So yesterday for the first time I couldn’t get hard while me and my girl were trying to fuck...

So yesterday for the first time I couldn’t get hard while me and my girl were trying to fuck. I was abnormally depressed and was just thinking about random shit and I couldn’t get it up. Am I a gay now? No b8 this is for real. I felt like shit the whole next day and couldn’t even really talk to her.

ur gettin old m8

Im only 28 I hope it’s not that cause I really felt like shit.

Happens to me about six months into a relationship, and from then on I think about it every time we're about to get it on and it's a miracle if I ever get it up again until the end of the relationship.

Happens to everybody, and now it's your turn.
It's the beginning of the end for you, m8.


It may really be because you are getting older.
Im 32 and with 27 i couldn't get my dick to work. It could have been stress or my depression but I talked with my father and he said that this is pretty normal.

If you think back in medieval times people only became 40 and this was already pretty old.
Could be some damned genetics.

Viagra is good though.

Pretty much. 28 over here and I have to cheat on my girl friend to get it up. The same old gets fucking boring and my dick knows it. That and I really need to be excited and after 6 months or some it's basically impossible. I bang this one woman who is married (and has 3 kids) all week and then I'm really excited to fuck my girl friend for hours on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe even Monday too. And then it starts all over.

it is the dark path for you

stop jacking off so much.

I am 20 and I cant get my dick up too right now.. i think i have seen every category of porn there is and now nothing turns me on anymore...

I don’t even jerk it too much.

Yeah I mean we had sex today but my heart wasn’t in it all I could think about was I couldn’t get it up I’m a faggot and I lost it.

We like to keep it interesting I eat her ass get some foot jobs whatever in the moment it’s just that day really fucked with me.

Are you me

OP try getting you and your girlfriend high first. The sex is amazing and freaky either way, and weed makes you horny as fuck. It'll buy you another month or so.

First of many

You're obviously gay now. Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us, sometimes when we least expect it. My advice is just go with it brother, fighting will only make the urges stronger.

Why do you keep thinking you're a faggot? Do you easily get boners for other guys?

good idea is good
>tfw no qtpi girl to do this with

I had hit a gravity bong like 4times before this so I was super high I think that’s really what it was at least I hope. My mind was everywhere and I couldn’t focus on it ya know.

Nah that’s just some hyperbole lol I don’t really think I’m a fag I was just ashamed mostly that I couldn’t get hard. We’ve been together for 5years and that was the first time.

You're full blown gay.

>We’ve been together for 5years and that was the first time.
Well jesus christ, in that case you deserve a metal. I've had two relationships that hit the 5 year mark, and by then we were fucking like twice a year.

Also yeah if you get too high that'll fuck with you all sorts of ways. Should have mentioned that in the original post.

Don't beat yourself up about it, being high can either make you hard as a rock and fuck like a champ or be completely out of the game unable to perform... if you wanna be safe wait to smoke until after

If you have depression or are under stress just relax a week
Tell your boss that you are sick

Sex is hard work for the masculin body
If your body has second hand work from stress it may not work correctly

Simple meditation or relaxation should bring your willy up again maybe try something new in bed that is socially not acceptable and I don't talk about cuckolding faggot shit
Do it outside or get some other new kinks

That surprisingly made me feel better. Thanks /b.


Get the fuck out of here you little limp-dicked faggot

There it is. I missed you.

Stop masturbating and watching porn.

Are you still into her? I had the same problem with an ex years ago. The cure was breaking up and getting another girl.