Stuck in traffic

>stuck in traffic
>most intense ecstacy of my life
>want to show mom my cock
>pic related

Fake and extragay.

It is not fake I swear on me mum

Ask her what she thinks of it faggot

Keep posting faggot. We want to see how bad you fucked up.

Post the rest OP

Yes please do

> my dad

inb4 niggers

keep going nigger fuck

Just to show you guys. It's real... real retarded of me to do such a thing. I do have a mom/son fetish, so if anyone wants to start some of that

write /b and the date in the input field

send another dick pic

charge your phone

Post pics of milf mom


Keep going! Also write the date so I know this is legit



This OP


you're a retard you sick sob.

shit man, you fucked up hard
now post time and date in the message box, faggot

Send more dick pics

Fuck off im diamonds right now

Send her a vid of you jerking off over one of her pics

Tell her you wanna suck her tits like the good ol' days

send another pic

>I lost a bet

i was inside you for nine months, let me in for just one more minute :^^^^^^^^^^)

Reroll for this

I believe "my dad" indicates that this is his step mom.

Reroll! Lets make it happin captain!

Do it op


It wasn't a bet, I you to watch you and dad have sex and masturbate every time . I would put your panties on my head with your skid marks on my nose as in inhaled deep. I love you mom I want to breed you


>this thread
top fucking kek, haven't been here for a year and this is the first thing i see.

Hell no. This is real and my mom and I have a close connection. Feel like I've permanently fucked it up
That's my real mom. My dad and her divorced when I was a baby. Now I live around him

OP is a basement dwelling faggot who can't even write his own fiction. this is legit word for word copied from another thread/screenshot

Henry Rawlins

Fuck it roll

dubs checked kek


dubs of truth. top check

fuggin KEK

You dumbasses, it’s one dude with two phones.

you fucked up hunter

i want to believe

why the fuck didn't you just say you were high when she gave you the option. dipshit.

Obviously fake. When you're done make the last bit say "reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight"

She deserves it for naming you Hunter.

Fake and gay

ok bitch post a pic of your mom

Timestamp it faggot

Man, if my kid every did that I'd be so disappoint.

send another of you jacking it



Probably fake but I am laughing for once.

Keep posting, this is good

Do it for the lolz OP


you should killl yourself, this is how sick white people are



>only women in their 30s. Some could even be in their late 20s

Why do they do this?

Trips command it

fucking kek'd myself light headed.

Thank you OP. made me smile before bed.

I lost

There is no way to prove myself but I shit you not. That is my real mom and this should be a lesson to all people out there who think they want to do this

Because they're fucking jews.


They want to make money, and so they get hot young-ish women for everything.

fuck op and his gay shit this is a dubs thread now

you hear about that new thing called "soap"?

post a pic of her you absolute disgrace or never enter this website again


I'm not doubting the degenerates of Sup Forums, but this can be faked so easily.

1. Text your phone number
2. Text will come from another "user" and from yourself
3. Delete the duplicate text to make it look like a conversation

Why hasn't OP done this?

Clean your fucking nails you sick fuck!

>all the people
There were like 2 retards before who did this.

jesus did mom not teach you how to clean yourself?

>>stuck in traffic

>>pic of bedroom


Kekd hard.

Autism-The drug.

OP is a faggot

It's all down hill from here.


am i the only one that sees a strange optical illusion happening?


Your primary sending contact is your cell phone number...

You create another entry in your Contacts, name it whatever (Hilary, Mom, Trump, whatever). In this new contact enter ONLY your icloud ID .

send a message from your cell number ID to your icloud ID.

hilarity ensues!

#4 Profit.

> faggot

because you havent understood what "milf" means
look up matures if you want matures and stop conflating it with milf



Hunter you disappoint famry


Send her that one

Hey hunter... do you happen to have a brother named beezer? and a dad who used to do trucking?

im assuming he had the idea while driving then sent the pic once he got home
of course thats all assuming op isnt a faggot

>doesn't have pics of his dick on his phone for just such on occasion

Send another one op writing “Just for shits and giggles ma. Remember the good old days.”

there are so many things wrong with this picture

Maybe you can buy fake tape measures online to make your dick look bigger. Kek

Post her phone number, and let someone non beta get her nudes

Lol the yellow one is use for measuring diameter of trees. The white one is normal. Can't find either right now lol. No one believes me anyway

Send more dick pics to her, You already dun goofed. Might as well give her a good show

Cum on a picture of her and send her that