Dick size does not fucking matter. Like at all. So fucking stop spamming cancer threads about it you faggots

Dick size does not fucking matter. Like at all. So fucking stop spamming cancer threads about it you faggots.

Maybe if you are ugly as shit it will help you but luckily for people like me who are good looking and have a strong jawline and a decent hair cut girls are soaking down below way before I whip out my dick. By then they gagging for it no matter the size so call me a dicklet all you want faggots but your gf (lol) would choke on my cock voluntarily lmao but keep telling yourself you are special because your dick is slightly above average.

You probably make these fucking threads because the only thing going for you in life is the size of your fucking cock you fucking loser, just fuckin kill yourself?

By the way if you'd have studied stats you'd know that averages mean very little when you consider there is over 5 billion people on earth. So shut the fuck up

Pic related its me

You went overboard with the bait by saying 5 billion

>tfw people that look even remotely like this are an endangered species

you look like Draco Malfoy's retarded cousin

>Draco Malfoy's retarded cousin going through a bout of constipation







Angry phone hand.








Who is this tripfag he came on /r9k/ as well until they made the rule


the dick rate threads are from the outright faggots.
nigger cuck threads are from white tumblrina's thinking they will cause us to be less virulently racist if we are exposed to niggers (this plan is retarded if anything it makes us more virulent)
the trap/cuck/diaper threads are made by your everyday degenerate who really should neck themselves for the good of the species.