DUBS decide responses

DUBS decide responses

Send bob open vegana


Open and shut case, Johnson.

Send 9/11 memes

Prove that Mark Zuckerberg isn't a lizard

Op delivered!


Sorry, I only fuck traps now

Send them nudes whore! ;)

Put a sharpie in your butt.

So there was this boy right? He sat in the room watching cartoons. He heard moans, groans, and loud screaming so he opened his parents' door. He saw his mother and father fucking. The boy was horrified. The father looked at him and laughed like a mad man. Two weeks later, his grandmother came to visit. The father heard moaning and screaming. He went to his wife's room, she was reading. He went to his son's room, he wasn't there. He went to the guest room where his mother was and saw his son fucking his own grandmother. He was shocked. The boy looked at him, smiled at him and said "It's not so funny when its your mother."


roll 2

Tell her text back with your titties on it or don’t text back at all

bump and roll

Let me see those tits and you can have this 4 inch averaged sized cock



I didn't tell you but I'm actually a registered sex offender, that was years ago though she was 9 at the time. But I'm a changed man... Can we still see each other?

delet this


Holy shit

Tell her to call you daddy

"s e n d n u d e s"
and then a ton of eggplants

Top kek

You aint seeing this dick till i see tits

The madman

"watch the entire first two season of oreimo with me, then read me all of its light novel volumes"

So there was this boy right? He sat in the room watching cartoons. He heard moans, groans, and loud screaming so he opened his parents' door. He saw his mother and father fucking. The boy was horrified. The father looked at him and laughed like a mad man. Two weeks later, his grandmother came to visit. The father heard moaning and screaming. He went to his wife's room, she was reading. He went to his son's room, he wasn't there. He went to the guest room where his mother was and saw his son fucking his own grandmother. He was shocked. The boy looked at him, smiled at him and said "It's not so funny when its your mother."

Tell her to beg


the only way youre getting this dick is if you suck off my dad in front of me

Say "Well you can start by shutting the fuck up"

Well played gags.

benis in bagina :DDDDDD XD

Say "tits or gtfo"

i just want you to know the only reason ill fuck you is because im tired of going to the morgue to get pussy

I already delivered it faggots

How do you spell fowtosinthesizz?

dubs are for faggots

Tits now!

Eww ur girl

Bump and roll send some tits

I love you

Ey bby u wan sum fuk

u want the ol' lickaroo?



you are looking for power? the next energy has to come deep inside push hard to find it.

Show me that spread pussy

There was a kid named Timmy. He was starting Middle School. On the first day, at the lunch table, he saw a blonde popular girl. She accidently spilled milk on another girl who was a bad rocker chick. The girl covered in milk got up, punched her and said "You fucked up today, bitch." Timmy went home and asked his mother what bitch means. She was a devout Catholic and little boys should not use those words so she told him it was a name for a priest. The next day, a boy was tripped in the halls so the boy called the group of laughing guys some "faggots who eat shit." Timmy returned home while his mother was cooking. She told him shit was a word for food and that a faggot was a word for a clean person. The next day, a kid got an F, so she screamed "Fuck!" So Timmy again asked his mother: "Mommy, what does fuck mean?" She said to change a diaper. On Sunday, her local parish's priest came for dinner while she was changing her other child. Timmy opened the door and said "What's up, bitch? The shit is warm and on the table. My mother is upstairs fucking the baby and she's going to make him a faggot."

The priest fainted.

checked winrar

op is a faggot

Delivered nigggggaaa!

GJ op, you're the man
can ya post her answer too ? would be swell



On it






Perfect, I took twice as many meds today so I should be at least twice as good

tell her to dab



you could've gotten laid but instead you came here (pun intended)

Nah just fucking about. How about you warm me up tho ;)


I'm sorry my little cousin got my phone. I showed him a pic of you just now and asked "Is she an angel?" More like a lil devil am i right?

I'm posting this on Sup Forums and anons are telling me what to send

I need to rape you in the ass so our butt baby will save us from Satan

Roll 77


i will be. But you need to call me homer from now on, ok?

I will rape you tonight, bitch

Close the door and tell me something clever


Trips don't count



I just know that you can be whatever as to what whenever.

Roll for this

Really? Fucking white night normie. Whatever
But this OP isn't a faggot.

Still waiting for op to deliver here

Yes my dear. Never felt better. But please come over. I would like to gjhjz

insert-girls-name-here, I want to rape you, bitch

ill be ok once my dad gets his dick out of my ass and sticks it in yours

PS are you alone now

Just come over right now. Im hard as diamonds.


Explanations are for cucks. I only ram puss.

Double winrar

Girl, listen I will rape you if you don't send nudes

Fucking WinRAR.

Trips and not a faggy thing niceu
There ya go too

Jk. I was just typing nonsense to see if you’d leave. But you’re still here because you’re a dumb fuckpig now come over here and gag on my cock until you puke. Google the sex term “Cosby sweater” we’re going that too.


Lol I'm just fucking with you. Send nudes, *girl's name here.*