ITT Sexual stories from our childhood

ITT Sexual stories from our childhood

>Be 10 year old oddly sexual kid
>for some reason I used to steal my sister's barbies and make them worship my penis
>make them kiss it. Talk to it. Stick their hands under my foreskin.
After I would do this I would put them back like nothing happened.
>mfw I would see my sister playing with them later

>be me aged 11
>recently discover pirn
>find video of man masturbating on bus
>gotta try that shit
>mfw police escort me home

Another weird one
>still around 10
>I used to think it was wrong to touch myself (tv always made me think sex was wrong for some reason)
>I used to take scissors from the kitchen and sit with them in the bathroom and just hold them open on my penis
>I never closed them cause I was scared
>but for some reason I thought having a penis made me bad and if I cut it off I'd be good
WTF was wrong with me?

what the fuck

>be 10 or so
>mom's friend brought her daughter over to hang out and left us alone
>she invites me into the bathroom
>lets me watch her pee and says the pee feels warm on her vagina
>instant piss fetish
>almost stick my little stiffy in her pussy later when we're playing around in my room
>didn't want to hurt her and not see her again
>never saw her again anyway
Shoulda dicked that puss

>Be me in third grade
>At my school all of the third graders have eighth grade buddies
>We go on a trip to the zoo with our buddies
>My buddy and his girlfriend take me and her buddy into the cave exhibits
>Just the four of us
>Our eighth grade buddies start making out
>We just stand there awkwardly watching them
>Suddenly my buddy grabs me
>Eighth grade girl lifts up her skirt and shoves my face into her crotch
>My buddy whispers “Lick it” into my ear so I do as she moves her underwear aside
>Goes on for a few seconds
>I look over and the third grade girl has his dick in her mouth
>The eighth graders are making out while we suck and lick them
>They tell us to stop
>Tell is not to tell anyone or we’ll be in big trouble
>We’re scared as fuck
>My buddy takes me to go wash off my face
>We go look at the giraffes and act like nothing happened

Imma gonna watch this thread a bit before I decide whether to add my story. Just coz im a guy, its a bit molesty and not nice.

add it, we like molestation

>we like molestation
What was I thinking, I forgot my audience! Ok I'll whip up a greentext, gimme a minute

>be like 12, at countryside with 17 yo cousin
>she teaches me a secret and licks my dick
>It felt great, I wanna feel it again
>Go to toilet when she is using it, aske her to lick me again.
>She makes me lick her vagina instead
>It tastes like pee
>That night we sleep together
>I wanna touch her boobs, she won't let me
>After 1 hour of struggle she gives up and lets me do whatever I want
>I put my hand in the middle of her boobs, but chicken out.
>Next year she didn't return and I regretted all my life not being braver and taken advantage of situation
>I kept virgin for like 10 more years, FML

> be an age sitting on park bench minding my own business
> man sits next to me
> huh, there's plenty of empty chairs, no one around, why sit here?
> i say hi anyway, then i get back to my gmaeboy
> he's asking couple questions, seems normal enough, just like someone's dad so I'm not worried
> asks what I'm playing, I want him to shut up but don't want to be rude so I explain the game
> hes wearing sports shorts, scratches his balls or some shit
> his dick flops out
> im grossed out, wonder if he hasn't realised
> nah, not an accident
> puts his bag on his lap to help hide it
> he says 'touch it if you like'
> look around, no one close
> dont want to but dont want to upset him so reach over poke it a little
> get my fingers around it and squeeze
> he starts getting hard
> puts his hand over mine and uses it to fap himself
> yeah i dont think i like this
> he's making weird noises
> dont fight him just let him use my hand
> its sticking straight up, looks ugly feels warm
> he reaches over and pushes against my junk
> can't help it, start getting hard
> he digs around in there, pulls at the elastic on my underwear and my dick pokes out
> now he's feeling me up
> he keeps looking around, coast remains clear
> I'm nervous, confused
> too scared to fight
> keeps using me to fistpump his dick while he tickles my junior peen
> don't like it
> he's getting rough
> off in the distance a lady with a pram is coming
> he lets go of my hand and crosses his legs
> that's my opportunity, I nope the fuck out of there
> sniff my hand, gross smells like dick
> look behind me he has fucked off in opposite direction
> suddenly have bizarre fetish
> end up acting on this a couple times growing up
> as fucked up as it was I beat off to it many times, even now
> also not gay

>be 9
>have cute blonde cousin named Madison, 5 months younger than me
>we play a lot because her single mom is busy at work, I have both parents and 3 brothers but she ends up mostly playing with me because we’re closest in age
>she’s happy and giggly, we definitely had small crushes on each other but knew as cousins couldn’t do anything about it

>one day i somehow wind up in the bathroom with her at my house because she needs to pee and I need to go after
>[she sits down, that’s odd]
>*drizzing sound into toilet*
>[wait, where’s her pee pee?!]
>”Are you peeing out of your butt?!”
>She laughs “No, girls have a ‘gina!”
>after she’s done “See?”
>puts a leg up on the toilet seat and shows me, spreads that shit
>i stare intently and feel weird but still really gotta pee
>make her get down and I whip my dick out and piss
>she watches me close and giggles the whole time
>after I’m done “Don’t you wipe?”
>”No, don’t need to.”
>she grabs me cock with her soft little hand “oh yeah, it’s dry”
>she laughs, I blush deep red, we soon put our pants back on and get back to whatever we were doing, probably playing original Xbox or filming a dumb video
>never do anything like that with her again
>she got teen pregnant at 15

that was a solid story

>Be me
>Middle school age
>Have an aunt who’s in college
>Shes watching me for the weekend while my parents are out of town
>She’s maybe a freshman or sophomore at this point
>Saturday night she goes out with some friends
>I stay up playing video games forever
>She gets dropped off totally wasted
>Walks(ish) into the living room
>Tells me to unzip her dress
>I do
>She lays on the couch and takes her bra off
>Just lays there recovering for a minute
>After a while I think she’s passed out
>Turn around and look at her
>Stare for awhile
>Tempation overcomes me
>I quietly slide over to her
>Poke her nipple with one finger
>No response
>Touch it for longer
>Go down to her panties
>Slide them to one side and get a nice look
>She adjusts herself a little bit
>Mumbles “You’re a little perv. You know that?”
>Doesn’t stop me though
>I assume that’s permission
>Go give her boob a full grab
>She actually smiles
>This must be what getting laid feels like
>Go to sleep
>In the morning we are having cereal
>She raps her spoon against her bowl
>Seems to be thinking about something
>She quietly says “I won’t tell your parents that you touched me if you don’t tell them I was drunk.”
>I agree

Completely different story, but after I graduated college I ended up having a threesome with her and girlfriend. Didn’t fuck her but fingered her and my girlfriend at the same time.


Um, ok, thanks I suppose. Its seered in my memory, can't ever forget.
Kinda turned a switch in my head made me realise I had something creepy dudes wanted. When the day comes I have a kid, I'm gonna hyper vigilant. I know there's fuckers out there that can't be trusted.

Man, my childhood was boring...

was it really so bad what happened to you that youre that afraid for your kids?

That's feminism for you. I'm glad you didn't though as you could never be a cute trap if you did.

Growing up I never did anything as mess up as some of you guys stories. Just basic touching, exploring, etc that comes with being a kid

I recognise what happened to me wasn't all that bad. Yep it was gross and I felt out of my depth. But sure it doesn't compare to being raped or made to blow someone. Just until then I thought adults could be trusted, and I'd assume any kids I have will share my trust. Putting them in a place they could be in danger. The reality of anything happening to them is way slim, I get that. But I suppose its just me letting my fear take control of areas of my life it shouldn't.
Thanks for questioning me. I've never discussed this with anyone of course, so am happy for you to challenge my fear.

of course man, you should honestly remember that you can not keep your kids safe from anything. they will make mistakes just like you made the mistake of staying there after he pulled his dick out. people learn, like you did

you shouldnt be afraid to tell anyone this, you were a victim of something, no shame

For some reason I've had femdomish fantasies since I was like 6 years old though not all of it was explicitly sexual but enough considering my age at the time.

Also started masturbating around the same time :D

When I was around 12-13 I stayed with some friends of the family while my mom and dad went to Europe for two weeks.
The family I stayed with had a daughter that had to be 9-10 and for some reason had a crush on me. She used to follow me everywhere, crawl into bed with me while I was asleep. And she'd tell me we were married.
For whatever reason I decided to roll with it and asked her if we can do things married people do
>"like what?"
>"like see eachother naked"
>we wait for her folks to go to sleep, she sneaks over to my bed like she always did
>something feels different
>holy shit naked girl in bed with me
>she lets me feel her pussy which tickles her and I pull out my cock which makes her curious
>she grabs the end of my penis by my foreskin and pulls it around, moving my cock so she can look at all sides
>she asks me what's the "squishy part"
>that's my foreskin
>she starts playing with it, says it feels soft, the more she plays with it the more it twitches/bounces around
>when it bounces she says it's cute and starts kissing it like a pet
>we go back and forth like this touching eachother almost every time she sneaks in bed with me
>we never cum or anything but everything still feels really good
I kind of miss having the curiosity/innocence that comes with being a kid

I wouldn't be concerned. I don't think this is a bad thing.


>be me
>moms friend moves in with us in our big home because her husband divorced her and moved young girl in
>has qt daughter 13 year old
>her and my sister hangout and play a lot
>use me in their games
>one day qt takes me into closet
>shows me her boobs
>underage me thinks cool those look better than mine
>tells me suck on them because they make her feel good
>oh okay why not
>eventually we stop and leave closet
>days later we enter closet again
Expecting boobs
>nope png
>pulls down her shorts and underwear to show her slightly fuzzy pussy
>tells me to lick it and stick my finger in
>proceed to give some oral
>tells me Goodjob and we leave
I have more stories if you Sup Forumsros are interested. We lived with them for 2 years Kek

More stories friend

Uh huh.

When I was a freshman in highschool a girl in our group of friends was very casually sexual. One time when me, my gf, and here were all hanging out she just randomly asked my gf if it was okay to masturbate in her bedroom
My gf said sure while I was just confused and she pulled a pocket vibe from her back pack, drops trou, and just starts masturbating in front of us while my gf plays final fantasy and I sit in the middle not sure if my gf will be mad if I watch her friend getting off in front of us.
She used to do a lot of stuff like this, she'd have me stand watch while she masturbated under the stairwell at school, later on in highschool another friend used to have parties in his shed behind his house and she'd spend the party naked on the couch playing with herself.
Flash forward to today and she is a single mom living with her parents. So I can only assume someone finally picked up what she kept throwing down

>be 10
>start getting random boners all the time
>play with my dick whenever no one’s looking by kind of fondling it and smacking it around, the idea of actually stroking it to orgasm never occured to me
>one time my mom catches me under a blanket with my hand down my pants while watching TV
>she, very annoyed, says ”If you’re going to do that, go to the bathroom”, which in retrospect makes her kinda cool as she wasn’t forbidding me from doing it, just not on her furniture

>girl at school, Taylor, gets a crush on me and determines I’m now her boyfriend
>I haven’t really had a real sexual or romantic feeling yet so aren’t really into her but I go along with it for reasons unknown
>I have the same name as her brother a year older which is kinda weird
>I get to hang out with her friends and talk about Neopets and shit at recess
>during one of these receses how babies are made is explained to me for the first time, she lies down ass up in front of all of us (I the only boy) and in a naive manner explains that adults put their weiner in the girl’s special hole and they like it and it feels good
>we all go “eww, gross” but on the inside a lightbulb goes off in my head as to what my boners are all about


>later that week, Taylor and I go to the community center/pool (brand new with multiple inside and outdoor swim areas)
>small town so all the kids just rode their bikes their unsupervised and hung out, no big deal
>i’m in swim trunks and she’s in a one piece, we have ice cream and hold hands walking around and play tag and the other cute shit we felt we were supposed to do
>eventually after seeing her nips through her suit my mind wanders to what she’d demonstrated earlier that week
>bring it up, ask her what else she knows
>she giggles a lot and covers her mouth in a ladylike manner and looks straight as me as she explains that adults also sometimes put weiners in their mouths or in their butts
>eventually go far enough down that rabbithole to ask if she wants to see mine
>we easily sneak into a single-occupancy bathroom (and looked similar enough that people may well have assumed we’re siblings)
>i pull down my trunks, she gasps and blushes
>she moves the bottom of her one-piece aside and I see her hairless pussy
>i get hard and she gasps and giggles again
>we try kissing (very awkwardly, but the best thing I’d felt at the time) and eventually we start rubbing our genitals together, standing up with my dick between her closed legs
>i will never forget the lewd sounds that 10 year old girl made as I stroked her clit with my dick
>she shakes on me, in retrospect i know she came
>i have a dry orgasm, didn’t properly cum until i saw the ZONE Starfire tentacle flash two years later
>we clearly enjoyed ourselves but I think she felt guilty (parents were religious) and things got awkward after that, never hung out after school again
>less than a month later she “broke up” with me, I didn’t care really
>but thanks to her explanation of the mechanics figured out how to properly jack off

>few months after pussy incident
>go into our favorite closet
>"user I think it's your turn"
>"I don't have one of those down there though?"
>"It's okay I know what to do with yours"
>she pulls down my shorts and boxers to show my little penis
>can't remember if I had a boner or not,probably not
>she rubs it with her hand and rubs my balls with her other
>softest hands on earth
>she then brings her mouth close to it and gives it a little lick on the tip
>she licks up and down the shaft for some time like the best popsicle ever
(This causes me to not like popsicles for fear of gay)
>eventually she looks at me
>"Ready user? I'm gonna try something I saw before"
>sticks my whole penis in her mouth
>warm heaven on my dick
>sucks on it slowly like she was drinking a thick milkshake
>she proceeds to do this for some time but I cannot cum cause 7
>eventually stops and tells me Good job with our game
>ask what it's called.



you almost become a trap


fucking awesome

I wonder how those two determined that’s something they’d want to try together, or if it was just a heat-of-the-moment type thing.
I guarantee since they so quickly got cold feet that they still feel bad about it and still terrified someone will find out

>I had something creepy dudes wanted
This. Idk why, but I've had creepy old guys try to take pics of me over toilet stalls and stuff. Even today, in my mid-20's, I old men keep trying to talk to me for no reason. I was also molested by my female babysitter when I was 3. Is it the way I look?

> be 13
> little sis is 9
> her best friend Jody is always over
> its obvious she has shitty home life, often make inappropriate comments
> think my parents are concerned but don't want to call authorities
> just let her stay over as much as possible during the day
> I leave her and sis alone because they're retarded
> but am intrigued by some of what she says
> also long blonde hair and tanned skin. Shes fucking gorgeous and she knows it. Can't help but notice
> one day us kids in pool together
> start a game where the girls take turns jumping on my back, we take breaths and go underwater
> each time Jody does it she rubs herself against me
> she squirms into my back, she's obviously getting off
> boner ensues
> know I can't do anything because that's way wrong
> when it's my sisters turn I'm real quick, no interest in her. When its Jody's I take my time
> can't let her know I've bonered up
> as we go underwater I start humping the ground while she humps my back
> after about the third time I cum
> feels amazing, and perfect crime because no one knows
> feel ashamed and don't want to play anymore
> wonder if I've done something that would get me in trouble
> clean up my dick while swimming, Jody chases after me, she won't leave me alone
> that night I fuck my pillow thinking of her
We did other stuff, things escalated, but that was the first time I came with someone else involved. Looking back its pretty weird screwing the floor of a swimming pool while she was smooshing her pussy into my back

Probably just bad luck tbh
Like if you’re really cute or otherwise attractive obviously more people in general will want to fuck you but beyond that odds are you’ve just ended up in the vicinity of creeps and pervs by chance.
Don’t beat yourself up over it, you’re definitely in no way to blame for being harassed

>we did other stuff
I’m intrigued


Well whe are waiting

>cumming while your sister is humping your back

>be me around 5
>friends with all kids on my block
>there's one girl who is mean to me
>Shes about a year or two older
>shes mean to me infront of others
>likes to hug and touch me when alone
>confused child doesnt understand
>decide shes just weird
>still be friends with
>one late afternoon she calls me out
>doesnt know what she wants
>goes anyways
>she takes me to enclosed area
>two sheds close us in
>getting alittle nervous
>girl says "wanna make out?"
>too nervous and just says sure
>she starts kissing me
>i didnt know what to do so i just stand there stiff
>she does all the work, even giving me tongue
>a minute goes by of awkward kissing
>she asks if we can "hump"
> doesnt know what it really means cause im a child, so says yes.
>she grinds her body against mine
>she says i have to do it to
>not even 30 seconds on dry humping before she decides its enough.
>all of the sudden she tries to take my clothes off.
>now im spooked and dont know what to do
>lifts my shirt but doesnt take it off
>she takes off her shorts
>dont know what to do but stare
>while she moves her clothes, dad calls for me
>quikly pulls shirt back down and rushes out of cornered area home
>go home

So i could've almost lost my virginity at 5

Um ok. Can do. But gotta stuff first. Be back in 30 mins or so.
And no, not my sister, it was her friend. Maybe I didn't write that well enough.

>Be 8
>Have cousin
>Not blood related, but still
>Cousins and her decided that we were dating
>I didn't think anything on it. We just played like normal
>One day, all the cousins are around us, egging us on for couple shit
>We kiss
>Not good enough
>We made out
>Not enough
>We go to the bathroom and show each other our genitals

I comprehended it fine, that one guy’s just a dumbass

im guessing you are a faggot now.

>be me around 14
>meet this girl on social media
>she’s in a grade above me
>find out she lives in a city next to me
>we text all the time and she eventually starts dropping major hints of wanting sex
>me being 14 and dumb don’t know how to take it
>eventually she comes over
>we watch a movie on my tv and lay in my bed
>she starts unbuttoning my pants
>starts sucking my dick
>she’s sucking like a pro
>door was wide open because parents didn’t want me fucking
>see little sister about 4 watching through the door way of me getting my dick sucked
>cum in her mouth and my cum comes out her nose

True story and we fucked for awhile before that shit went south.

I don't think I'm attractive, I look young though. I feel like it's messed me up. I have a relationship with a girl who mommys me and calls me cute and adorable. She's the only girl I feel able to open up to; and for some odd reason, I feel safe around her. I hadn't even realized I didn't feel safe prior to her. She might be a closet pedo or something, but she's legitimately extremely gorgeous, so at least there's that.

A few years later and that could have worked out. 5’s just too little


If you’re on Sup Forums and in this thread odds are you have closet pedo tendancies too so you may have hit the jackpot friend

>be me maybe 9 years old
>best friend is a girl my age
>one day I find diapers in the bathroom bin
>she wets the bed?
>start stealing her wet pull-ups and taking them home
>spend a few years fucking my best friends pissy diapers
>diaper fetish till this day
>no regrets

Whatever, dumbass.

>be me, around 28 years old at the time
>cousin, single mom
>cousins job required her to be out of state for two months
>asks me to watch her 11 and 14 yo daughters
>I put them up in the spare bedroom
>11 year old would frequently wake up during the night with a bad dream and crawl into my bed
>about 3 weeks in I woke up to her fondling me in my sleep while in bed.
>she was startled and scared
>told her it was ok to be curious as long as she didn't tell anyone what she was doing
>this led to a lot more touching and kissing
>eventually one night she slipped off her panties and got on top of me
>she began sliding back and forth on my cock and grinding against me
>never penetrated her or anything beyond that
>still jack it to thoughts of her doing that shit
>she's 16 now and still gives me a special smile and hugs me extra tight whenever I see her.

Did you tell anyone? Holy fucking shit that's disturbing

I’m wondering if he ever talked to that girl in his class that was with them or if her behavior changed noticably after getting her face full of dick

>WTF was wrong with me?

Radical circumcision fetishist, AKA potentially successful American Physician.

Or maybe they were just assholes and were trying to be safe while still being assholes.

They both raped those kids, pretty much.

They made it into a bigger deal than it had to be, but only because they were so selfish and disrespectful in general of the children.

No explanation, no education, no attempt at consent, courtesy, or communication. Add to the mix the illegality of it, and taboo nature of the activity, and you have a very unethical way of having proceeded.

Only a pedo could think like this, haha. But I have a long way to go as far as learning goes. I'm all for legalization of consensual activity. This kind of thing doesn't have to happen. The teenagers could learn that their urges are natural and ok. Instead they accept that their urges are evil and therefore when they give in to those urges, they throw away all character and integrity; they figure there is none to be gained, none to be learned, that to enter the territory at all is to be lost anyway so they may as well be completely depraved.

After thinking about it, I agree; they must feel pretty bad about it, now.

Sorry to do this to you guys. Have got my hands full with my gf. Can't drop anymore greentext atm. Should of pre typed, didn't expect any interest but.
If thread still up in 2 hrs will try again. Otherwise will look for same thread this time tomorrow.
Sorry to be that guy.

Ditch the bitch. Priorities bro.

I think she likes little boys, I don't.

when I was a teen I masturbated a lot. Used to feel so guilty that I would take a hair brush and scour that fucker like it owed me money.

When I was around 3yo my daddy made suck his dick. This went on until I was 12 when I got too old so we had to stop. When I was around 8 or 9 he started doing me in my kitty. It felt so good to be filled up with his dick and I loved when he came in me.

cool story

This looks familliar. sauce?

I used to have 'play sex' with a local girl from my neighbourhood when I was about 10 and she was about 9. It was quite the experience but we obviously didn't know what we were doing.

oshit i just realized op's probably fapping to this

I'm sorry I'm bad at storytelling, okay. Storytelling is hard.
Okay so one time we were at a restuaraunt and I was like 6 or 7 and he took me in the bathroom. He put me on the changing table and had me suck his dick and thigh fucked me on teh changing table. It was so hot to do it in public like that.

Song of the Sea

what the fuck

Fug. Knowing that just makes the shame I feel after I have sex worse.

5 is not too little as the other user says. This is another case of "rape."

No proper communication was established, and no respect or attempt at "etiquette" was made. She was being the opposite of courteous.

Of course, she herself was a child, and did the best with what she knew at the time. As in, urges simply took over, and she saw a 5 yo boy as a potential fuck toy.

This might have been a girl raised by teachers and peers, rather than her parents. At least, the version of her that raped you.

Let's take some of the mystique away from this word, rape. Analyze critically what you conceive it as in your mind.

She raped him, yet it can be said that she just did what came naturally to her and knew on some deep level that she was not destroying him. So she allowed herself to do this, on some level. On many levels, her central morality was not in control. In a real sense, she was a different person then than she was in other situations, around other people.

Are you a pedophobe? A child-hater?

Or are you a "pfft, children? Lame" kinda guy?

Or are you "children are innocent" person?

This last one, if held as a belief, implies that you are a sinner. That is the logical extension of it.

It means society is corrupt and you have accepted the corrupt part of it into your core being, and it also means you don't intend to do anything about it.

I don't know if I'm coming across here.


Why do you think you were "too old" at 12?

What is your relationship now like? What do you think of your special time with him?

Did he have other little girlfriends ever?

Awesome. Time to stop jacking off and get some resolve!

Yea, I'm a pretty shitty person at times, but probably #3. Nothing is worse than being a pedo tho.

Give pics

>Why do you think you were "too old" at 12?
Because I had my first blood. He wasn't going to risk me getting pregnant. I wanted him to put a baby in me, I wanted to give birth to my own little sister, but it was a stupid childish dream.
>What is your relationship now like?
Good, why wouldn't it be? Though I hardly see my family these days, I'm so busy with my own kids now.
>What do you think of your special time with him?
That it was nice being so loved. That I wish it could've kept going, that I wish he would've made me pregnant.
>Did he have other little girlfriends ever?
Yeah, my sisters.

depends on the state I guess but the age gap and incest factor still makes it creepy if she's not the one initiating
if she's trying to jump his bones it seems she'll let him know

Well I obviously don't have any dude. What the fuck?

Give diaper pics

Go to literally any porn site.
search "diaper"

There you go fucker!

If you had gotten pregnant, things could have been very bad for both of you. It was not a stupid dream, it was a natural desire and an expression of the deep love in your soul.

Thank you for your answers. I wish you and your family the happiest and best life full of love and joy and good relationships.

Maybe I'm just projecting here, but I meant that he should work on becoming more attractive and engaging. May or may not lead to opportunities and being prepared for them.

Give pics

>If you had gotten pregnant, things could have been very bad for both of you
I know, that's why it's good we stopped when we stopped when we did.
>it was a natural desire and an expression of the deep love in your soul
Yeah, every girl feels the need to be a mother, especially with the man she loves the most.
Thank you for being so understanding.

>be 15
>be hyper sexually confused and have no idea whats going on
>try crossdressing
>this occurs around the time the trap fad really catches on here
>this is hot I guess
>dressed in my moms clothes, fapping with my moms dildo up my ass
>take pics and start a whore thread here of all places
>never realize what I'm doing
>tfw at least a dozen anons probably saved your crossdressing cp or at least beat off to it

That's pretty hot. Post some, fag.

wew lad


I destroyed that shit hardcore when I was older and more sexually secure and realized I shouldnt have that shit anywhere near me
On a similar note that poor ipod also filled up with lots of shit like that, including a lot of nudes from both guys and girls from those teen years
I was really active on forums and regularly had those online sext friends
Now that I think about it that probably has a lot to do with shaping into how much of a whore I am about my dick pics now and how many guys and gals I pork off tinder
The early Sup Forums trap craze basically ignited my bisexuality man
You graduate from Bailey Jay and shemales to traps and then to femboys and then just to dudes


You lucky fucker.