Arab guy here Sup Forums tards

Arab guy here Sup Forums tards
Ask me anything

Why do you terrorize people? I understand attacking USA or Brits because they have fucked up Middle-East but Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland...? Why these countries? They haven't done anything to Arabs or Muslims on general.

Why don't you die you brown shit? I hate you brown people. s a g e

How rich are you?

>OP posts a pic of his gold lambo

Well in every race, religion, species or creatures there are some fucked up minds, I just don't like to generalize ideas or names

Well I'm more white than you brownie kek

Is allah the same as jehova, are they brothers? pals?

I'm a computer engineer and I make about $1800 a month. Arabs aren't that rich, their government on the other hand is very

>>OP posts a pic of his gold lambo
I wish kek, I drive a 2013 ford edge

I can say that. In Hebrew, I guess and correct me if I'm wrong, the word Jehovah means The God or The Lord. And since Muslims, Jews or Christians believe in the same god on there own ways of course, I could say that yes.

I'm working in retail. and when we close the store and the last costumers are Arabs I can guarantee we can't close the store by time. I'm telling these guys nice and friendly to go to the tills they say "ok yes" but they're still shopping and looking for things like you said nothing
why do you behave like this?

Well, as I was saying earlier some are nice, some are bad.
But in general most of us are nice cause we treat people the way we hope they treat us. If you are nice no one would be rude to you forever, at some point he'd be nice with you too.

Well some can't just understand the languages, and I guess we need to respect time more.
Cause here, we can't close your store until all customers are done even if it's closing time. Which is wrong but it's just the way it is

no no.. don't get me wrong.. they are always polite and friendly. but they never stop shopping when the store is to be closed

Yes I was replying to someone else but I replied to yours instead kek

aahh ok... nice to know... that changes everything :D
now I can understand them
thank you

When are you going to be conquered by the turks again?
Those guys knew how to keep you subhumans in your place.

I don't see that coming. Turks were something at the past when they were part of a greater nation. Learn the history before saying something dumb or keep lurking!

Do you poo in loo ?

do you got rap music in arabistan?

Not op. That Indian m8.

That's an Indian thing kek

Yes there's Arabic rap songs. I could link you to some if you're interested

So is that a yes or no ...?

This man knows what up!

Since op is Arabian and not Indian. No



yes of course. what kind of topics are they rapping about? you got gangsta rap and stuff like that?

So he doesn't poo in a loo ? That's disgusting, where do you think he does poo then ?

Where do you think he poops ?

Why dont you live in the middle east?

Actually I'm on fire, not literally tho, I just won 3 dares on row!

He poo in the soower

Well mostly rappers dissing each other, no gangsta tho, however there are few decent rappers who rap about how the government is corrupted and how poor the people are.

So like directly into the sewer, he climbs down a ladder through a manhole poops then climbs back up kind of thing?

Yeah I guess. Idk. Not an Arabian.

Why do you have a special interest in mah poo?

I live in the middle east

Its not a special interest it's just a normal interest nothing special about it. I just wanna know if you poo in loo man. It's not weird I just wanna know.

post pic w/ timestamp

This one is great


Keep lurking

Well, I told you no we don't poo in loo, we poo just like you.

but I poo in loo .... we might not be so similar after all. Where do you poo then and what other bizarre cultural differences do we have?

thanks user