Hahaha faggots. Enjoy your $120,- "Stoya" fleshlights. Hmmmm, you like that do you?. Fucking losers...

Hahaha faggots. Enjoy your $120,- "Stoya" fleshlights. Hmmmm, you like that do you?. Fucking losers. About to rechieve my cute/10 elf doll. Its 2017 and if you cant live comferably with a 100cm sexdoll: ur a cuck. Still having one night stands but my qt/10 elf is replacing my shitty "Stoya Destroya".


into the oven

Whuttt. Dont you dare faggittt

Wtf that things fucking creepy

Put ur dick in it and post pics

> pours jar of acetone on her

I use a Jenna Haze Obsession. Get it right OP.

Post more faggot

>faggot bc I don’t have a 300$ flashlight

Yeah user, you got me. I’m such a loser. The last 5 years i’ve Been getting blowjobs and pussy from my gf is just pathetic. I really should man up, be more alpha and get an elf sex doll.

Nice "paint it yourself" doll.
Oh wait it's normal?

Read my thread. Ive had countless sex partners. My qt/10 elf is just replacing my shitty stoya destroya.

Its an elf. At least not a fake human.

Shes going to wear this!!

>Its 2017 and if you cant live comferably with a 100cm sexdoll: ur a cuck.


but hey, if being a cuck now means not fucking a dead-child-sexdoll, i'm happy being one.
degeneratus maximus, nekro pedo.

I have Riley's

Nigger detected.

Thats the entire point. She doesnt look like a human. And certainly not dead. Enjoy your shitty flesh vagina tool instead.

thank god i'm homo. finding a fuck is easy as piss, so much so I don't have to waste money on being pathetic and sticking my dick into plastic and pretending its real.

you're the reason why I'm pro-abortion

I have a psyhotic giggle when i read your post 6/5 nigga.
>be more alpha
>get an black elf sex doll

Looks like you have your halloween decorations all set up.

It looks like that nigga abe from abes oddesy

Abortion is legal since 1970 in my country faggot. Go back to your fake vagina.
Yeah ikr. Going full pozload on your grindr app. Spreading AIDS in our population. Im proud at you son. Back to his 500 HIV infected guys in some bearback darkroom.


Aww. Such a cute little thing. OP is right!

I bet you could count them on one hand.

>dark elf
You disgust me.

At least no virgin. 24 faggit.

All he has to do to count the amount of sex partners he's had is look at a glass from the top.

No. You can fuck a clean prostitute everyday for €50.

Done all these whores. And plenty of girls.

And.. whores are better than awkward one night stands

that’s literally the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen but I bet it’s not the ugliest thing you’ve ever fucked

for example: your mother.

Blue, always blue.

My mom is dead. However. I would let yours sit on my face tbqh

did she die of shame that her son is a sad piece of shit? lol go fuck your nigger doll


Humanity truly has come to its peak.

I shouldn't have read this after showering, now I need another one. And cocoa. Seek help OP


Mine also arrived, with the wrong wig tho, correct one is on the way, but that won't stop me from having fun.
Not as good as real, but a wholelot better than wanking.

> if you cant live comferably with a 100cm sexdoll: ur a cuck
imagine a world where this kind of sentence is legit
what would msm say if trump tweeted this?