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no sound? I'll do a favor for you guys and translate his last sentences:

To everyone (of them) may God bring trouble upon them. May they vomit blood. What should I do? May they get cancer. May they not smile in seven worlds (Turkish idiom). Godspeed, I'm going. Take care of yourselves. See you (later). One, two, three. *boom*


that fucking emoji

Thank you user. I knew this video was out there.

>a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up
Turns out if you raised a perfect girl she'll look for someone like her Dad. Factor that into your supreme gentleman faggotry.


I literally posted the footage with audio.

Meaningless word used as intensifier by empty headed faggots.

>having a daughter
how could anyone be so stupid..
you either have a son, or an abortion.
there's no other option.

or, you could, you know..
treat your daughter like a human being, let her develop her own personality and desires, and hope that she has a fulfilling life and is successful both professionally and personally. And that she finds a happy person to be with and enjoys whatever normal sexual relationship 2 people can have.

Fuck you, OP. Enjoy your incel status.

They really tried this in China, flawed plan.

People don't want to raise perfect girls you dweeb, when they start growing weaker they feel the urge to make someone with their genes who would grow stronger then pass their genes, tl;dr we want to make kids and them to make kids eventually

You're a fuckin legend user.
And those emojis...I'm completely satisfied for the first time in a while

>the one "wow" face floating by

>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter.
Really? I think you have a small mind OP. Damn our educational system and it's conditioning of retards.

>Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man.
Totally rational. Ravaged, is that what they're calling it nowadays? The bitch is getting married, she not going out to get gangbanged on cam user. The fact you can't comprehend shit worst than marriage is either because you're an idiot, or you're like fucking 12 mentally.

>All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Yea, cuz you didn't did that shit your g/f / wife at all or anything.

>Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits?
Her, you stupid retarded incel faggot

> If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

I get it now actually, you want to fuck your daughter.

>As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Logically I think you want to justify having sex with your daughter OP.

>Logically I think you want to justify having sex with your daughter OP.


>>The 54-year-old reveals that his daughter chose to marry without his permission
>waaahhhhhh I don't own my child and control them as an adult
Manchild deleted himself, no problem here

that fucking emoji kek

Are the Turkish really this fucking daft?

teşekkür ederim turkfag. i don't care what the dutch government says, you guys are OK

>Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night.

This sentence makes me think OP is underage and needs to be b&

>What should I do?
Stop being a snowflake faggot and move the fuck on?

Dat little shocked face at the end tho hahahaha

uhh no, they had a single birth policy in several over populated regions. it's much better than allowing people to starve or become ill and suffer (like what's happening in india)
no one wants a daughter though, so they would mostly abort their daughters, because woman are psychopaths and/or a disgrace 90% of the time, lol.


Oh wait, he's not retarded.

it's because sons are expected to take care of their parents, so that means daughters-in-law as well.

if you have one kid and it's a daughter you're gonna be an old person taking care of yourself, in fucking rural china

>having a daughter


There has to be more to it, he had to have been depressed or off his meds or something. NO way someone kills themselves over something so minute as this.

Damn, I did some fucked up shit when I was in my lower 20s that made this look like nothing lol. I came out OK and gained equity from 3 acquired startups. Currently working on the 4th. I'm a guy though... So, society tells me this is OK.


isn't every suicide like that? nobody with a healthy mind kills himself over anything. not even cancer patients want to die if they are not depressed.

Moar like this?

Well sure, just saying that it's probably not because his daughter is getting married. There is probably more shit behind the curtains. That's all.

what the fuck's your nationality? retard. our daughters aren't getting BLACKED on a daily basis.

>minority in a decade

that's why every caring father should be the first to fuck the daughter.

There's a cultural component though.

True story: my wife is HIndustani Muslim. I'm white as fuck. Part of her family is pretty observant and strict, part is not, her parents are somewhere in between. She believes in her religion but when she got to college she drank, smoked, and had boyfriends. We partied one night, fucked, kept hanging out, it got serious, blah blah blah.

Half her family was fine with me, the other half with the bin Laden beards insisted I convert and have an imam marry us. She and her parents were both caught in the middle. I think it's hard to understand the pressure unless you're there.

Anyway we did and now everybody leaves us the fuck alone, the point is, when you're from one of those ass backwards cultures you're not really in control of this stuff.

I knew it. I declare this a shitted thread



downloading jpeg from normiebook LUL

some kind of armenian kid or donkey fucker k*rd? didn't we killed off your ancestors enough, so you survived and posting normiebook jpeg? no difference for me, go to Sup Forums, you'll get your ass handed to you same as well.


Let me use my 1080GTX made in fucking turkey... Oh wait, they don't do shit for technology or ANYTHING for the world do they?

AI, computers, cars, space exploration, green energy.. Nope! You don't even belong in the 21st century.

Sure you'll have your purebred retarded inferior turk genes, while we're creating our own in 40 years.

You'll be eating your shit baklava and blowing your selves up, while we're dominating the stars user.

Better join our friend in OP's post.

Downloaded from here retatd

interesting how he shrugs directly after the shot, then falls back

The moment it hurts

>having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

this is Eurasian century, while the West is getting cucked/blacked/shitted; China, Russia, Iran, etc. will rule this century. enjoy while you're still slightly majority.


and that is why you will never have children. gain a morally upright holster and all your problems will dissipate.

>when you're from one of those ass-backwards cultures you're not really in control of this stuff.

This is why I hate conservativism and the right. I'm no fan of the left, but the right regresses the fuck out of our society.

Traditionalists are archaic, some are needed, some are fucking ridiculous. Change will always destroy tradition as we progress as a species.

Muslim extremist are far right on the political spectrum.

Clap clap clap. Because superpowers like China and Russia care much about shiturkey

>this is Eurasian century
Yea I can tell, you guys made Testla, you guys control Silicon Valley, you guys are the progress our species is making. You're not broke as fuck, culutrally dying, or any of that.

LOL jk, you don't do shit for this century, you buy it from us. Don't forget that user. YOU DON'T DO SHIT

>Because superpowers like China and Russia
>and Russia

Only thing technological to come out of russia in the past 20 years is malware and ransomware.

This turned into a cringe thread very fast.

Well, I mean did you read OP's post? Shit was cringe from the second he clicked post

I know you're probably just some ignorant American who watches nothing but local TV channel but we make joint operations in Syria. read about Astana talks, etc. we captured 2 seperate lands in Syria. you're getting SHITTED this century.

They are pretty patriarchal. You should have said it should be the woman the one who should convert.

You are simply used for your asshole.

>you buy it from us

You mean from China and India? Just like you do?

Bullying turkey with US technology and advancement is like using a nuclear bomb vs a knife. Of course this isn't their century, but it's obvious as fuck.

That would have created more trouble for everybody. They don't try to drag me to the mosque, they're happy, we're happy, it's all good.


those are k*rds you're talking about. a scat fetishist american talking about world politics. SAD

Ex apple HQ employee here, actually we have them build our developed products. They get a very very very small cut to assemble them.

Just butting in so people understand how the tech world actually works. Most products you use are developed and created in California.

That being said, my good friend its turkish, and he's dope af.

You mean like gay porn?

I guess now you are infected with the islam virus. I guess I will see your name in the news

See, you don't even understand how the tech economy works LOL you're fucking hilarious.

Eh, no shit right? Just like putting idiots in their place.

>catching jungle fever

bro... it's best to stay away from her family matters. just focus on your relationship.

nah, like 3somes on cam, never with another dude. She did gay porn?

It was funny at first but then it got cringier as the thread progressed.

Everyone ITT is giving you shit, but this was the reason people didn't stop breeding until they had a son back in the day.


These t*rks just can't get shitted enough

Nah she didn't, but you said more fucked up and that's what it means for me.

>Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

>Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
>As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Holy shit, this is copy pasta, OLD copy pasta at that. I remember reading this exact same text, word for word like 2-3 years ago. C'mon OP, nobody thought you were right back then, nobody will now.

It's just complaining about accomplishing the one thing we exist for. Making babies. You raise them and they'll then carry your genes. That's it, don't add your own bullshit whole expanding the list of what is considered a "Cuck". One would think you'd want to be a cuck.

Oh to each their own then I guess. I didn't even see if she had sex from the post, looks like she just got dick down the throat lmao. I still feel guilty about it now tho, wouldn't want my gf to find out etc


the joke of the world
being played like hell
you better follow OP
and end yourself

It's a blank

At least they're progressing from infanticide to suicide, soon they'll be using toilets.

what kind of fallacy are you using here? having big tech companies is a pro in global struggle for power but it's not decisive. Turkey is not strong on itself however Eurasia is stronk. see US plans failing in Syria? you thought it would be like Lİbya but you hit the hard rock Russia and Iran. Turkey is not allowing seperate k*rdish action neither. also getting genetically annihilated by blacks and mexicans is not our problem LUL


>spamming scat fetishism that is "ironically" a parody of nigger fetishism.

just keep posting kid, I'm sure it'll save your precious genetic pool.

Any day I can make a t*rk angry,
I feel completed and I feel happy.

eurasis isnt shite and nothing much going on in syria by usa you inbred euro mutt

I went to Istanbul this summer. Interesting place. I just wish that Erdogan wasn't in charge. Turkey is turning to shit with him there. He's the Trump of the Middle East.

>also getting genetically annihilated by blacks and mexicans is not our problem LUL

You act like that will happen before you can modify our genetics user. Full transition into a melting pot society will take hundreds if not thousands of years. We'll advance well before then. Not that race mixing is even an issue. Silicon Valley is the most culturally mixed economy on the planet, and it pulls in 2 trillion a year in revenue. Contributes to the advancement of human society more than almost anywhere on the planet.

>what kind of fallacy are you using here?
You're the ones left behind with archaic and dying traditionalism. Your culture is dying user, and we don't even need to intervene to kill it. It must suck watching it die off though.

sick rhymes bro, but I'm not even mad. I kill time on Sup Forums for a few hours and I don't mind making a few yankees BTFO'd meanwhile.

Well, now I know that they're archaic racist fucktards, I definitely won't go there.

Guys don't be so racist with the t*rks, there are mentally ill. I feel bad

They are now. They're basically sheep now under the new president.

So men outnumbering women is a great idea?
I see where your thinking is going, you murderous, glorious winged incel faggot.

>Guys don't be so racist with the t*rks, there are mentally ill. I feel bad
Can't wait for humans to be genetically modified.. I feel like I was born way too early. Some people's archaic viewpoint on race is hilarious and horrible at the same time. Now culturally, I'm against a lot of retarded outdated culture. Religion has totally regressed the fuck out of us and set back real progress with science. Culture, not race, is a major issue.

technology is the most important aspect of humanity I agree. however, the one who has the power and economics also holds the science, culture, art, etc. the difference USA makes comes from its economic power. if a nation loses its financial power, it loses everything. I'm not against Trump or average American. the deep state is holding you back and will hold you back for a long time.

>made in fucking turkey
Phillipina woman assembles motherboards for 38 cents a unit.
Calls herself a contributor to technology.

Blanks are still dangerous up close.