Why aren't you faggots high right now?

Why aren't you faggots high right now?
Also general stoner/drug thread

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T break til escape this weekend :) so excited!

Because its 8am and I have to be at work at 9. I don't want to start my day all burnt out.

On Dextroamphetamine. Going to take opiates right now brb

Because i hate Pot.

Just got given a free bump of average coke, now enjoying a dart and punching Gatorade cones.

Give me 5 minutes bro. I’ll be right there with you. What do you guys use to smoke?

I am high right now, so jokes on you

Also weed is super overpriced.

Any RC fans here?

because i got high and forgot to

Same as you. Cock of course.

but op i am potato right now

Overpriced? I get 1/4 for $50 from a dispensary and it lasts me all week

I pay $75 from drug dealers

smoked out playing destiny 2 whats good

Fuck off of my dick I'm cooked as shit

I used to pay those prices in the 90s

y is there mold on ur weed?

About to smoke some dabs. Shit doesnt smell but FUCKS you up. Too bad I don't have any weed tho. That would hit the spot.

1/4 for $50 is really shitty weed, so $200/month for low end weed.

for $200 i can buy enough psychedelics to last me a couple years.

Just did that shit for 8 hours straight shit was sick

Anyone here ever try growing their own poppies and extract the morphine? I know it's not profitable but it sounds like a fun experiment to do.

Come to a dispensary in Canada. Every strain is $50 a 1/4. I picked up an 1/8th for $50 on friday after work. Half lemon kush half blue diesel.

At work atm so it wouldn't be wise.
Tomorrow I'm gonna play with my band while high

my gear is trash af and im to lazy to hop in a raid and talk to ppl

I mean I picked up a 1/4 on friday

Some of us prefer not to melt our brains.

I have children and other responsibilities.

been dabbing everyday for like 2 weeks now

faggot I have no hookup, im a bit drunk though, also general alcohol thread

I started at 5.30 am i always manage at least one bowl on the pipe before i start.

I am of the poor

I have a pound, outdoor stuff. But I never smoke it cause I just dab everyday all day. There's a dispensary down the street that sells shatter. I pay $45 for a gram, a gram will last me like a day and a half. A joint at this point feels like a damn cigarette, not noticeably high, feel slightly different. Thinking about quitting for like a month and starting again just to reset me weed tolerance. Eating edibles every other day too, 145mg thc infused brownies, I can eat like 3 of those a day but they're $25 each.

Because i've been on a break for a month, i will smoke later today tho.

wew alcohol will kill me

Hitting one of the largest underground techno events this country has to offer in a few days. Just got an MDMA rock the size of my thumb nail in the mail straight from the netherlands. On top of all I'll be eating it together with this fine ass bitch I managed to get pepped on some late night techno gurning. Can't fucking wait.

Fucking awesome. Which Techno festival? N yeah, Dutch MDMA/XTC is really good

Packing a bowl now. High in Michigan.

I'm poor as shit. Haven't smoked weed in almost half a year. fml

Sparking up as we speak user


keep getting bad derealization episodes from it so I'm taking a break

Explain this please. Also hiw much did you smoke?

Too broke and not in the mood to go through the motions and deal with my idiot/asshole/imbecile dealer

Not a festival, just an underground club that moves from place to place and usually brings 300+ ppl. But since its private and held mostly at secret locations the events are usually completely free from authorities and has this really intimate and coozy feel

Because I'm not a fucking loser

Discipline. I don’t imbibe until 7PM. After work, gym, and dinner.

I didn't smoke that much to begin with and the other day me and some mates sat in a hotbox for about 3 hours and I came out bugging. For about 4 days after it feels like I'm just watching life through a tv screen and my vision gets all static and fuzzy. Its not that bad if I smoke less but when I get properly fucked I get this derealization.

im in the fucking army guarding some shitty cold place in the mountains

I am tho

Don't have the cash right now. Waiting on my paycheck in a couple days.

You're smoking way too much fucking much then. 2 grams at most can last me a week holy shit dude

I find paint thinner to be better.

because I'm over the weed phase. It just doesn't do anything besides make me hazy now. Whenever I do decide to smoke again I'm always disappointed because I'll never react the same way, giggling and body buzz, when I was new to drugs.

I've ascended to man's best friend, alcohol.

I'm not high because am not a faggot. End of story

>Be me 21, Never touched drugs in 20yo life.
>Went curious af, sniffed glue, liked the feeling.
>Wanted more.
>Smoked weed for few times.
>Made my insecurities even worse. Got depressed to a point that i broke into tears of my misery and misfortune.
>Got aggressive and realized i was getting retarded. Also, gave me migraine and nausea.

Drugs are so fucking overrated and for coward faggots who can't accept reality and shit, and wannabe cool faggots washed up by jew media.
>Fuck drugs

Waiting for the evening. I don't trust people who don't want or can't get high.

Relatively newfag to weed/drugs here

How much should I be paying for weed brownies? Local drug dealer is going at 5 a brownie , pls don't tell me to make them myself I don't know how /can't


Not even 7am, but found some Forbidden Fruit dabs yesterday and holy fuck is it amazing.

>Passionfruit on the inhale
>Piney-kiwi when you hold it in
>Strawberry on the exhale

I mean fuck, thought tastes like this only came in vape juice for fags.

Itt underaged b& kiddies ask about weed

Me too

Says the faggot that smoked shit tier weed and bought into the whole “drugs are bad” agenda

Wtf is that and where did you get that?

Thats wax mixed with vape juice flavors for fags

had a 7:30am bho dab, gonna do a little exercise then goto work, hpme office.
dab once or twice thru the day if its slow.
when work is done, walk 10 feet to 'home'
dab and video games till bed.

got work in a few. would rather save my bud for when I'm off.

They're dab cartridges, Brass Knuckles brand. From a dispensary, and it's a strain nigger.


Sorry senpai that was cut with corn syrup and vape juice

Says the faggot jew

lol dude. weed is supposed to taste like weed. even dabs. if your flavors are this fine-tuned, there's something more in that than what you think, apparently.

Shit, you dumb nigger. Thats even worse. Brassnuckles is literally poison, it has fucking eagle 20 in them. Enjoy your cancer down the road user. And it is just wax diluted in ejuice.

This sums up my loc skatepark

Could have a pikachu on the train right now, but I don't want my jaw to be half off my face when I try to smash a bill when I get off.

I'm drunk right now if that counts for anything.

First time I bought one, not Ejuice but they did fail a pesticide test couple months back.

Just got off a night shift, puffing on a FlavRX oil cartridge. Tastes like pina colada, emasculating but the high is just right.

Because I got too fucking high last night... that's why. I have more pot than I know what to do with at the moment, so I made cookies last night. I forgot how long some edibles take to kick in... glad I only had one. Got a trip to vegas in a couple days with friends.... going to be an excellent flight.

Yh yh yh

Apparently since the pesticide test fail they started to post cartridge results from SC labs


Gave me a scare there, but I guess I should research pre-fill companies before buying em.

No need to be a dick about it you nigger faggot.

because the dealer i can buy from right now is a cunt. and if i want cheap good shit i have to travel a long way. thats why im not high.

>Why aren't you faggots high right now?
Because I work a tax paying job

I'm not 15 :(

Ya god damn Zoidberg.

Because im over 30 have children and left that dumb shit behind me.
On a more serious not does anyone ponder the long term effects of dabs or the depletion of gray matter in relation to possible early or even cause of Alzheimer?

ukfag here im paying 60 for a 1/4 of gorrilla glue and its gone in the night hahaha if your paying alot in murica you need to source a vendor or buy in bulk. met a guy in cali last year he was paying about 100 a oz of Amensia haze from a vendor on the dn

If I don't have a dr.pepper around 10 am I get withdraws. I grind my teeth and I shiver. Is it just because I am a fat ass who wants a dr.p or am I addicted to dr.pepper?

I'm dry as of last night, and I aint getting more till later today.
Shit sucks yo.

Because it's not ... lemme see ... friday, saturday or sunday today.

That's why.

What's the worst thing about being black and Jew? You gotta sit in the back of the oven.


Freshly ripped
Stop yelling at me

*takes another hit*

Didn't know this was a ylyl thread

But I lost

You're fucking retarded and naive. Stop talking about something you don't know a shit about. Kids don't listen to this fuck up. Drugs is actually fucking bad for ya. All that feeling and fake shit you get doing it is not worth it at all. Enough said.

Sounds like someone can’t handle their drugs.

Nice meme kid, is your dads last name ends with burg?

Sounds like someone can’t handle their life.

Monthly piss tests.

She got some major hobbit feet