I know I'm retarded and this is retarded but I'm trying to go see death grips in minneapolis...

I know I'm retarded and this is retarded but I'm trying to go see death grips in minneapolis, I bought my ticket back when I had a job but I lost my job and have spent all my money trying to keep my car running, I'm back living with my parents. I've applied for a lot of jobs and actually have two lined up but no checks coming in yet. The show is thursday and I'm leaving tomorrow night to spend the night with a friend in La Crosse, Wisconsin and then go to the show with him. I literally have no money and two gallons of gas in my tank tops, and I have four hours to drive. I'm going to leave my paypal at the bottom of this post, please can some stranger out there help me out at all? can anybody help me out? I'm a musician, a writer, and an artist I can draw you a picture or something in exchange, maybe write a paper you've been putting off. I fully know this is stupid and pathetic but I've got like no other option. At this point I'll do anything. I just need gas money.

paypal: [email protected]

I have lewd photos and can chat with someone if they'd like, I'm bisexual and broke as fuck

im eighteen

bump for help

can't you simply go by autostop?

what do you mean my car runs now I just don't have any gas? do you think I could whore myself out at autostop as well as I can on Sup Forums lol?

sure not, but i'm trying to help you by giving you options, made money here would be better for sure

Go and check your paypal balance

thank you sorry if I seemed standoffish

not sure if you're messing with me or whatever you sent didn't go through but here is my current paypal balance

Oh fuck no i'm not sending anything, I just liked the idea of you nervously checking.
Thanks that made me smirk a little

np man, shit happens, maybe you can do some tributes here? or write something on your body? i'm sure someone will pay for that

no problem man anything helps

yea I mean I'm a decent looking guy, kind of effeminate in the bedroom, I thought the men of Sup Forums liked that lol, oh well we'll see how it goes


Uhhh. Don’t go to Wisconsin?

I wish you and your gas tank the best of luck

why not, he's lucky he have this chance

I'm in wisconsin, the problem is the death grips show is in minneapolis and I had already bought the ticket. It would really mean the world to me if I could go I'm a huge fan, but currently I'm fucked. so I'm out here begging.

god bless you stranger


Seems like you should figure your shit out before you waste your money haha. Don't you have a credit card you could use you beta fag. Why should anyone help you when you're an adult who can't into finances.

nah sorry man I made the mistake of moving out right when I turned 18 because I thought that was the way things are supposed to go in this country but since losing my job to downsizing it left me in a really compromising situation. I already bought the ticket, man, I bought it ages ago like the day they went on sale. Thanks for the advice though. I actually am lined up to start my new job as a waiter on friday though.

If all else fails you could just sell the ticket and cut your losses

yea that's my fearful very last option. I've been having a hard time in life lately so I was really looking forward to seeing one of my favorite bands but yea that's the plan if I can't get any money together.

Sell your ass?
Put yourself on craigslist.

was kinda hoping I could do that here instead


I gotchu