Does this look like roast beef?

Does this look like roast beef?


probably just needs a bath

A bath?


its beefy and wrinkly. i woudln't spend my life fucking or licking that, GL to you tho

Does it look over used?

She's only 23 too

Well...that depends on where you are buying your lunchmeats.

>i woudln't spend my life fucking or licking that

>Not living life tickling jiggly swollen sensitive female pissflaps with your tongue
Why even live, user?

Does it look beefy and sloppy or not? Lol

It looks like she's horny.

Shes always horny

This does

Obvious troll, but, dude get out more. You've never eaten pussy. Flat and featureless with no texture is no way to go through life.

That's a rather sloppy, ugly brown pussy

If my missus weren't such a prude about taking pussy pics I'd upload hers. She said she'd only been with 4 guys, looks like 4 rugby teams have been through it. I've grown to enjoy it though

Why is she just laying there while you take pictures of her cunt? How ugly is she to be this starved for attention?

Found the roastie

hairy roast...

I'm a dude.


Haha do that with mine

She wanted opinions on her cunt


I mean do one as in OPs pics

You win!



roast beef v2


I'd fuck it. Where does she live? I'm coming over tomorrow. You can watch if you want, but don't stick around too long or it might awkward for you.