Oh Canada, how did you let it get to this?

Oh Canada, how did you let it get to this?

canada has always been faggots

So basically flamboyant faggots,fat ugly hambeasts, and postwall milf sluts with their cuck boyfriends doing SJW stuff in the People Democratic Republic of Canada?



Holy Fuck this province is so Jewfukt. The poor young generation, man

Not much worse than commiefornia


Shit like this makes me so glad I grew up in redneck country

>Dad can I spend more time on the computer?
>No you little faggot, we're going hunting and you're going to skin your first deer

I was 12, thank you dad for not raising me to be a faggot


>someone call the phone number and play a robot voice reading each one of those letters slowly and awkwardly

Hello, I'm calling to inquire about the
>L. G. G. B. D. T. T. T. I. Q. Q. A. A. P. P.
training session?


I want change my gender to "attack helicopter".

Could I do that in Canada ?


also, dis

the rationalizations made and the level of dissonance is actually pretty interesting from a psychological point of view

Wait a few years.

Hey, you're confusing Muslims and Jews. Fun fact in Israel they have religious courts and women are LEGALLY their husbands' property. All propped up by the American taxpayer's dollar while our own infrastructure crumbles, ain't it grand ?

it's the Jews


>be me
>fall asleep on keyboard while editing word document
>supposed to be "LETS KILL THE GAYS, KIDS"
>deadline already overdue
>send it in

why the fuck Asexuals are placed in that gay shit?

>saved to my white people folder

This guy should be hanged

fuck off living thing i gotta play muh golf bc my 3 yr old daughter is not available this weekend for me to rape

>Getting this upset over it

Hi welcome to Sup Forums how may I assist you


Honestly, I thought that was pretty funny. First rule of the animal kingdom is don't just let your guard down around other creatures, especially if those creatures are people.

Your girlfriend wishes you were hung :^)

I have son and no way Id let him in public school in US either. Socialist, Dewey trash focus on social engineereing, and public school teachers in USA are oftentimes overpaid for their 9 mos of work and tons of times off, yet bitch continually about underpaid with their defined benefit pensions.

Gov school is garbage.

you fucking babies lol

>hfw I've probably been here longer than he has
t; larping as the edgiest 12 yr old kid you can imagine is newfag shit

Fucker could've been dangerous. Good thing he got rid of it.

>Getting this defensive over being called a newfag

No more than 4 years I imagine

I double this.

>i'm scared of brooding birds
>better nuke the continent
only thing worst than a pussy is a pussy able to premeditate


because LGB was always about sexuality which includes asexuality. transexuality does not belong there however as it has nothing to do with sexuality but rather gender

But honestly, isn't it worse that you've been here as long as you have and are still getting your panties in a twist over shit like this?

That's what the duck or whatever water fowl it is gets for letting his guard down. Don't feel bad for that creature, it won a Darwin award.

>I imagine he says
>was given the clue
>didn't get it
underage b& fuck off my Sup Forums

>Be me
>Grow up in hillbilly country, Canada
>Grandad's stories about how tough the Canadian Army is
>Confirmed by international reputation for having one of the best militaries in the world
>I want to be the best too
>Join army
>not as tough as Grandad's stories, but whatever
>Each year in military, standards get more relaxed and the recruits get weaker
>See fat fucks that never even went overseas claim PTSD and get government payouts
>Whatever, They're just weak, still going to do my best
>This year, mandatory gender inclusiveness training
>mfw the liberals have made our military incapable of defending fucking anything
>mfw this country is no longer worth defending anyway

Just because you have an old banner saved on your computer doesn't mean you're an oldfag faggot

Only wannabe faggots like you take pride in being on this god forsaken website for so long

I love jacking off are you kiddin me?


yet here you are

I'm trans, and even this makes me want to just fucking punch babies.

Shit like this gives us such a bad reputation, it makes me sick. Jesus fuck.




He's free to post, and it's not like he's wrong. That dude probably should be killed. The bird was cute, just sitting there trusting the human because it's probably had a nice life with good human interactions, and this garbage person comes along and makes the world a little more brutal just for a giggle. It's weird you're putting conditions on how other people post when they probably have been here longer than you. Anyway, you're a fag, bye


lost at filename

dunno, I guess someone felt excluded so they kept adding stuff

reading it sounds like an echo


N O FU C K I N G W A Y !!!!!!

Canada is the most beta country in the world of course they let everyone convince them that theres 20 fucking genders

this is true

>This is faggotifying the childs


hahaha shut the fuck up california is beautiful and leads the fucking world in entertainment
canada doesnt do anything for the world


>Canada is the most beta country in the world
Sweden, man. Sweden.

I'm afraid to ask what this is


I figure it either involves cars or masturbation.

finally a canadian that understands

This shit is only in trendy sub-Toronto communities.
Durham region is one of those 'too-queer to live right in Toronto" suburban locales.
Trust me, real Canadians are hockey players and donut eaters who would laugh at your gender sensitivity.

There are only three genders:
and shut the fuck up!

not being sexually hyperactive is more hygienic for women, but they cry about slut shaming when you tell them.

But why?

O' Canada, my homo native land


damn that is beta as fuck

my dad almost disowned me when he thought i sit while i peed

> masturbation.
My own fantasies are beyond the legal realm, so I do not impose them on others, just play them in my head. I actually prefer masturbation, in private. I don't like cumming in front of another person. Performance anxiety. (I am nominally "straight")

subversion tactics hit canada exceptionally hard. that and the country is constantly sold out to the highest bidding gang.
italians, then frenchies, now it's a battle between chinks and indians.
what does the gobbermint care? they're profiting off these scumbags at every opportunity, without a single fuck to give for the citizens or their children.

It's fuckin shopped you dip shit

>in the People Democratic Republic of Canada?
hahahahahahahah i fucking love you.
next they're going to change the flag to have a fucking wheel like indias while keeping chinas name, because diversity means selling your country out to the highest bidding crime boss

>its shopped so that means Canada isnt full of beta pussies
nice try

I've never heard of someone like, only memes. Just because fundamentalist Muslims think like this does not mean liberals like them, liberals just want innocent, rational Muslims to not be persecuted.

hey man, canada leads the world in faggotness

why the fuck did they let a literal dyke into their mosque?
is she unaware of the fact that she'd be hung and or thrown off a building if what they preach became law in ontario?
holy fuck these politicians are beyond cucked, words don't describe how weak and pathetic they fucking are. completely going against their very own basic livelyhood, morals and principles just to cater towards the faggot PC agenda.

sucks because i live right by here, im not too excited for this upcoming generation

More sweden

Don't forget the muslims. Fucking mosques popping up everywhere like cancer.

That's so fucking fake. Stop being so fucking retarded.

why don't they just give up and write the entire alphabet so everybody is included?


>level of dissonance is actually pretty interesting from a psychological point of view
that's not what's happening, it's violent psychopaths buying out political figures and paying for homeless individuals to shill for them and attend their protests

I'm pretty sure some roadkill is prettier than her. I'm not sure if I should be angry at her dad or feel sorry for him.

this is why killing mentally ill people isn't immoral - it prevents the decay of society


its not the upcoming generations fault
its the generation above the millennials that are forcing gayness and transgender upon the children

she's there for the votes man

it's funny how they would throw so many shitfits over christians who preached even lesser treatments for the same things they called evil.

do a google search for sweden urinals and see for yourself.

I wish it were fake.

the dissonance I am referring to is in the people that swallow that nonsense like

That's a column with one persons opinion, not a law proposal you moron. You don't think anyone in cuckmerica has a bad idea? Look at the fucking annoying orange running your country. He was gonna tell bill gates to turn off the internet...

who would vote for a spineless dyke who sells out her own dyke community?
does she actually believe muzzies are going to vote for a dyke and not someone preaching for sharia zones?
what a fucking retard. she literally ostracized herself from the only people who were willing to vote for her

and how does not fit what said?
politicians are the most easily corrupted and bought out figured, any/everywhere

Usually anything that culturally pccurs like this type, starts in the states, canada follows lead all the time like that, so blame america and your sjw schills

i was surprised too, so much it makes me question the voting process


just wait until the millennials that grew up in this have their own children

or better yet, wait until a few years after the children of millennials start to vote

>That's a column with one persons opinion
Go ahead and search for criminalize criticism of feminism and you'll see that it isn't one person in one country. Some are arguing that it should have the same status as Holocaust denial.