How low are your standards

how low are your standards

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I'd prolly fuck her if I was drunk enough and then feel terrible about it for weeks after.

So pretty low.

havent had sex in about 3 years, will fuck anything
so tempted to go to a brothel

high but then some weird form of desperation kicks in but even then i still think theyre high

she looks like fun

My standards are pretty low but I don't know why I'm decent looking and have never had a problem with women, I think I just realised a long time ago that standards are self made cock blocks




Pretty low. Im macking on pic related right now. She's a great lay, but physically I'm way better looking than her.

Really high.
Used to fuck anything and everything.
Fucked so many women now that I can afford to be picky and have high standards because I've had more sex than most people will their whole lives by 30.
I've not had sex in 3 years and not even bothered.

did she have a baby or something


No man she lost some weight. Stretch marks


ill go below 5 feet np


Generally high but lower in proportion to the amount of alcohol I consume, of course.

Rank, although after 6 beers I'd have my face buried in those titties


I fucked an fat American feminist chick who had a walking cane and while fucking I found out she had a hearing aid. I still waited to cum before I left.

I remember face fucking my fat neighbour against the wall when her bf went out after she'd bought me beer and cooked my dinner. Great times


standard? what wtf is that? just fuck everysingle time u can. good times will arrive eventually.

>how low are your standards
I voted for Trump.

Yeah mooooore. This bitch looks familiar too but I can't place her.

Pretty fucking low. :-(

A 450 pounder came on to me at a friend's wedding. Her pussy was so foul that every time I ate her out my face reeked for a few days. I dated her for a couple of months until she dumped me.

>how low are your standards
I have no interests in women.

sounds pretty hot desu

Go to the Philippines, my friend. There was some good advice in this thread the other night:


I would fuck almost any female, but I learned to be more careful and make sure not to make her have feelings for me.
I probably wouldn't enjoy a really unhygienic woman, or one that has full list of std's.

So, you only date supermodels like he does?

I'd fuck that thing after 8 beers.

Standards through High school and collage were non-existent. Fucked all the fatties and ugly bitches. Fucked everything I could, then got Genital Warts from a stripper i stuck it in. She at least had a rocking body but her face... Then it became my mission to pass it along.


I can get got chicks but also like to fuck fat gross chicks. Idk why. Stank fat pussy is so good to me.I always wanna fuck em raw. What's wrong with me.

Trust me, it wasn't. She couldn't be on top because I couldn't breathe. You could smell her twat even when she was just walking around with you outside.

Loneliness and desperation. She *had* been really hot around a decade earlier. I think what set her off was that I kept staring at an old photo of herself that she had in her bedroom, of her back when she weighed 300lbs less. She said I didn't make her feel good about herself.

Anna Marie Storelli. She went psycho in a coffee shop or somewhere in public I think. Has a few videos. Just google her name. Not poater of image, i have none.

TBH whoever that chick is she's well proportioned and kinda hot. I bet she's kinky as hell in the sack.

pretty fucking low, and i'm sure i could do better but i have low self-esteem

If I like somebody, it makes up alot for their physical flaws.

Isn't this the bitch that had a freak out on tape in a restaurant and got doxxed?

>only date supermodels
No, I just like to go after women who are half my age. Once they hit 35 or so, though, I get rid of them for a younger one.


Fucking gross.

ITT: kids who haven't figured out yet that the way a chick looks has basically zero to do with how much fun she is in bed.

I'll fuck just about anything at least once just to see, and again if it was fun.

I'd say at next to 30 years old your standards are pretty much over. Might as well be fucking double quarter pounders at Mcdonalds.


I'm almost 40 and mine were pretty low to begin with. I'm not even an unattractive guy so I don't know where it went wrong. Oh well.

Damn! And I thought pic related was the only hot midget

id worship this asshole

I fucked a midget before. She wasn't particularly attractive and had no idea what she was doing in bed but it was fun to fuck someone that small. I ended up feeling bad about it because she actually liked me and I know I hurt her feelings but I'd definitely do a midget again under different circumstances.

Practically begged this to have sex with her, would probably fuck worse.

Sure, I'd fuck her.

pretty fucking high.
this is why im 26 and still a virgin. i had many opportunities to lose it

I knew a guy like you once. He ended up being gay.

Your standards are only as low as what you are into. What you find attractive someone finds ugly. But let's be honest, if you are a five you shouldn't be reaching for a eight. Highest a five should go is a seven unless you are rich

>if you are a five you shouldn't be reaching for a eight
That's a pretty shitty and defeatist attitude tbh. You underestimate how far a good sense of humor can get you.

no way. i saw a gay porn scene once and it still scars me until this day

i could pay and lose it in a brothel but i think thats gross

I believe you I guess. I mean no reason to lie about being a fag on Sup Forums. Just lower your standards a bit though man. No need to jump all the way to fucking a whore. Just take the next somewhat attractive chance you have.

There are exceptions yes but for the most part you shouldn't be playing in the pro's if you belong in triple a

Too Low?


omg love it, more? kik? Snap?

Not sure. I've been trying to find more pics.

such a filthy whore, i just love everything on her

Sloppy fat sluts are my type!

> how low are your standards

Currently going out with 4/10 immigrant girl
She is unattractive to me
She doesn't let me drink
She is super conservative
No sex
Haven't been able to cum since I started dating her. I used to fap every day for a decade.


pretty low. in desperation this was the last piece of pussy I had

she was right tho, fucking ppl making out in public. its depressing to see other ppl in happy relations.

I would do some serious heresy and fuck a sjw. I got a thing for dyed hair but not a thing for screamers or landwhales.



I stop before gross Swedish chick.
Pros. No body hair. Insanely tight pussy perfect little tits. Huge soft ass and silky smooth skin.
Cons. Ugly in the face. Fucking weird customs and grooming. Garbage hair and makeup. Kinda retarded.
Other notes is 29-35 yo and begging to get knocked up. She'll even raise it without my support she says.

That’s saying that having a factory new stat track dragon lore will get you into the professional league in CSGO. Humor is subjective to most, some may find you story about how you ended up getting shitfaced and waking up in a barn straddling a goat is funny but others may not find it funny.

Cheated on my partner with this girl just so I could fuck her pussy because she was crying about her abusive boyfriend and needed emotional sex.


Gross you should kys after that

she cute AF

shockingly higher than I initially thought before viewing this pic

That link doesn't work faggot.
What about Philippines?

I fucked this girl on several occasions


idk if she belongs in a low standard thread

I'd fuck her in broad daylight, sober. IDK I'm attracted to tumblr-looking bitches.

I just like sex. I'll fuck anyone that I can. Fat, skinny, black, white, idgaf. If they're cool I'll fuck them more than once. Anything else is just another notch. Pic related

I'd rather die a virgin than fucking a human-whale.
Even if I were to be alone with pic related and she'd start undressing herself.
So not that low actually.

Would destroy

Yeah I can vibe with that I feel you

Want moar of her?

i'm similar but the have to keep it quiet. I'll give an uggo a good fuck but she can't go and tell people

hell yea

Like her boobs?



Rights nudes!

She's a sweetie-pie

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