Can I build a good gaming PC with an AMD Processor FX-8350 and MSI 990FXA board? What graphics card should I buy?

Can I build a good gaming PC with an AMD Processor FX-8350 and MSI 990FXA board? What graphics card should I buy?

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nah it wont be good.
you need at least fx-9350 or higher and i recommend gtx 1050 or higher ofc

ask Sup Forums phaggot

>Can I build a good gaming PC with an AMD Processor

What graphics card should I buy?
GTX 1070

AMD sucks dick switch to Intel

Just be like the rest of the sheep and go with Intel+Nvidia. Also it won't matter because it will be out of date in a year and you'll have to update again.

Just get the new treadripper CPUs

Whatever you decide to build, there will be sperglord faggots complaining about it not being 667fps NASA GTX 3D Razer pewdiepie water-cooling time machine fedorapolisher shitfucker 4000.

Just build something that works and enjoy.

The processor is really good but you would have to buy an aftermarket CPU cooler because the one that comes with it is shitty and sounds like a jet engine.
Having that said this processor will get obsolete in 2-3 years. Latest games require more CPU.
If you are budget limited which I guess you are it is a good choice. Make sure you update the bios of the motherboard before installing this CPU though.

As for the graphics card it depends on your budget and what you really want.

My advice, since my old pc (which is now my gf's) used this CPU, try to have a good case with lot's of airflow pull-push, and you MUST have a good cooler on it.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

define good.
the fx8350 isnt exactly good for gaming.
but if you have it already no need to throw it out, just get a gtx 1060 at least or an rx580.
id presonally go with the 1060, just make sure it is the 6gb version since the 3gb version sucks.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

get out faggot, unoriginal copy-pasta idiot

good as in, for the money its worth now it performs really well, BUT it is old. It is good for a low budget build.

I went from a fx8350 to a intel 7700k and im not going back to that old shit.
if you wanna stay with amd, get a ryzen processor.


I don't know how much money you have, nor do I know much about computers but you should get a GTX 1050 Ti if you're poor. If not, then get a 1070/80

i built my pc off a Thermal Take m5 a97 r2.0 it was the best pc i ever had and sucked all all 600 and then i got a liquid cool fan and i had the best time ever and amd is the best cpu to have i ran 4.3ghz like it was an easy bake oven.

What he said, except id go for 1060 or higher.
Lucky trips of thuth.

Die of cancer.


I enjoy consoles as well, but at least I'm not an uneducated faggot

Top kek

>no console was mentioned
>being this autistic

I had an 8350 fx. It's shit and it's like 5 years plus old. Can't play gta V from 2015 on Max. It's trash tier in this current generation

Used this processor with a liquid cooler and 1050Ti. You have to lower settings for most games, but the system only ran for about $700. It's no 4k VR setup, but it can play everything fine so far.


How's it going ryan?

You're just monkeys arguing over who has the biggest banana. It's fucking embarrassing. No one cares what consumer item you own.

If you already own the CPU and mobo I would say go with something like an rx470/570 or 480/580. Or do an OG build and go with an r9 290/x second hand. It will be great for 1080p still running all the latest games and you won't have a lot of CPU bottlenecks. Just make sure to get a good cooler and beefy powersupply (like 750W or even 800W 80+ bronze at least!) And OC that CPU to over 9000.

If you are not locked into the old AM3 platform, get a Ryzen or an i3 and you will be better served.

for the same money you can build a decent budget rig with a ryzen.
alternately get a cheap i5 system on ebay (around 150 for an ivy bridge with 8g of ram)
swap out the powersupply get a mid range gpu and be happy

Pick one

Just look at it's the Sup Forums approved guide to building your own pc.
I have a fx-6300 + 2 old hd5670's and it works fine. Can play some old games on low settings because the graphic card is really outdated. but if you are really into gaming you should probably use intel or ryzen.

Low/medium detail @1080p on a 1050gtx. Might not bottleneck the CPU with a 1060gtx. An amd 550 or 560hd would be ok too but those are all snapped up by crypto miners so good luck.

For a good gaming pc if you want to go with AMD, get:

AMD Ryzen 1500x (or higher)
ASUS B350F ROG Strix
16gb+ 3000mhz ddr4
1060, 970, or 780ti sc
700watt psu should do ya
At least a 250gb SSD for boot
2TB HDD for storage.
The rest is up to you.

Im literally playing the latest games with an almost 10 years old core 2 duo q8200 + gtx1050ti


Never heard of Ryzen or Threadripper?

Not made for gaming
>Inb4 deyr assum

>Low/medium detail @1080p on a 1050gtx
you dumb cunt. 1050gtx is hot shit. runs everything at the max settings for as lil as 130€

This. It depends on detail level and resolution. Modern shit is fine for 144fps max detail @1440p but the average person is running a 60hz 1080p panel. A low end cpu and an entry level gaming gpu is all you need for a console killer.

I use the 8350. Good chip, but I'd recommend Ryzen at this point. Fuck Intel sheeps. Nvidia cards get outdated but they tend to be good for just about everything. Get one of the newer AMD cards regardless. I like my 960 4gb SSC card but I'd rather have an 8gb RX-480 with the blower cooler on it.

You soon will do, btfo'ing intel with cheaper chips

Some people talk like 1080p is the new 800x600. Is 1440p really that much better? Im totally ok with my old ass pc. I will upgrade my mobo/cpu/rams when black friday kicks in and thats it. No one needs a gtx 1080 and no one trully gives a fuck if you have 150fps. If you are above 50 then it doesnt matter anyway.

Does anyone know of a monitor that is an ultrawide with 1440p and 144hz? Or is that just not available yet? I need a faster refresh rate than 60hz and if im going to buy a new monitor I dont want to settle for a 100hz ultrawide I want 144hz.

holy shit that's some hot bait lad

peasant has been spotted

I love my 1440p monitor. I wouldnt go back to 1080 especially since games are starting to utilize 4k a little bit and that will become popular in a couple years.

Oh my fucking god kill this shitty nigger thread.

wrong, the amount of badly optimized games just makes that completely wrong. my 1600X and an RX480 cant do shit at 1080p

I use the exact same setup with an R9 290 I bought in 2015.

I haven't had to upgrade anything for years and I can still run most games on high at 144fps and a few at ultra if they're optimized well enough.

Find something like a 4770k used imo

Thread Nigger

Just loaded this up to check myself. You're wrong.
I have the 8350 with a radeon 7950 and I'm playing with everything maxed out right now. No problem whatsoever.

honestly I dont believe that. If I can do ok at medium/high settings on an outdated cpu + 1050ti then you can do better on 1080p.

no way you are playing actually demanding stuff like bf1 multiplayer on max.

maybe less demanding single player games but bf1 actually needs a lot of power.

I know it's fun to build, but why not buy a used gaming rig and save up for higher end build?

I have similar specs and can run both games on max settings easily. You're just a nigger.

that processor can handle alot of heat compared to something like a i7

i use that processor and can run games on high settings

lol what I find most funny is that amd fanboys refuse to accept that their cpu is trash. I dont understand why people would pay for that trash when Intel outperforms in every way . Price is not even an argument

Cheap and good, i have 2 builds, one with a fx6300 and one with a 6350, after 4 years I have nothing to complain

i have this cpu

i have 32gb ram

and 2x MSI GeForce GTX 660 Gaming

rocking bf1 on high

i use to get a really hot cpu and that fucked shit up

bought me a be quiet Silent Loop 240 mm

never had problems since

I have a FX-8370 with a GTX 970 and it did very well with Doom, Fallout 4 and Dying Light - all basically maxed or high but generally leaving shadows on medium - 60+ fps.

You can get a 970 for cheap used, otherwise I'd get a new 1060.

i play total war warhammer on ultra settings with fx8120 at 4ghz and an rx480

well the games i play sure dont do well, GW2 runs at 40fps on med/high, PUBG is under 60 on lowest settings, F1 2017 runs like avg 50-60 on high, project cars 2 runs at 20 on medium, stellaris lags on large fleet battles... i dunno man

>le usual intel shitposter
>look at me im superrior lel
>kek intell all the way enjoy 15fps amd peasants
>le master race
post proofs or begone you virgin sperglord

i just upgraded my pc substantially and have no more enjoyment playing any game at ultra 1080p than I did struggling to poorly emulate ps2 games and pre 2010 games just sayin

pubg runs shit on everything, project cars unoptimized, I swear to god stellaris cant handle large fleet battles - same fail as the latest total war games.

but yeah. I had amd and I had intel, nvidia. I go nvidia everytime and intel never failed me altough I will buy ryzen at the black friday discounts. I think amd deserves some support and ryzen seems very good.

well yeah, that's sort of my point, nothing runs well anymore. dont have BF1 to try, but 4 runs fine. ryzen's pretty good though, there's actually a difference in all around performance from my old 1090T. i'd say it's worth the cash.

PUBG has total trash optimizing.

>Everything set to low
>Random chugs when players pop

>Everything but Draw distance and textures set to low
>Set those to ultra
>70+ FPS and no chug

This isnt the best site to ask such a question, the majority of people here are going to tell you some retarded shit like to buy a 1080 or something, go do research on Tom's Hardware or something you nigger.

anything AMD made before Ryzen is dogshit

I thought that even the most retarded idiots on the planet knew this by now

1080p is shit are you fucking blind and 50fps? let me guess, each eye can only see 25fps?

I bought the high end FX 9590, the one that overclocks to 5Ghz.
First off, "not all Ghz are created equal", not even if it has more power on paper, an Intel with less Ghz could still be as/more powerful.

You can still buy your FX CPU, but it's a way better idea to buy a Ryzen AMD CPU, architecture is different, smaller transistors means better efficiency, lower temps, more power and less consumption.

Like this guy says
You have to buy after market CPU cooling.
I had to buy a beast Water Cooler to compensate for the high temps of my crazy CPU.
So buy Ryzen. It will save you a lot of hassle.

For the video card, you can also go AMD if you want to lower your prices. A RX580 would do the trick, great quality/price ratio.
Or Nvidia, a little more expensive but still awesome. Any card from the 10 series, so 1050, 1060, 1070 ...

Hope it helps

ryzen 5 1600 + gtx 1080 here, its a fucking beast
dont use an FX ever

yep. try fortnite battle royale. fun and fast br experience. runs great on everything. bought an asus mobo with an fx8300 and an unboxed arctic freezer 13co for something like 80 dollars so I can get 60+fps at high settings all the time but my corsair vengance is too big for the cpu cooler... fuck.


Or gtx 1060 6gb

Just source a used 4690k that comes with a board and ram, and keep it until it's necessary to upgrade further. Buying new everything for a pc build is retarded

I have an 8350 on sabretooth 2.0 mothorboard, with a 1050ti sc. Playing all games on high or very high, but as stated by other people invest in an aftermarket cooler and a case with good airflow. My cpu still overheats sometimes playing bf1 multiplayer on certain maps. I've got the coolermaster hyper 212 evo with an extra fan for push/pull and am considering getting liquid cooling.

I had an 8350 overclocked to 5ghz and it still sucked ass. Get ryzen or the new i5 8400. It's 6 cores