Does anyone have advice for someone who's about to enlist?

Does anyone have advice for someone who's about to enlist?

Preferably someone with experience in the USMC

Don't do it

Don’t, we don’t need any more stupid fucks in the infantry.

My MOS isn't infantry.

Pick a job that you can make a career after your contract expires.

Learn to shit, clean and wipe in under 60 seconds

fed hope you get blown up by isis

i joined the marines in my country and it was life changing, do it just be ready to go off and die for something you don't care about

dont go into aircraft side, easy 8-16 hour days, 5-7 days a week on call 24/7. at least thats how it was for me. best thing i heard was going intel, after their contract is up they made a fuck ton.

get everything in writing with signatures. if its not it does not exist

I picked administration. How bad did I fuck up?

Dub dubs confirms

Here's what you need to know.
1. You're a dumbass for enlisting during peacetime. I caught the tail end of Afghanistan and had 2 remaining years. Went on a UDP to Okinawa. Shit got stupid real fast. Chucks every Friday and on duty.
2. Boot Camp is fun. Enjoy that shit.
3. Do your best to not be a dumb boot. PT hard. Don't buy a car or get married. Respect your seniors but don't be a kissass.
4. Shit gets better after 1st deployment. If you've managed to pick up rank and don't want to kill yourself at this point, consider reenlistment because buddy, civvy life isn't all that great and bills are a ducking bitch.


each time i went there they seemed like they hated their lives because it was pretty boring. stupid expectations moreso than regular because you have to deal with top officers so they expect more from the regulations from you. you can't have a single thing wrong with uniform or haircut because of that either. promotions didnt sound too bad though?

Do something else you idiot.

Being a military grunt is among the hardest jobs you can do. The wear and tear on your body isn’t good for you either.

When you're a poolee don't trust your recruiter, they will tell you whatever you want to get you in. They will pressure you to get referrals and you have no obligation to do so. Keep as little contact after you have gotten your mos secured. Ship as soon as you can

i second the peacetime bit. apart from the guy who asked about admin, who will literally not see the difference in peacetime. my fucking god it was chucks EVERY DAY for duty not just for fucking fridays when the war ended. police call every fucking morning, field day got 10x worse because nothing to do wew lad

the referals to get earlier PFC or lance is 100% worth it, esp if you go into a hard to promote field. PRO FUCKING TIP TO ANY FUCK FACES STILL LOOKING. google usmc cutting scores, look at corporal, if the job you're looking at has 1700+, holy fucking god its hard to get promoted and you'll be at the bottom forever. 1600-1700 isnt bad, normal wait time, 1500-1600, FAST PROMOTIONS HIGHER PAY FASTER but could be a shit job


dont do it, join the airforce for a better QOL

type of uniform, just google usmc chucks. just think of what the recruiter wears but with green pants and green hat

You're complaining about wearing fucking clothes? Are all Ms bitch made?