Here's a challenge anons: You're in a grocery store, and you need to buy 3 things that will confuse/scare the cashier...

Here's a challenge anons: You're in a grocery store, and you need to buy 3 things that will confuse/scare the cashier. What do?

I'd buy donuts, donut holes, and superglue

condoms, candy and chloroform

lube condoms and a children's book

A cucumber and vaseline

that's 2 things... get a pack of gum or something.

Lotion, Kleenex, and the first season of ICarly.

You can't by condoms and chloroform in a grocery store you dip

stump remover, high concentration ammonia, and corn starch

though to be fair, i would be arrested

I only need one

> The Boss Baby on Blu-ray

Pokemon cards, condoms, vibrating children's toy of some sort

And then
Tfw the cashier winks at you and says "gardevoir is my favorite"

>first season of ICarly
This guy knows what's up

You can buy condoms in a grocery store
You can get chloroform like substances at Wal-Mart.

Baby lotion, a box of Kleenex, and a Hannah Montana DVD.

duct tape
sleeping pills
lighter fluid

Had this happen once when i was a cashier.
>Older guy comes thru line
>Buying vodka vaseline and condoms
Doesnt seem too shocking rjght?
>An hour later police are at store
>guy was masturbating outside in his car drinking
Its just the fact i sold them to him lol

A reciprocating saw, rope and donut holes

two kids and some lube

brillo pad, monistat and rubber gloves


What does that do

what happens if you combine them?

>confuse/scare the cashier
Cashier dosent give a fuck, the nano second you leave we no longer care or remember you.

t. Cashier

a plasic bag.

quart of motor-oil, baby powder and a shower cap

syringes, bleach and a hacksaw

Baby food,sleeping pills,and lube

lipstick, cat litter and peanut butter

As a Uni student I would Buy
Expensive red meat
And nice cheese

The works bathroom cleaner
Large airtight container
Aluminum foil

it would be weird not to buy those together

A bone saw, ice, and chloroform

a gallon of milk, a gallon of milk and a gallon of milk

mouse traps, sharpie and tampons

A whole cabbage
Toilet plunger

plunger, lube and pool noodle

Pregnancy test, hanger and first aid kit.

Eggs (all of them)

A Bowl

A card that says you don't have to tell me what happened.

this is a good one

>Fit guy early twenties

Large box of Twinkies, Gallon of Ice cream, Creatine.

quads holy shit

small animal trap, lube and some Marvin Gaye

Baby food

Rolling papers, loose tobacco and rat poison.

Rapist quads chek'd.

condolence card (for a kid ofc)

>Adult Diapers
>Jello Pudding



Godly trips of diaper fetish.

Peanut butter
dog biscuits

People still play this game? Fuck, I haven't thought about this since the late 90's.

Best answer a buddy of mine came up with was:

and a Pregnancy test

Jihadi John's favorite explosive

if combine them in the right way, you can make plastic explosives

Bottle of Boonesfarm.

Can of spray paint.

Dog treats.

Some people smack the whack into condoms because what are socks?

I bought a nice cooking knife the other day whilst wearing my ragged uni hoodie and I could tell the cashier thought I was up to some dodgy shit
Just wanted to make some fajitas

Rope, hammer and shovel

Frying pan
Chefs knife
Cat treats

Toilet Paper
Kitty Litter

Lube pregnancy test and wire hanger

Hardmode: no lube condoms or sex toys

>a toy baby stroller, a frozen turkey, and giant novelty sunglasses

So I have a wine cheese and charcuterie night every weekend and sometimes I can tell the cashier is loling internally because I don't look like the kind of guy that has wine and cheese nights. I suppose to make it weirder I could throw in line and condoms because whenever I get a salame its in sausage form... I slice that shit myself.

You ever crisp up some diced prosciutto
Fuckin better than bacon

Wear a hijab and buy bacon

Dubs of truth.

a pineapple pizza
a pineapple
a jar of nutella

A tub of vasiline
A frozen turkey

Condoms, a whole turkey, heavy grease

A funnel
Whole calamari

>donut holes
You can buy those?

A tub of Vaseline
A box of condoms
A Pineapple

American cucumbers

Turkey baster
Adult diapers

Turkey baster
Toilet acid
First aid kit

Halloween Candy
Razor Blades

> Stockings
> Whipped Cream
> A wheel of cheese

nobody gives a shit about you either wageslave

Butcher knife, rope, duct tape

>8 gallons of store brand applesauce
>24 pack of adult diapers
>Turkey baster

Cough syrup

Says the guy whos getting neetbux from people like him.

Hemorrhoid cream
A heavy duty plunger

Knives, paper towels, and bleach

Strong booze
A Snickers bar

>baby bottle

Hammer, machine screws, towel hanger for tiles.

Women's razor
Shaving cream
Panty hose

rope, garbage bags, bleach

Kek subtle

Hot dogs wieners
Rat poison

No its
>baby bottle

Two liter bottle of soda, lube, and more lube

Deodorant a lot from a cheap brand
Some Lighters
A kitchen knife

Duct tape
Garbage bags
Rubber gloves


A bottle of wine

with my face just buying condoms is enough to confuse the shit out of the cashier

Organ meat (like kidneys or calves liver) fleet enema (economy three pack) and a toilet plunger

A funnel
Air freshener