
neoliberal edition

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why? if i cant consumer my wealth I want my heirs to
nothing wrong with that

bf sent me this


out out out

Business idea: low taxes so billion dollar companies use your country as a tax haven

>peak America will never return

she's fucking mental mate
t. actually spoken to her on many occasions


They didn't earn it. Should be taken and put to public use. Plus over time it just leads to giant concentrations of wealth at the top.

I finally spoke to the tranny!

It was mostly a failure

So she was speaking to someone else asking for help and I butted in, sounded like something I might know
She smiled
Closest up I've seen here and her skin is terrible

Unfortunately I couldn't help her sufficiently and she left as I was in the middle of mumbling


find someone who appreciates you like steve appreciates UAE military rations


>They didn't earn it. Should be taken and put to public use. Plus over time it just leads to giant concentrations of wealth at the top.

business idea: Primogeniture inheritance

i know, that only makes me harder
>actually spoken to her on many occasions
irl or through Sup Forums?

> They didn't earn it. Should be taken and put to public use. Plus over time it just leads to giant concentrations of wealth at the top.

What kinds of tops do you like girls wearing?

Nothing revealing the arms

don't care

There's nothing stopping me from giving my money to an heir while alive.

Inheritance tax is an idiot tax.

kill the rich
abolish private property
empower the people


was in a groupchat with her and we got talking in private





hi qt

if i want my kids to have my house why should the government take it away

footy resumes tomorrow


slaughter the proles


>get a girls kik
>don't expect her to be real
>sends pic of tits
>literally perfect chebs but no timestamp
>ask for one
>she writes date on her hand
>holy fuck
>send pic of 18 cm dick and body
>see's it
>doesn't respond


does he eat them?

>kill the rich
>abolish private property
>empower the people


Housing should be provided for everyone as a right.

Too formal and boring

Plus I see too many pakis wearing them


i'd probably visit the discord or wherever she frequents now if there wasn't an absurdly low chance of anything progressing
just gonna sit my arse here and fantasise instead

anything in particular about what she said that led you to the idea of her being mental?

capitalism and communism are two sides of the same materialist coin


odds I nap now, wake up after 5 hours, regretting it and hating myself

evens I stay awake and go to bed at a normal person time

you ARE a paki



>went through everyone on tinder within 15 miles
>in a day
Ahhh yes

it is
t. lived in emergency council housing for 10 months






I may be ethnically Pakistani but I'm not a paki

I'm civilised, enlightened and hate everything about pakis

well while I was there some mad runt said he'd sent her nudes to her family (again)
said she's been cutting herself for years and keeps sending people from the 'chon nude pics even though they've been shared multiple times

i'm not a fucking nonce so I never asked for them

use buckingham palace to house refugees

think of how many you could put there they would finally be safe from war

no reason for one family to have it all


oh cool, didn't expect that video to be 26 minutes long.

RIP in pieces based name man

Yourself tops.

someone post the fat guy, skinny guy and aesthetic as fuck guy version of this

God baseball was so good.



then why does homelessness exist

is here


self hating pakerstannies are the worst types of pakerstannies

do NOT mess with ME


Pretty decent brand, though their stuff with ostentatious branding/logos should be binned.

Proof I'm not a paki
A seat became available on the train (next to a paki) and I declined it, offered it to an older white man in a business suit


pakistani? more like pakitranny haha

sending this to tim

>mfw runts try to mess me around

people are people so why should it be

you and i would get along so awfully

>express trains cancelled


Fortuna trying to fuck with my deadlift day.

>said she's been cutting herself for years
actually had a webm of those that i can't seem to find now
oh well

>I may be ethnically Pakistani but I'm not a paki

>I'm civilised, enlightened and hate everything about pakis


imagine no religion
no nations, no borders

there would be no fighting, no poverty

clinically depressed


>i'm not a fucking nonce so I never asked for them
how old is she

Gonna get some antidepressants on Thursday

>on all levels except physical, I am white
>*stalks a young woman*

*clinically heems you*

>manage to get a seat on the train
>vapid, obese slag talking to her friend loudly nearby

For fuck's sake.


there would be only fighting

>jeremy corbyn
what did they mean by this?



dumb bint

United Kingdom?

More like Poonited Kingdom

havnt a clue desu but she's the body of a 12 year old boy from drugs
ah yes
saw one of the pics at another time and her arms are torn to shreds, bit of a shame

senior tutor made me go to the doctor to see if I have some problems and the doctor is making making me see a psychotherapist

don't even care that much, she could have made it easy and just kicked me out and I honestly wouldn't have cared

>taking antidepressants

silly lads

I don't fully understand the picture. Is he opening the door to let you enter or leave?

they're implying he's a nigger

hello tim

letting you in, he's a bouncer

I'm bent lads

saw this today, saw pic on twitter