So apparently my dumb ass found out the hard way that raids are frowned upon on Sup Forums

so apparently my dumb ass found out the hard way that raids are frowned upon on Sup Forums

which is ironic because the community is infamous for its raids and pranks

whats up

Fuck off new fag

Raids are long gone. The fags of old have moved on. Sup Forums is just trapfags, Lolifags and pussy libtards.

Sup Forums sometimes does raids

Not even close.
It's primarily just edgy religious people.

Sup Forums stopped being the Sup Forums you used to hear about a LONG time ago
I remember thinking "this place can't possibly get any worse" back in 2010. Boy was I wrong

>pussy libtards
Mainly this

>he thinks the raids he's heard about started with one person going "guh-huk guys let's do a raid lmao"

raids happened organically. The kind of atmosphere required for a raid to occur doesn't really happen anymore. you need a lot of people agreeing to work quickly and subtly, and that can't happen if there's a thread on page 0 that says HAY GAIZ WANNA RAID?

you're going to get someone who spoils it for everyone somehow, every time. so nobody bothers.

Even if you disregard all of that, most people want something personal to them raided, and truly desire a personal army to do their bidding, and usually deflect with "wow u guys are so lame u used to raid all da timez" like you are

Use the catalogue, it’s infested with that degeneracy. The best thing I remember happening way back was faxing some Fox anchor nudes of his daughter
(I think she was Nicknamed Fridge-Chan) that and selling 1,000’s of carpet and wood pallets to a pedophiles house.

All raids and PA requests stopped once mods starting banning people for Doxing people

I don’t really know how they really did start I just recall the daily update thread
Like ‘operation pools closed’ or w.e

Sup Forums is too overrun with neckbeard, Trump worshipping mongoloids to accomplish anything these days

These kids can barely wipe their own ass, let alone pull off a successful raid

will our divided nation ever heal

shit like habbo raids were barely raids, it was just "lets all join a game, cooperate, and ruin things for people" and that still happens on shit like tribal wars or stronghold kingdoms

Plus a lot of the (I loath saying it) technique is lost too. The kind of autist who could properaly utilise DDOS and other similar skills is now too pussy to do it.

>properly utilise DDOS

oh yeah we were all such hackermen for downloading LOIC and plugging in an IP address

Here's how it goes these days:

>OP: Sup Sup Forumsros. My [insert person who wronged op] [insert lame bullshit]. Here's their number and address. Raid them

>Someone: we're not your personal army faggot

>*thread dies*

Yea but a lot of the actual hactivist shit wasn’t as much Sup Forums as it was the small group of anonymous not just faggots in Guy Fawkes masks.

Habbo was lulz the attacks of San Fran
Governmental web pages over the arrest of homeless people we’re more raids than anything.


That’s one example of things that happened and you know it.

Sup Forums is now infested with limp wristed liberal faggots who cant stop crying over Trump's win daily. little whiny lefty cunts need to grow up, tho it is funny watching them sperg

>trying a bit too hard there, Kyle

>the small group of anonymous

you're a retard
>Sup Forums does thing
>reporters go on Sup Forums and see a bunch of 'anonymous' talking to one another
>omgz cult
>report on the hacker cult of anonymous operating out of Sup
>retards see this and want to 'join' anonymous
>have no idea how to do so or what it entails
>see that you are automatically posting as anoymous
>what the fuck i want a login and shit
>make your own 'anonymous' group elsewhere for hacker cult activities
>occasionally ride the coat tails of actual anons and take credit
>occasionally work with actual anons and take credit
>rarely do something yourself and take credit

anonymous explained
by: anonymous

>little whiny lefty cunts need to grow up

No, pic related :^)

Lol what?

>meme Arrows

You're right, fam. They're too busy calling everyone a nigger with one hand and fapping to traps/black dick with the other hand

A terribly pathetic combination tbqh

>implying this hard

I never took credit, or took interest in it.
I’m just saying it as I recalled it. The old Sup Forums went a long time ago.

You can get butthurt over my recollection of shit that happened literally 10 years ago or ... in fact I’m not sure anyone can. It seems your mission to be picky about it. Sorry for not having rain man levels of memory recollection

>not finding it HILARIOUS how libtards are still fucking bitching after nearly 12 months


It’s no where near hilarious as stale vomit inducingly boring

All that post was doing was criticizing your false belief that the 'small group of anonymous' was responsible for any of the shit people remember. it sincerely seemed like you considered 'anonymous' to be a fully separate, capable group when exactly the opposite was far closer to the truth

i said nothing about you personally taking credit
i'm not trying to be 'picky'
I'm just correcting what you said, directly, with a detailed explanation as to why i consider what you said to be incorrect.

Your defensiveness is unbecoming, if you can't handle being called a retard offhandedly like that, you're not in the right place

also my greentext may have used 'you' pronouns and shit but that doesn't mean i was implying that you specifically did any of that shit

greentext POV is not something to take literally, friend

So being anally retentive about who did what is preferable to shutting up.

Ok I was wrong you on the other hand I don’t get. Kinda seems like you want to bitch everything out.

I’d prefer to be a retard instead of that one guy who needs to write long ass paragraphs on history of Sup Forums to be anally retentive levels.

The larger shit like wallmart trolling and the dub the dew or any poll or survey thing was probably achieved by the unorganised fags but some of the other stuff wasn’t. I can’t remember all of them but I think lulzsec was one.

Nah, I find their endless rage a soothing balm for my soul.

nigger you wrote just as much as i did to tell me i'm some kind of faggot for writing a bunch. I'm here to kill time, i'm not trying to speedrun conversation, taking two mins to chuck out a dozen lines of greentexts is no harder than scratching my ass.

You can pretend that being misleading and falsely documenting events is somehow preferable to 'being anally retentive' about trying to keep the record straight, but don't think I'm going to just shut up and let you spout off to protect your ego.

lulzsec was quite honestly the exact same thing as 'anonymous' but rebranded to remove confusion over whether they were Sup Forums users in general or a specific group.

here have some more text because apparently if i type a lot it means my ass is constantly gaining storage space and i can hold all manners of objects in my colon and if i can expand the available real estate in there to a high enough degree, i can sell storage space and also advertise it as winterized/heated which will make me a load of cash considering winter is coming and the storage lockers etc. in town are all trash or full so thank you for alerting me to the rapid expansion of my intestinal track proportional to the amount of words i make you read by typing them out in response to your post.

Theres another kind of 'beating a dead horse' raid soon on Habro hotel on world aids day...

>which is ironic
not really, only faggot cucks would "raid"
majority of the time it was purely a means to advertise shitty sites no one wanted to visit.