What does this girl’s cunt smell like?

What does this girl’s cunt smell like?

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Piss and sweat like every cunt

what a thing to ask

Ugh.. then why do people lick them and taste it then?

shellfish, mothballs and whisky

They like it and if you do it right, they let you do anything to them

cotton candy and cinnamon

They don't. It's just a joke to trick virgins into licking when they have sex for the first time. Imagine their faces when they realize pussy tastes like shit. Hilarious haha

Knowing north London girls, privilege, cum and blow.


Her NOSE smells, whereas, her ...

>"... cunt ..." (as you so delicately describe it)

... stinks.

oysters clams and cockels


with a hint of vinegar

ketchup and white wine

Like Esmeralda's dick

The god of many faces

>death, her pussy smells like death, that's the joke

It's an old contract between girls and guys,. We eat pussy, they give us blowjobs. Cock smells better like always, but a deal is a deal.


Old leather and sardine shit

Idk why i kek

Sophie Turner's tongue

Burnt tilapia and onions.

Like da Norf

>this man speaks the truth


I had a girlfriend who kinda looked like her. She was very clean and always showered but her pussy always fucking reeked. Like piss and sweat . Puked a little first time i went down on her. No other girls pussy had smelled that bad. You could smell it through her jeans

who has the video of her rubber her little pussy for us?



You do it well they keep coming back and you get to do the things you like.
Had a girl let me fuck her in all 3 holes because I could please her pussy with my mouth.

Some do it to abide by the Olde Treaty, others do it to improve one's endurance, some do it to preserve their wizarding powers.

dick and balls cause that cunts a man

17 black dicks

There's a vid?


yeah it was apearently from a q/a live stream, same one as the youtube video a few posts up. I beleive i saw it on tumblr, but havent seen it since
she likes to do it in her childhood home

went into study area at school .
a 400+ square foot room.
one girl in there and the whole place smelled like an can of open tuna.

haha jokes on u tho, I love tasting pussy.
and cock sometimes





Fish and chips.


Like lemon juice and socks that have been worn for 6 hours.


Man ass



I miss the lime ones.

Warm cherry pie.

Virgin detected.


Like an extra chromosome

>falling for obvious bait

Oysters, Clams and Cockles

Dunno, maybe like Weinstein's cock cheese and salty ball sweat?
Maybe like musty fabrique since British?
Maybe like vanilla with a tad of heaven?
I'd rather smell Gilly's vago, user.
>but generally celebs are digusting like hooker