Any medfags know what I’m dealing with here? Not sure if it’s a harmless pimple, or space aids

Any medfags know what I’m dealing with here? Not sure if it’s a harmless pimple, or space aids.

wash your dirty dick mr,'ll be gone in a week, practice proper hygiene and it'll only come back once or twice a year

That’s the thing, dude. I shower every day; make sure everything down there is scrubbed properly.

Dude Im serious it the herps...I unfortunately get the same sores 1 2 times a year along with 50% of the population and 80% of 4chans sexually active population as well...

Pop it, wash i, forget about it, wrap it up unless you really hate the bitch. If your that worried about it go have a doc to tell you the same thing, at least Im telling you how it is ya know

Im guessing you had sex with a dirty sloot about 4 months ago, if thats the only symptom you're seeing since then. Condoms don't do shit to block it, but thats a raw dogg sore

penis cancer - circumcision is the only cure my friend

The thing started out like a bump the other day; almost like a lymph node. In fact, that’s what I thought it was, until it came to a white head. Despite being brutal, your words are pretty comforting, so thanks man.

reminds me of an ingrown hair, but the area seems hairless

pop it!

They get white heads and look like zits sometimes. fun to pop if you're into that shit. Dont have sex for a week it'll be gone. You dont have lymphnode dick cancer budd

Only had one gf. Both were virgins before seeing eachother.

Looks like a boil, herps are blisters.

had or have? I'd look into her past then bro

Problem. May have fucked the gf last night and this morning... Call me a fucking retard if you must...

>80% of 4chans sexually active population

So like ten people.

As in, this girl is the only person I’ve had sex with, or performed any sexual act with.

Can't tell, it's focused on fingers rather than the spot. If you haven't had sex with someone you don't know well, then why even be worried..?

Looks like an unwashed dick and a potato as a camera.

That's what happens when You're not circumcised. Enjoy Your mutilated penis.

it's called a foreskin faggot, get rid of it

Either an ingrown hair or syphilis.

Here’s a clear(er) image.

It's a zit, zits on your dick are normal. Stop fucking with it and it will go away.

Medfag here. I can confirm you have space aids.

I've gotten these like twice in my life, popped the first one then a couple years later got another and went to get it checked out and was told that it's just a pimple and was checked for everything else and I'm clean , could be nothing don't worry

Sir, I would shake your fucking hand. Good to see some reassurance every once in a while.

Syphilis sore.

I had one of these like 3 weeks ago. Was literally just a pimple. I popped it and it was done.

Doesnt look anything like herpes

Fuck. I had unprotected sex including oral with a 52 year old slut last week. Was fucking great, but she has had sex with literally hundreds of men over the years and she had a strange bump on her outer labia that looks a bit like OP's dick pimple.

She swore she'd had a recent checkup and had no STIs as far as she knew.

How fucked am I guys? Serious answer only, preferably Med fags. I feel like a hypochondriac now.

Since then I had a sore throat for a few days which seems to have gone now. I had a fat lip for a short while today and my balls have felt slightly itchy, but apart from that no symptoms.

Is there any possibility, any remote possibility I am in the clear somehow?

Can you take a non-potato picture so we can actually see the part we're supposed to lie to you about what it is?

That's an anti-biotic resistant staph infection. Your dick will soon be gangrenous. Say good-bye.

yeah I had a giant whitehead last night. Wasn't painful or anything. I am pretty sure it was because I ate lunch then went to go pee immediately after

this is herpes for sure. Its gonna itch if it doesnt allready, but like the other user said, its not rare at all. Dont have sex for a week or two. Also, use lotion on it if it itches too much, worked for me.

Try coconut or jojoba oil to moisturize. A poultice of chamomile or lemon balm wil stop the inflammation and go to work in any bacteria or virus present. You can alway do an activated charcoal mask for your dick to pull out anything that's in there.

Are you fucking retarded?
>space aids
That doesn't exist
That is Lab Aids

well someone sure sucks at taking pictures doesnt he? it looks like a zit to me, with that white-yellow dot in the middlde. Ive never had herpes, but it looks like its just a puss-ball to me. Ive have a few. I posted one here, asking what i was, got horrible advice, then waited a couple weeks and followed some of that advice. I took a sewing needle at poked it. It really didnt hurt as much as i thought it would. Barely felt it as a matter of fact. And it allowed me to push out a lot of puss. Not telling you to do anything, idc, that was just my experience

Not herpes, user. Google herpes pictures. Ignore faggots trying to make you scared. It's just a pimple, don't worry.

me again, im pretty sure its just a zit, have you even tried poppin it? i mean really tried

Just tried popping it. Puss came out. Any advice to keep wound clean?

Whatever it is, I suggest you cauterize it before it spreads.

Just clean it with rubbing alcohol and put a band-aid on it. Don't really need the band-aid though, it's a small wound and won't re-infect.

Also make sure to pop it completely, leaving any puss will likely lead to it getting infected again meaning you'll have to repeat the process of popping a zit on a sensitive place which isn't pleasant.

No alcohol. How about salt water?

Looks like a pimple

herpes isn't related to hygiene, You need to buy olive leaf capsules and lysine, they're cheap and take one a day it helps block the outbreaks. It's a virus

Same guy - Good! Try and push as much out as you can, then just wash it with water. Keep the area nice an clean until it seems all healed up. Check on it throughout each day.

In grown hair fagget.

Thanks for your help, user. God speed out there, whoever you are, you glorious bastard.

No one replying... humm.

Just noticed something on my ball sack, like a tiny sore. What the fuck is this ?!?!?

Herp would look like cauliflower ya pleeb.

Christ user. call your mom once in awhile. Neosporin or other topical ointment keep it dry.

looks like white skin cancer...get to a doctor asap

check syphilis symptoms

Warts look like a cauliflower.

Herpes are small blisters that normally come as a group that pop into a clear liquid which spreads the infection and scab over in about a week.

I know because my ex gave me the herps in february. Always wrap your shit boys and girls

Wrapping it doesn't really mitigate the risk

That shit is literally just bubonic plague, I don't have that

np dude, i know the struggle. just try and get it all out, and then keep it very clean. it probably got there because of poor hygiene and excessive fappin. No one can ask a amn to cut down on fappin, but i think junkscrubbing will sort it out. GL user

> (OP)
>Can you take a non-potato picture so we can actually see the part we're supposed to lie to you about what it is?
I don't think he remembers where he is

Ingrown hair fam

its from being dirty. wash your dick fucking nigger

HAHAHAHAH You got the Herps Nigger!

Just a pimple, dont do anything, keep clean, and let it pop on its own. If an open lesion appears or if more than one pimple appears then get it checked out

>both were virgins before
so youve been cucked and got herped.
got damn user, youre a real winner

Probably just a pimple or infected follicle, wash your dick you dirty cunt.
Wouldn't hurt to get checked for herpes anyway though

Your dick is small

This isn't herpes man. It's sebeacous prominence

>I've had the same thing, the STD nurse told me it was harmless but took a herpes swab anyway - which returned negative

You should be able to squeeze it out easily in the shower. It might sting a bit, but better out than in. Wash your dick with antibacterial soap afterwards.

Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me.

Try taking a break from jacking off

I had something like that once. It popped up after I raw dogged it with a girl I met in a bar. Went to the doctor and he told me it was basically a big pimple and popped it. Hurt like he'll but it went away.

Italian Sub Sore....common in New Jersey

I've had that, ain't herps.

And if that doesn't work, try rubbing your eye with a pickle.

OMG whatever you do, don't listen to this guy. The reason people get cut is because of infections that happen inside the foreskin, not on the outer dick. You may have cut off half your dick for no reason.
I don't think it's herpes because herpes usually forms a blistering lesion, and that just looks like a bacteria pustule. Looks like it's just a nasty dick zit. But you really should get tested, its' the only way to know for sure.

Cheese grater

He's right. It's way fucking safer to simply cut yourself in half and live the rest of your life without any legs or an asshole

That is the way your body reacts to animal tissue you consume. Eggs, milk, meat etc.
Go vegan or eat less meta and go to a plant based diet. Find and watch a documentary called WHAT THE HEALTH. You will get the idea.