, standing and the like.

Easy i lost 60pounds in almost 4months, stop eating chips,chocolate,candy and soft drinks, only eat tuna,turkey,chicken sometimes red meat eat veggies celery,broccoli,spinach,green pepper,asparagus if you like cayene pepper i recommend putting that shit on everything you drink lots of water,perrier, s.pellegrino you can drink coffee too, in the morning either boiled eggs or peanut butter toast(2), for lunch any type of meat/veggies i previously said and for diner 1 or 2 tuna/turkey/chicken sandwich max if you dont do any type of sports or workout just a walk after diner does the job

Are you serious is fake sugar, 0 clalories, granted it will make your body “demand” sugar but if you can have the self will to not eat it than profit

try using kratom since you have to toss and wash on an empty stomach so you have to wait 2 hours after you eat and it will help you to eat on schedule and wait around not eating all the time

Are you kidding me? Op says he's 6'3, 280 lbs male probably in his late teens to early 30s. the 2000 calorie standard was designed around the metabolism of your average middle aged woman.
Just use this op

I used to be fat and chronically single, now I'm just chronically single.

I started dieting and drinking several litres of diet soda every day. I lost 47 lbs in 6 months and another 10 lbs over the next year. If drinking diet drinks was in any way bad I would not have had fantastic results.

What do you clock in at now? How tall?

About 147 lbs and 5'11.5"

Personality is the biggest thing to get girls, i have 270 pound friend cheat on his wife constantly, why can he get them? Because he’s funny and understands people.

I lost 40 pounds in 15 days of water fasting - 251 down to 221.

Like the bro said above, not a lot of fun but after 3 days it gets better.

Kept it off too, 4 months later and not really eating very well. You can function on it if you have discipline, just get tired really easily

That should be 211

fast? did you gain all that weight fast? then why do you think you can lose it fast? eat healthy and exercise and you can drop about 2 pounds a week, maybe you'll be down to a healthy weight in a year and a half or so you fat lazy piece of shit.

Good way to build an even more unhealthy relationship with food and inevitably gain it all back on as I don't think anyone can continue year after year being tired and miserable eating extremely strict, you'll burn out and binge one day.
I'm cutting now and eat low carb until the evening and fast until about 1pm, I do workouts fasted too, then have 2 big meals in the pm. Way more satisfying.

This looks like you hit an 8-ball and started working out after you started being a criminal.

I’m case it wasn’t obvious, it was intended as a temporary thing.

eat less than 100 carbs/day

true, people with chronic weight problems need to make it as easy on themselves as possible otherwise they will never stick with it.

if a person has a real problem, they should just do atkins and count calories using any of the ten thousand online calculators, shoot for the one pound per week track. they'll hardly notice any lifestyle change.

ayyy thats how I eat too. It's hard for me to sleep if I'm hungry so I eat my second meal when most people eat dinner, an then a small meal before bed. Breakfast usually consists of egg + sausage party on wheat bread or an oat based cold cereal, then I'll snack on fruits, veggies with may be a handful of nuts, cheese, beef jerky, or some sort of fatty fish (herring, macrel, sardine,...) on crackers until my second. I'll have one caffeinated beverage per day, but the rest is water.
Since March of this year I've lost over 30 lbs. Also started exercising almost every day.

Yeah but how do you transition from that to a normal diet again while keeping the weight off. A lot of people struggle with that after crash diets.

It's a good way to eat reasonably decent meals but not get fat. I only have a black coffee in the mornings and don't feel hungry at all.
The old morning breakfast being important is a myth.

Fruits and juices for a week then argue back to chicken breast and veggies. In the months since I’ve been lazy though and eating takeaway and drinking a lot though, could be doing way better.

This works. I've been doing this for 2 months, lost 40 lbs. haven't started exercising yet.

>280 lbs
Dosn't sound like your too far gone yet
I would go on bodybuilding dot com and pick one of their weight lifting routunes.
All fat people try to loose with cardio. Notice all the fat people using the tredmils and skinny people lifting? Cause cardio is shit for loosing weight. Start lifting

High protein low Cal diet
Some safe suppliments that I like
CLA, ZMA, HMB and what ever low Cal low fat protein powder you want.

Fruit juice is actually worse for you than a soda. Don't sabotage yourself drinking that crap.

Also stay away from all these diet fad programs that promise you will loose x amount of weight in whatever time

Might work in the short term but most people end up fatter than when they started.

"Diet" don't tend to work. Your diet is your lifestyle there are no short cuts you have to maintain a healthy diet to stay healthy permneatly. Changing your diet every 6 months or so is stupid just make your diet better.

I'm convinced that the left guy is Justin Roiland.


Honestly you wanna know how to burn weight fast?
Stay up for days eat small amounts of food, the longer you can stay up before you can't stay up any longer your body will start time break down fat to keep you up and moving. The more shit you do while staying up the more your body has to use what fat you've.
Worked really good for me Hurricane Irma came knocked my fucking power out fucking hot as hell I'm sweating my ass off been up for 3-4 days no sleep power comes back after 5 days went to see the doctor I was 348lbs before I saw her when I came back I had dropped 344lbs...