Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums
Can you babysit my daughter for a day?

Sure, lemme just get a beer....
Shit she's gone


Ah shit I just got those broken glass cupcakes she wanted too

Your Willy is rubbish!

>tucks boner into waistband



i can, I'll do a very through job

Yes of course. I'll sit her in front of her games whilst I read my sci fi novels.

Movie day

You know what we do to niggers?

I will straight up rape her repeatedly and invite my dad and brother to come over and rape her.

>Burn in hell

Glasses wearing egghead

I would force a dildo up her right little pussy then behead her and throat fuck her detached head.

Shit man, couldn’t you just find her something fun to watch on tv like a normal person?

Go watch a movie you little shit, I´m buissy shitposting on


Hey kid, want to drink some cocktails like the adults do?

I just made some rohypnol rice pudding, sure thing bro.

Haha, what a kidder! Alright here's the keys to the house, I have her lunch in the fridge, and I'll be back by eight.

Hi cutie, let me tell you about the jews.

Dont worry about the camera in the batroom sweetie its just for show.