Let's have a serious discussion. How does Sup Forums sit on the toilet? Honestly...

Let's have a serious discussion. How does Sup Forums sit on the toilet? Honestly, when I'm taking a shit I face the back. I find it easier to do things like eat my meals, sit my drinks down and use my phone. It's like a personalized table and everyone thinks I'm strange when I tell them, but it has always made the most logical sense to me.

>Pic related

Anyone else, or am I alone in this?

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you eat on the shitter? disgusting

How? It's sitting on a plate, and I don't touch my food after wiping my ass.

I dont donthe backwards thing but I will shit and eat


They say that the best way to relieve yourself is in the position some tard is sitting in. In some other thread can't be arsed to link


Ah, but you touch the bathroom door and toilet seat BEFORE sitting down, do you not?

Or think about this: you use the bathroom earlier in the day, pull up your pants, button/zipper/belt, the whole deal, THEN you wash your hands. Your pants are now filthy because you touched them before washing your hands. Any time throughout the day that you touch that area of your pants, or your shirt if you adjusted it after putting your pants back on, you've just made your hands dirty again. Invader Zim was right, there are germs all over everyone and people are disgusting. Including you, OP.

my way



Fuckin this lmao

This would mean you have to take your pants all the way off...

>facing your back to a doorway
Motherfucker do you want to DIE?

Doesn't everyone anyway?

I just want to take a comfy poo

How can you be comfy when someone enters and shoots you in the back of the head?

I'm a man who lives life to the fullest, and if that means taking a shit with my back facing the door way, I'm willing to take that risk

Then you'll die before youve lived a full life. I aint letting no one get the jump on me

At least I died doing what I loved - taking a nice hot dookie with a plate of freshly cooked chicken tendies in front of me.

>I face the back

A little weird, but okay. Whatever feels comfortable.

>I find it easier to do things like eat my meals, sit my drinks down and use my phone

Why tho

we've all seen south park faggot

Because I might be taking a long poop and maybe I want to enjoy myself while doing so. :)

I don't do it all the time either. I usually do it in the comfort of my own house.